What do you work on in the summer?

tiafrijole Posts: 7 Member
I generally try to finish up the projects I didn't get done over the winter, so I end up knitting mittens and sweaters in the summer. What do you like to work on? Do you knit / crochet on vacation?


    MOJOtheDUCK Posts: 26
    I am a 5+ year knitter but just getting into patterns and stitches about 2 years ago. I am currently knitting every gift I give so it keeps me pretty busy all year round. I do love to make hats and fingerless gloves (my newest trick). I am working on a feather & fan Caracara Mobius cowl at the moment for a graduation gift and knit my dad a gold club cover for father's day. I'm awful at actually doing the finishing work (seaming/weaving in ends). I recently took a trip to North Carolina and was able to knit on the plane, sat near a new knitter and got into a convo about it. I think people are amazed to see someone in their 20's in this technology-based age doing "old fashioned" hand work! :D
  • maggiekcm
    maggiekcm Posts: 8
    I am making beach wraps for my nieces and garters for my cousins beach wedding...
  • seamstar
    seamstar Posts: 29 Member
    i started my first shawl. it is called Azzu's shawl. pattern from ravelry.com
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I'm planning on finishing the baby blanket I should have finished a year or two ago for my niece. I'm hoping she grows slowly. Haha. Otherwise last summer and this summer I've been making up my own patterns and playing around with designs.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I tend to knit/crochet a lot of market bags in the summer.
  • srdladybug
    srdladybug Posts: 9 Member
    I'm making a sweater so it can be done by the time is gets cold again.....
    I'm starting my first piece of clothing. I'm making a bolero/shrug that's a lace pattern, worked flat and then the sleeves are seemed together. I'm way excited! Wish me luck!
  • lulu4thewin
    As I posted elsewhere, I'm working on the free Ravelry pattern: Juliana Wrap. I'm also whipping out cute bracelets for myself and others with the Oh My Cuff pattern, also free Ravelry. Cute, quick, and embellished with an artistic button of your choosing. I do like wrist-wear, and these satisfy my instant gratification needs while I'm working on the longer project. :)
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    Lately I've just been trying to get through my stash (there is plenty of yarn I've bought with no project in mind that's just sitting around) and finishing up WIPs (like maybe that amigurumi I started in January 2012????). I'm going on vacation at the end of August (it's a sit-around-do-nothing sort of vacation) and I plan on bringing the Fall Fields cardigan from Interweave (http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/fall-fields-cardigan); just bought the yarn last week, excited! (Not sure how excited I'll be when I'm crocheting with wool in August, though...
  • qtcaro
    qtcaro Posts: 48 Member
    Hope its ok to join! Decided to get back on the exercise boat and lose the last 10-15 pounds! I plan on knitting as many shawls as I can this summer in order to clear out some of my stash. At least that is the thought behind it.
    I just did the Cuddly Cactus pattern on Ravelry. Geez owe it's adorable! And you can really make it as skinny/fat/short/tall as you want! I even added a little cactus flower to cover up when I switched some stitches! I highly suggest it. He will make a lovely addition to my office (since it has no windows)
  • lulu4thewin
    Teafrijole: I think it's a really good idea to work on projects way in advance (Halloween amigurumi in the spring, Christmas stockings in the summer, etc. I keep trying to make myself do that. You know it's going to feel good to have those sweaters finished and waiting for you on the first cool day. :)

    Mojo: I'm intending to do a lot of gifts this summer, too. Here's hoping!! Like you, I dislike seaming and finishing. It's hard to have patience for all the weaving in of ends!!! I consider it a whole other stage of the work and sometimes save it for a separate session. I also worry about an end popping out (after washing, etc.) in a gift I've given. I've taken to felting down the last bit in projects that have a high enough wool content, of adding a tiny bit of fabric glue in the synthetic or cotton projects. Does anyone else do that? Or am I just obsessive. ;p Your little cactus sounds cute! Let us know how the bolero turns out. :)

    Maggie: Beach wraps are such a good idea! Where did you find your pattern/s? It's so great when you can see your work helping to make happy family memories; creating the garter for your cousin's wedding is another wonderful idea. :)

    Sean: I looked up Azzu's Shawl; I like it! I've added it to my library. Let us know how it turns out!!

