tomorrow is week one post :)

Tomorrow is week one Down of eating clean and increasing that water intake. I would love to hear from all the members about how you did, good or bad. This a good way to keep motivating everybody and help adjust any struggles you are dealing with.
So think about what you are going to say and I'll be posting a discussion in the.morning :) c'mon early birds! :) join in <3 all for your support :)


  • storknursekelly
    storknursekelly Posts: 94 Member
    For me it was a great week. I have been eating clean since May 28th, so most of the cravings are gone, but I know from past experience that even if I indulge once in a processed food or fast food it sends me immediately into this binge mode. I never ever ate fast food, like burgers fries because I've always been overweight, pizza once a month for our family & cost wise we just couldn't afford it, I just ate too much & wasn't active. But I know my brain & body too well to give into those temptations yet. I've lost 12 lbs so far & I'm not going back this time. I'm determined to exercise everyday & to stay clean so I can control the cravings. It takes 4 months for our cells to change & that includes brain cells that can still remember those cravings. I wish everyone another successful week & not to beat yourself up if you had some good & some bad days. It's all about taking it one meal at a time, one day at a time & choosing to make the decision to get to your goal weight & lose fat & be healthy.
  • missmimichan
    I had a great week! :)
    I ate healthy and didn't give into processed sugars or fats while sticking to gluten and dairy free. No cheat days and I gotta say my tummy feels a lot better! I did have cravings but I just told myself I don't need that, ate something healthy and forgot about that craving. Eating healthy has helped with my over eating. I like to eat lots of food and with vegetables I can eat as many as I want! So when IM really hungry and not thinking straight because I haven't eaten in a few hours I stuff vegetables in my mouth and IM good :)
    I've also stayed pretty active! Haven't been this active in a while. The next 60 says I want to keep going and hopefully this will help train my brain :p
    I've also been drinking about a gallon of water a day. It's really helped keep me full because the last few days I've only consumed a little over 1,000 calories a day and IM full.
    I've been off and on eating clean and the cheat days really made me fall off the wagon. I would just binge eat on my cheat day and that rolled over into the next days. That's why I'm getting rid of my cheat day for just 60 days then I'll probably get it back and will know how to control myself. So I've lost 10 pounds before this challenge but for this week
    I've lost: 4.4 lbs
    1.1 %of fat!
    My bmi went down

    I have never lost 4 lbs in one week. I couldn't believe my eyes! Lol I am really proud of myself right now :)

    Hope everyone is doing well! Share your week experience :)
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    That's amazing!! Way to go!! I hadn't logged the previous weight gain I had (back up to 250, ugh!) but after this past week I've managed to lose 6 lbs! From eating more vegetables and fruits, throwing in a hot yoga class and trying to cut back (trying completely, doesn't always work) processed foods. I'm overjoyed and so incredibly excited! Not only to see the weight loss, but I FEEL so much better. I don't feel so down and out, and I definitely don't feel as lazy and tired.

    So, let's keep this up!! YEAH!!
  • nrz242
    nrz242 Posts: 76
    Hey all,
    So far this week has been great! Yesterday was my cheat day for milk but overall I've lost 5.2 lbs which is better than I ever would have hoped. I just got a gym membership so I should be able to be a lot more consistent about my exercise this week. Very much looking forward to sticking with it for the rest of this challenge, seeing even a little bit of success is fantastic. Good luck everyone!
  • missmimichan
    Wow we are all sticking to it and getting amazing results! Losing more weight this way yeah! Happy for everyone! Remember nrz242 you can drink almond milk. It's dairy free and has twice the calcium! Good.job everyone let's.keep it up!