What's your favorite system for carrying water on long runs?



  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    More often than I'd like on my long runs I carry my water in my Bob Ironman. (That's a jogging stroller for those of you who may not know.)
    When I'm running solo (to me running solo means without my 3 yearold. I may still be running with a friend and running solo) I take my camelback. I like it. I use it for half marathons too so I don't have to deal with water stations.
  • kkramey1970
    kkramey1970 Posts: 82 Member
    Anything over 10-12 miles and I use the CamelBak Marathoner pack. Its not real noticeable - doesnt move around or get real hot. Works for me. Shorter runs I take a water bottle.
  • chriscm70
    chriscm70 Posts: 76 Member
    Wow, great feedback! I knew this was a good group :-)
    I will read through these all tonight (still at work)
  • amandamurdaugh
    amandamurdaugh Posts: 138 Member
    Honestly, I carry one of those little yellow amphipod bottles in my pocket. I don't like the belt. Using my pocket has worked for me. In the marathon, I start drinking at mile 8, take a drink every mile. At mile 13, my husband meets me & swaps out the empty for new, same for mile 20. I don't drink course water.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Love my camelbak as I cannot stand having anything around my waist. I did a marathon this past spring and decided to forgo the camelbak to use the waterstations. i had a horrible time drinking from a cup and trying to run. Had to totally stop each time and drank in lots of air with the water. The camelbak has a straw and i have not problem drinking and running at the same time. :)
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I use a handheld water bottle for shorter runs (14 miles or less), and a Nathan hydration vest for longer runs. I think I'd use the vest for everything if it wasn't such a pain to clean the bladder out -- I like it a lot. I used to use a fuel belt but I found it aggravated my IT bands.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    I got used to wearing camelbaks through my mountain biking and wear a Nathaan Minimist on my runs. I tried water belts but they drove me nuts and I don't like carrying bottles when I run.

  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    For longer training runs (over 90 min) I have a Fuel Belt with 2 x 12oz flasks, for races I usually rely on the water stations. I may be adding a 3rd flask to my belt as the summer progresses as I'm training for my first full marathon this coming October.

    I used to have one of the belts that held a larger bottle diagonally in the small of my back - I still see lots of runners with them - it drove me insane bouncing around (which I suspect may be a guy thing resulting from having no hips and flat butt)
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I had more of "one size fits all" type of water belt with two water bottles that I grew to hate. While a nice problem to have, it got to the point where I couldn't get it small enough for me (I'm only 5'2"). I prefer to wear a water belt more at hip level than around my waist and it would never stay put, it would start to flop all around... even if I tried to wear it around my waist, I couldn't get it to fit me correctly without flopping all around. it was awful.

    I switched to a water belt that was sized (I think Nathan makes it) and I'm much happier. I wish the pocket was bigger so that I could fit my phone in it. But, when critiqued on what I got it for - hydration - I've got no complaints. This belt holds four bottles, but I don't always take four bottles on my long runs if I don't think I'll need them all. A run needs to be over ~8 miles or so for me to bring any water at all. I hate having things in my hands, and while I'm a camelback enthusiast when biking, I can't imagine trying to run with something like that on my back. When I did my marathon, I didn't bother bringing any water. I will be doing a half marathon trail run this summer as part of my training and their aid stations aren't that close together, so I'll probably be bringing water with me because I'm expecting heat and I KNOW there will be lots of hills!
  • denny_menter
    denny_menter Posts: 34 Member
    Fuel belt with 4 bottles. For a long run when I need to carry all four, it's a little heavy at first but it gets lighter quickly.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I used the Amphipod RunLite 2 while training for fall and early summer marathons. So far its worked for me but I've also had to refill the bottles along the way on almost all my runs over 16. Its been hot and I drink lots of water while running.

    My running coaches advised against handheld water bottles as the said it would throw off our gait. I was ok with that because I personally don't like holding anything. My hand gets all sweaty and hot and my arm doesn't feel free to move.

    I saw lots of people running marathon with Camelbacks. I've never tried one but would be afraid of chafing and I already have the craziest running tan lines.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member

    I saw lots of people running marathon with Camelbacks. I've never tried one but would be afraid of chafing and I already have the craziest running tan lines.

    i've never had chafing issues with the Nathan Hydration Vest, however I did when I wore a fuel belt.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member

    I saw lots of people running marathon with Camelbacks. I've never tried one but would be afraid of chafing and I already have the craziest running tan lines.

    i've never had chafing issues with the Nathan Hydration Vest, however I did when I wore a fuel belt.

    I've never chafed with my hydration belt but there have been a couple times my back/hip started to hurt a little bit. I am already I little out of whack on that side though. :-( It's still been my best solution though.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    Fuel belt 4 bottles. I upgraded to the larger sized bottles. They don't bother my arm swing when I run, but they do when I walk.

    I hear so many people talk about camel backs. Those that use them love them - end of story. Maybe one day I'll try one out. It's a big leap of faith, as I overheat easily and they seem like a lot to be strapping on my back/chest.
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    During marathon training I took one water bottle which I carried, as I figured I'd have to get used to it for water stations on the day. I then took cash and would hit corner shops on the route. Where I would also get jelly sweets for an extra boost.
    I also planned routes where I would come home part way through, so 10 miles,home for refuel, then another 7-8 miles.
    Good luck!
  • barrpc
    barrpc Posts: 96
    i use a fuel belt with the 4 8 oz bottles. on runs over 13 miles i make sure there is a store or fountain to refill. It get very hot in Houston this time of year and we really have to drink alot while on our longs. But the 4 bottle belt I have used for a few years and seems to work ok for me.
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    I like to plant water bottles on my route so it will be more like the race. You can run past your starting point a few times to avoid excessive preparation time.

    I tried this once after hearing the idea, had IT band problems half way and got picked up, forgot about my bottles planted all around my town haha.. they had disappeared by the time I went back! LOL:bigsmile:
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    Oh and some useful info for you.. I also have a belt with 4 small bottles and I used to carry a large 750 ml bottle aswel!