June 25, 2013

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hey there!

    Y'all I'm feeling really down. The weather is driving me crazy. I can't move without being hot and sweaty. It's so miserable. I want to workout and do stuff, but just sitting perfectly still is disgusting and suffocating. sigh. I hate to grumble to you guys, but I'm also so dang grumpy, I can't even stand myself like this. Today was basically just the usual walking & tot-carrying, nothing more. :frown:
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Sherry - I am sorry to hear that you are feeling as such. Don't you just dislike it when moments such as you are dealing with come about. The weather can actually have a negative or positive impact on our mood. I know you don't have a/c...right? Are there such things as "misters" in your neck of the world that you can use whenever doing non-running workouts and do them outdoors or in an area of your place that misty water won't cause any damages? Those misters are nice to have around (we've been talking about purchasing one to use on really hot days while sitting outdoors in the shade. I don't know what else to suggest and right now the expense of a gym membership is cost prohibitive for your budget...right? How long are the hot summers in your area?

    I've spent most of the day heavy cleaning indoors and will hit the outdoors to help DH with a few small chores as the sun starts to set. When all is done I plan on doing absolutely NOTHING for the rest of the night! I'll get up early tomorrow morning and do another walking routine....indoors or out depending on my mood.

    Sending smiles, hugs, and encouragement to all.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    I know I am always afraid to say I want it warmer because then warmer comes and I am like, cool down!!!

    We are on last day of cool here. 77 tomorrow, 85, next day and then 1 week of mid 90's. For us thats warm. Don't know how people live in 100's all summer. I wouldn't leave the house except to go in air conditioned car to work.

    It rained here today but like i said last day of it.

    I turned off alarm and didn't go to nia today because i came home extra tired and on edge of being sick with cold or allergies. Just the yucky feeling and I had long day at work.

    My day ended with everyone left me alone last 45 min and the phone rings at 5:28 I didn't want to answer but if i didn't the time would be on message that i didn't pick up. So then i get this lady saying sorry, but she wasn't at all, kept me on phone for over 15 min not knowing what she wanted, so tired feeling yucky i had to work extra half hour to close up.

    The smile of my day is I bought myself a new rose bush called "melon lemonade" it is peachy colored and turns pink when it opens. Now if i can just keep it alive!!!
  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi everyone.. I'm forcing myself to rest.. I think I'm coming down with something.. I've just been nauseated all day...and have been having hot flashes just feel like yuck..Sherry yes I think it is the weather that's a driving force. It is in mid to upper 80's right now high humidity... it will be 109 by Sat. :-( seriously 28 degree jump in 3 days.... Ca is so extreme hopefully tomorrow is better...

    The entire world is having weather changes El Nino...well anyway they said Alaska is having a heat wave...

    Oh sent hubby to the store....bad idea ..(2nd week in July we are going to eat raw for 2weeks)... he came back 2boxes of captain crunch cereal....

    He says he wants to try to eat better but its moves like that ...total set backs.. he doesn't quite see the if its here in the house you will eat it bit.

  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    It sounds like a mid-year slump around here. I think Pam was wise to take her rest week this week. Marla, hope that cold or allergies (I can never tell the difference either) stays at bay. At least the work day is finally over and hopefully that kind of call won't come again in the last minutes. That rose sounds lovely. There are many beautiful varieties of roses planted around public or semi-public spaces in Greece and I've always taught my kids to stop and smell them (literally!). I guess these heat waves can be pretty unbearable, but on the other end of the spectrum are frequent mild-ish Winters and often flowers like roses are blooming 75%+ of the year.

    Toni, that is a huge jump in temps! Take care! Sounds like a heat wave, like we get. I think we are almost over ours and will see a gradual drop in temperatures (I hope!). It is definitely a strange year for weather. I can relate regarding the husband. Mine is always complaining about having gained fat (he's actually in pretty good shape), but then he constantly buys chips and donuts and ice cream and of course I eat it too. It's gotten so bad that now I even buy these things (I used to NEVER do that...I always did my healthy choices at the store so I wouldn't have to fight the urges at home). Oh well, I guess I should add that he also loves to make salads and that makes me feel pretty lucky.

    Pam, yes these negativity downward spirals stink. I find myself fighting the negativity and that NEVER helps. I really need to just "let it go", just "release" it. This happens often in Summer, where I "fight" Summer and then eventually I surrender to it and everything goes great. It's hard to explain. Greek Summers are strange and can be difficult for people who weren't raised in Greece. Those who grew up here already know how to "do" Summer, but it takes a girl from the mountains a few weeks to figure it out. :wink: :laugh: Anyway, I was in the US last Summer, so I'm a little rusty. As for a gym, we wouldn't even consider it right now, because it's Summer and we might be in & out of the city, plus no one to watch the kids, then in August I'll have lil girl 24/7, so no way. I'll have to think about it in September (of course the weather'll be great then, so what's the point, haha).

    Anwyay, long post! Gonna go add to today's thread. Feeling a little better. Thanks for letting me talk all this out. :smile: :heart: