Daily Check In's Week 6/23 - 6-29!

Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
Here we go Team! I had a rest day yesterday, but did manage to get in some swimming. This morning I did Kata 45 @ 5 and had the best calorie burn I have had with that workout. I am on the count down and am on day 50 today! Can't wait to order Focus T25,


  • nickel_b
    nickel_b Posts: 12 Member
    NIce work! My calorie burns are going up, too. I work out after my toddler goes to sleep at night. Tonight, I have the Lower Body Lean Out and I'm going to pair that with a Chalean Xtreme weight circuit. Next weekend will be my 30 day mark and I'm looking forward to seeing how my measurements have changed :)
  • Miche11e5
    Miche11e5 Posts: 114 Member
    Happy Monday! I had some catch-up to do Saturday because I missed my Thursday workout. So, I did Thursday and Saturday workouts on Saturday! Sunday I went to a Hot Yoga class - I need to get to that at least once a week. All of the kicks we do in LMC is really tightening me up! Today I started week 4 and did Combat 60. My calorie burns are increasing too - I'm thinking its because I am familiar with the workouts, so less down time and it's getting warmer here!

    Have a great week everyone.
  • luisalg14
    luisalg14 Posts: 202 Member
    I've started the programme officially today; decided to do the Cardio Fighter one instead of the 30 min one and loved it :heart:
  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    I got back to it today!! I have decided though, that I am not going to follow the program to an exact t right now.... I am doing my own schedule with it, because I have done better, in the past, with doing something repeatedly for awhile. Today I started with C60 Live, and I'll be doing that the rest of this week along with walking/running on my treadmill. I am feeling very alive after my workout tonight, and it feels great!

    I need to work on my eating though. I drank a ton of water today - but my eating definitely wasn't on key, but I am going to work on it! Hope everyone had an awesome day!
  • rebeccakes
    rebeccakes Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! I am new to the program and to the group. I did day 2 today of the combat program. I am going to try to follow the program while training for a half marathong in September! My long run days are Saturday and I plan to take Sunday off for both programs! So far, I really like it! Any advice for a newbie?
  • luisalg14
    luisalg14 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello! I am new to the program and to the group. I did day 2 today of the combat program. I am going to try to follow the program while training for a half marathong in September! My long run days are Saturday and I plan to take Sunday off for both programs! So far, I really like it! Any advice for a newbie?

    Hi there! I am on day 2 as well (ultimate warrior). Alas, I can't give you any advise because I'm just as new :p I hope you enjoy it!
    Good luck with your running. I wish I had a bit more patience to run long distance.

    Edit: Love the HiiT power workout. So much fun to do strength training with a cardio component. Those plyo lunges... omg... my legs! :laugh:
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    Rough morning today! Snooze button was calling my name....but I forced myself to get up and do HIIT 2 Plyo....by the way I really hate burpees! I had a low calorie burn this morning, which is discouraging after my good burn yesterday. Then after I got done and got ready for work I was putting dishes away while making my shake, and meals for the day and dropped a bowl that shattered all over the floor. Just what I wanted to do this morning is clean...LOL! All good though I managed to get out of the house and to work safely! Got my shakeology down and the day started to get better. Now the ultimate plan is what can I do tonight to offset my low calorie burn this morning. Either Swimming or the treadmill are the plan at this point. I only have 9 days left and am not going to slack now! Hope y'all got a good chuckle out of my struggle this morning! Bring on the Burn Baby! Have a Great Day!
  • nickel_b
    nickel_b Posts: 12 Member
    I've had low calorie burns on the plyo workout as well. I think my average is 262, which isn't that bad because I think it is less than 20 minutes. But, low for a workout in general. That's why I've been pairing the shorter workouts with the Chalean Xtreme push weight circuits. Tonight is Combat 60 for me!
  • rebeccakes
    rebeccakes Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! I am new to the program and to the group. I did day 2 today of the combat program. I am going to try to follow the program while training for a half marathong in September! My long run days are Saturday and I plan to take Sunday off for both programs! So far, I really like it! Any advice for a newbie?

