blam Posts: 110
One more week into this journey! Am really looking forward to hearing how people did and their insights. I feel like I'm settling into a routine, and found myself getting grumpy when I didn't get my bike ride in on Saturday because of the weather and family commitments.

On another note, my husband is taking the kids rafting next weekend and I declined - without telling them why - but it's because the water is cold and the raft company lends out wetsuits and I don't want to have to squeeze myself into whatever size and feel like everyone will be judging me.

Also, my son went zip lining with his class and it was the first trip I didn't go on because you have to tell your weight - and I didn't want to go crashing into some tree because of my size.

I'm so SICK of missing these things (that I would otherwise happily do) because I'm embarrassed. This time around the weight loss is going to stick so that I can re-engage!

What are you looking forward to doing that you haven't done in a while?


  • ECTexan
    ECTexan Posts: 195 Member
    Zip lining and sky diving are two things I've always wanted to do.. but they both have weight limits of about 250lbs so I've never been allowed to. I'm right around that mark now and hopefully in a couple more months I'll be a safe enough distance below it that I can finally have those adventures!
  • gwangjujulie
    LW: 199.5

    TW: 197.7

    After a few weeks of staying the same I'm finally out of the 90's (I weigh in kg but convert to pounds for the group) wooohoooooooo :happy:
  • prayaas
    prayaas Posts: 30
    Finally ! the scale moved :smile:
    So I have lost 1 kg this week which is about 2 pounds !! Really thrilled specially after the non performance for last two weeks :bigsmile:
    Big thanks to blam & the group for the constant motivation :flowerforyou:
  • scling83
    scling83 Posts: 26 Member
    Last week: 246.2
    Thursday: 244.6
    Today: 247.0


    Well done to everyone who lost their 2lbs (and DIDN'T put it back on like I did)

    Here's to next week..... :smile:
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    Way to go prayaas and gwangjulie - it's your turn to be our motivation this week!!!!! scling83 - keep at it - and congrats on logging in and sharing your struggles - it means you haven't given up!

    I'm weighing in tomorrow morning b/c I was at my parents and away from the scale this morning.

    So glad we've got this group going! I was looking forward to logging in this morning to see how people did :drinker:
  • kinismar8
    kinismar8 Posts: 14
    Lost 3 pounds this week, woohoo! I have such a hard time with losing. I'm lucky when it a pound a week. Feeling really good this morning.
  • ECTexan
    ECTexan Posts: 195 Member
    SW: 257
    LW: 249
    CW: 246

    Heck yeah! Didn't think I was gonna lose this week cuz I was off my thyroid meds for a few days, but it happened :)
  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    Since our fearless leader, blam, is delaying weigh-in til tomorrow, I'm going to, too! A bad week, high-sodium dinner, and TOM shot my # thru the roof this AM. Will report back tomorrow with a more realistic (but still bad, I expect) weight. :)
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Good morning everyone :smile:

    I just wanted to say first, congrats to everyone that keeps posting either you lost or not! Commitement, perseverance and consistency is what will bring us the results we want:wink:

    I had a great week on my part and I'm pleased!:bigsmile: I reached the 50 pounds lost mark!! :bigsmile:

    SW: 232.6
    LW: 226.0
    CW: 222.6

    -3.4 pounds! :glasses:

    I really don't get my body though! I had a not so good week diet wise... One night I had 3 slices of pizza with fries and mayo, 3 days later I had 2 big italian sausage, with plenty of cheese and 3 /4 of the cheese bread loaf with half an hagen daz ice cream jar! Saturday I also ate because I was frustrated ... I had this fried pork with like 6 cup or rice and peas and fried plantain...:embarassed: Then like if the week wasn't bad enough I had only a 30 minute walk! I did add an hour one on sunday though! I'm also in TOM right now and I have read somewhere that we burn more calories the week before maybe that's it? Could it be that all that food was a metabolism booster to my body? I will never know and honnestly I won't do this on a weekly basis while I'm trying to lose weight!!:laugh: I'm not complaining, I'm happy and I'll leave it at that!