    Wbandel: If the baby grows fast, just add a few rows to the blanket. haha I'm sure you'll soon have the gratification of seeing the little one snuggled up in you loving stitches. :)

    Sabrina: I love unique market bags...I bet using ones you've made yourself adds a nice bit of pleasure/satisfaction to the never-ending job of food gathering. :)

    srdladybug: Another smart lady preparing ahead for the cold. :)

    blueboxblues: I hear you on the stash problem. I'm trying very hard to work my way through my pile before allowing myself to bring home more....why did I ever buy some of this stuff? haha Good luck on the amigurumi. :)

    qtcaro: Another stash buddy. Maybe we need a ticker for working through our piles?! How are the shawls going? I know I've seen shawls made up of all the scraps and odd skeins someone had...but they always seem to have just the right colors...and mine seem too weird. hmmmm. :D
  • lulu4thewin
    Ok, I have to report that my Juliana Wrap is not going to work in the worsted yarn I was trying to "use up" in making it. Deep in my heart I knew it wouldn't work, but I can be an instant-gratification optimist when I'm in the mood to do something.

    I've abandoned the really too stiff black & beige one (hopefully will be able to unravel and re-ball all the yarn) and have decided to try again with some skeins of Lion Brand Homespun (in "Tudor" which is a cream shot through with sage, teal, sapphire, amethyst, and gold streaks).

    This is still way heavier than it should be, as the pattern calls for sock weight, but I want to use this stuff up. hahaha I've decided to change the solid sc core for a *sc, ch one, skip one* pattern that will hopefully increase drape.

    Also, the pattern starts with a ch10 and increases by 2 stitches every 2 rows until it reaches 52cm in length. I decided to ch out to 52cm, and decrease as needed to get the shape/size I want.

    I'm seeing this mostly as neckwear--sort of a wrap around lacy kerchief. Since my yarn is so much heavier, following the pattern too closely will likely render an afghan. haha

    I do like those hooded tassels that will hang on each side when you're all wrapped up. :)

    Here's hoping this works!

    PS: Why does Homespun seem so popular? For me, it separates too easily, and often obscures stitches...:P
  • PepePants
    PepePants Posts: 47 Member
    I'm finishing up a blanket and that's a HOT project for the summer! Next up: lacy curtains in mohair.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I'm currently working on a blanket, which is not such a great summer knit. Lol. it is a baby blanket though. I started it thinking it would go to the navy/ marine corps relief society, but they said they have too many knitters/crocheters so it will probably go to project Linus.
  • AmberElaine16
    I've been working on creating my own patterns for hats, blankets & wraps.
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    trying to finish some WIP's before I do anything else. I love doing baby items and afghans and right now I have a shawl, a fox, and a granny square blanket on the hooks.
  • QueenWino
    QueenWino Posts: 106
    My hands are wrecked from intense summer gardening! Every time I think about starting a Christmas gift or a baby blanket (for a child born 1 month ago), my cracked fingers get a ghost ache!
  • AnneMarieCaroline
    I'm working on a crochet tote bag for a friend. Trying a new pattern - I've made many tote bags using the free pattern on Lion Brand.com for the Bubble Tote and they're so pretty, especially if they're lined. But I thought I'd do something a bit different this time.
  • asalembier
    asalembier Posts: 124 Member
    I made a duck, a bunny and a fleece dog blanket for my brothers baby shower last week
    I am working on two large dragons for my kids that I started forever ago and just can't seem to finish
    My next project is a touque for hubby
    Then I have no idea... maybe mittens and hats, or sweaters
    I have only been crocheting for 1.5 years, knitting I did when I was a teenager but long since gave it up, now I may take it up again depending on the pattern.

    I still get stuck on what kind of yarn to do with each pattern