foam rolling and foot massagers and KTape

hi all!
I finally succumbed and invested in foam rollers and KTape. I used Ktape this morning for my 2 mile run, the pain wasn't there anymore (tight calfs and plantaar faciitis).
Wondering if anyone has tips or experience in this?


  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    Foam rolls yes, big fan. I've tried the K tape and really did not see any difference but others do swear by it
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Here's a little item on foam rolling:

    my massage therapist has got me using my roller after every run.

    I've seen mixed reviews of K tape but personally know a few runners who swear by it. (Haven't tried it myself yet)
  • LisaO85
    LisaO85 Posts: 152
    Love,love, love my foam roller. I have noticed a huge difference since I started using it on a regular basis.

    I have never used the tape..
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I cannot imagine that the tape would stay in place, or that it would afford the same kind of support that arch supports provide. I also have a hard time believing it would stay in place during a longer, sweaty run.
    But, hey, if it is being recommended, somebody is finding it helpful.
    In my experience, the key to rehabilitating plantar fasciitis is to stretch, stretch, stretch.
    The reason it is so hard to heal plantar fasciitis is that the tissues begin to heal and knit together when there is no weight on your feet (like all night), and then when you put weight on your foot you stretch it out again and the new, weak and tender tissue rips again. It is my understanding that that is why the supports work; they prevent the arch from getting depressed when you step hard, which elongates the tissue again, and re-tears it.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    KT Tape Pro stays on for up to 7 days .
    Sticking is not an issue.

    I use it for knee support.. It helps
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    hi all!!
    Thanks for the replies!
    I ran for the 2nd time today with Ktape on my feet, I used the plantaar faciitis taping method recommended by the website, I have to say, it helped! My run was a bit less than 2m, though I also used Rocktape yesterday and it seems to be a stronger stick than Ktape. Though once I shower, it peels right off, which is ok (though wasteful) since I need to come into work and wet tape on my feet is kindda not an option...
    Anyways, I also began using my foam rollers and feel less strain in my calfs, I also do tons of stretching as my therapist and others recommend. Though heel pain is gone, I still feel pressure in plantaar facii, I also bought a mini foot roller- I'm trying everything!

    My goal is to do a marathon in the fall, (NYC) so my mileage is starting to increase and thus aches and pains ;-(
    Any tips are appreciated- thanks and have a nice day!
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    hi Juicemoogan,

    I'm curious, when you shower, it stays on? If so, how long does it take to dry up?