    For me also weight has been keeping me in the house... Weight limit, embarrasement, no swimming for me in so many years, how the clothes fit, ect! Huh Let's work on that and make sure we are happy about ourself and do the things we like!:drinker:
  • kejones0402
    Hi everyone, it has taken a while due to reduced motivation and a nasty ear infection, but I am happy to report the scales are my friend and I have lost another 2lbs

    SW - 140

    CW - 136

    Well done to everyone who is sticking with it :)
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    Last week: 143.6
    Current week: 144.0

    I have a feeling water weight. I upped my cals to maintenance. We will see!
  • Establishedn1986
    Establishedn1986 Posts: 306 Member
    Last week 213.2 Today Exactly 211.2 :)
  • missmissica
    missmissica Posts: 33 Member
    LW: 166
    CW: 167


    i know i need to work out...
    congrats to everyone who lost weight!!
  • kinismar8
    kinismar8 Posts: 14
    diamond05 congrats on hitting the 50 pound lost mark!! That is a big milestone, and you should feel proud of yourself. Way to go!
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    Everyone is so awesome!!! It's amazing to me to see these results - both the ups and the downs. diamond05 you are ROCKING the weight loss - those numbers don't happen just 'by chance'. So motivating!!

    missmissica - keep at it and don't get discouraged. We can do this - you've had a couple of crazy weeks. Keep logging in and making the right choices. It will all add up.

    Way to go kejones0402 - for sticking with it despite lost motivation. It's way easier to give up than it is to come back and admit what you're going through.

    I'm learning so much from everyone - especially that many of my thoughts/experiences/patterns are so common.

    I'm loving watching these tickers going up - my fingers are crossed for tomorrow. I really don't know what to expect. My week wasn't as good as last week, nor as bad as the week before.
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Wow I can totally relate to not wanting to do things because of the weight!!!

    We went to a water park a few months ago. One of the rides is a double tube. They tell the heavier person to sit in the back (or was it front??) anyway i REFUSED to do that with my husband in case they made me take the "fat" seat!!

    I want to go again and KNOW i get the skinny seat!!

    We also went to canada once and we were going to do some olympic sledding thing. When i saw you had to wear sweatpants with the size TOTALLY HUGE printed down the side of your legs i quickly changed my mind.

    Sad all the things we miss out on ????

    Anyway i started at 193.8. Went up and up.

    Back down and now at 193.

    Sad i have not even lost a pound but i have to at least be happy i am going in the right direction!!

    Thanks Blam for your hard work each week!
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Thank you kinismar8 and blam! :flowerforyou: :blushing:

    I definately want this weight off and Im doing my best to lose it!
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110

    Back up to 231.8

    Same old excuses: not enough time, blah blah blah

    This week I am going to log my food. I tend to rely too heavily on exercise, and when I don't have time to do it, my food choices aren't good enough.

    Please hold me accountable!! This bites. I was tempted to lie - this is embarrassing.:brokenheart:
  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    SW: 195
    Wk1: 192.4
    Wk2: 194
    Wk 3: 192.5
    Wk4: 196

    So, Wk4 was obviously not good. And that was expected. I had an overnight job early in the week, which throws my whole schedule off. So I have not run in a week. It took me today to recover from those hours. I have even skipped my normal dog walks because we have had so many storms and so much rain here in MN. Plus, I ate crap all wknd and have not gotten completely back on track AND TOM started yesterday.

    No excuses, just reasons for what happened. And this is how it goes sometimes. That, I know. It's just that "sometimes" is more like "all the time" for me right now. I've been in the same 5# range since Thanksgiving. I know why, but it's a long story. Will share another time, I think.

    Big congrats to those of you that have done well!!!! I am happy for you! Here's to a better week ahead, for those of us that didn't so as well. :)
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Blam good job being accountable to yourself and posting!

    I have decided that making the goal of staying under calorie goal EVERY DAY is the way to post a loss for me each Tuesday.

    You are doing a lot of hard work - i think we all just need to find our own groove! Keep fighting the fight and you will find yours!!!