Nursing mom

Wondering if I am getting enough calories at 1200 I am a nursing mom but don't see where to put that in my profile?


  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    There's not anywhere to put it in your profile, but you should log it in your food diary to account for the additional calories you need to keep your supply up.
  • nrbrake
    nrbrake Posts: 38 Member
    I would say it depends on how your baby is. Is he/she exclusively nursing? I really doubt you are getting enough at only 1200 calories a day. If I were you, understand I am not a doctor, I would figure what you need to maintain and start there. Then gradually decrease to maybe 1600 LOWEST. Nursing helped me drop 35 pounds in two weeks. Not healthy, but I also couldn't control it. Like I said, I'm no doctor, but I have been nursing for a year and a half, and have learned a lot. If you have any questions or need support with losing weight and nursing feel free to add me or message me! I have successfully lose 65 pounds from after I gave birth till now and give nursing a lot of credit in helping. Don't give up nursing to lose weight unless you have to, I know I would have regretted it!

    Happy nursing! (:
  • nrbrake
    nrbrake Posts: 38 Member
    I would say it depends on how your baby is. Is he/she exclusively nursing? I really doubt you are getting enough at only 1200 calories a day. If I were you, understand I am not a doctor, I would figure what you need to maintain and start there. Then gradually decrease to maybe 1600 LOWEST. Nursing helped me drop 35 pounds in two weeks. Not healthy, but I also couldn't control it. Like I said, I'm no doctor, but I have been nursing for a year and a half, and have learned a lot. If you have any questions or need support with losing weight and nursing feel free to add me or message me! I have successfully lose 65 pounds from after I gave birth till now and give nursing a lot of credit in helping. Don't give up nursing to lose weight unless you have to, I know I would have regretted it!

    Happy nursing! (:
    how old your baby is**
  • ThaithaiChocolate
    ThaithaiChocolate Posts: 46 Member
    The WIC office will tell you 500 over your daily calorie count which is set for normal people at 2000 I suggest you go to you neighborhood WIC office they can help you determine what is the right amount of calories :)
  • angieochoa1201
    With my 10 mo. old only feeding before bed and when she wakes I haven't been adding any extra calories to my diet for nursing. I suppose I might need less than half of what normal exclusive feeding moms would take in...So I account for 200 calories burnt. I do not eat those calories back because I have not had a chance to exercise either. In my mind it all balances out BUT IF I FEEL DRAINED AFTER A FEEDING i will eat and/or drink a glass of juice. Sometimes I feel that way sometimes I don't.
  • eknewcomer
    eknewcomer Posts: 1 Member
    It definitely depends on how old your baby is. If your baby is under 6 months is is exclusively breastfeeding (meaning no other foods yet) I would add between 300-500. I would start by adding 500 for a total of 1700. If you can lose on 1700, leave it there. If you don't lose, take away 100 calories the next week and see if you lose at 1600, etc. 1500 seems to be the magic number for me when nursing one of my babies exclusively. :smile:
  • momma_gem
    momma_gem Posts: 11 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough to keep up your supply. It's surprising how many calories we need to consume while we're EBF. MFP says I need 1650 calories to lose 1lb a week. I added 250 for BF and I've been losing about 2lb a week eating 1900 cal a day! I also keep a very close eye on supply (wet diapers, satisfied baby) and drink a ton of water.