    Hi there! I am on day 2 as well (ultimate warrior). Alas, I can't give you any advise because I'm just as new :p I hope you enjoy it!
    Good luck with your running. I wish I had a bit more patience to run long distance.

    Edit: Love the HiiT power workout. So much fun to do strength training with a cardio component. Those plyo lunges... omg... my legs! :laugh:

    Hey!! Glad to be on the same plan as someone or same days at least, but I think I am doing the basic warrior program with 2 rest days so I can also run at the same time. HIIT wasn't easy, that's for sure! But I enjoyed it! I'm still learning the moves so hopefully I can improve as I go.
  • rebeccakes
    rebeccakes Posts: 11 Member
    Does anyone use gloves or any other equipment? I have hand weights but that's it?
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I do not use the gloves, I just push to make a good fist.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I swam a little last night to get in an extra calorie burn. Up and at it at 5 this morning with Cardio Live. I am on the count down and have 8 days left. I am no in debate as to which program I am going to do next Brazil Butt Lift (I have at the house) or T25 (on the way). Decisions....I will keep you posted.

    Have a Great calorie burn today!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Thank you for creating this week's thread!! I am planning on officially restarting after I get moved on the 15th of July, perhaps the Sunday after that so I have time to organize things and make room to workout :)

    You guys are all doing great!!!
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! I am new to the program and to the group. I did day 2 today of the combat program. I am going to try to follow the program while training for a half marathong in September! My long run days are Saturday and I plan to take Sunday off for both programs! So far, I really like it! Any advice for a newbie?

    Hey rebeccakes--no advice for you but I would just watch things to make sure of not overtraining. I trained for a half about 3-4 years ago, and while the early short runs were just fine, I would wonder about the combined impact for medium and long runs plus the jumping from LMC. Have you seen this combined schedule: http://www.coachbh-phd.com/les-mills-combathalf-marathon-hybrid/ (I noticed that he does Upper Body Blowout the days before his long runs on a couple of days). It's not the same thing, but I am actually not progressing as quickly as I can with my strength training/heavy lifting because many of the workouts use both arms and legs and I am trying to make sure I get enough rest/recovery time in.

    I don't use the LMC gloves but I have some light bag gloves that I use--mostly it's a mental thing (heightens the effort I put into my punches).
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    Thank you for creating this week's thread!! I am planning on officially restarting after I get moved on the 15th of July, perhaps the Sunday after that so I have time to organize things and make room to workout :)

    You guys are all doing great!!!
    No problem I had to post to hold myself accountable, and saw it wasn't started.
  • Dharmafor1
    Dharmafor1 Posts: 32
    I haven't been logging in as I've been dealing with a shoulder injury. Actually what was thought to have been an impingement turned out to be a torn rotator cuff. After 8 weeks of a green light I and hitting a plateau, I was sent for an MRI which revealed a slight tear and mega inflammation. Saw the specialist today and got a cortisone shot and was told to hold on until Monday to start anything. The workouts did nothing to further injure the shoulder or make it better so it is what it is. Still working out but giving the shoulder a break this week. I'll probably start on week 1 again in a week or 2. Ughhh! But I don't want to do these and fluff the punches either. Still plan on checking back to see how everyone is doing though!
  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    I need to tell on myself, I didn't do my LMC workout..... Shame on me! I did walk for about 30 minutes....but wish I would have done my scheduled workout instead. I am really rethinking working out at night because I am exhausted. I need to work on getting my rear out of bed early in the morning instead....Its just hard when I know I can sleep in.

    My goal is to get out of bed at 6am tomorrow morning and get it in.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I haven't been logging in as I've been dealing with a shoulder injury. Actually what was thought to have been an impingement turned out to be a torn rotator cuff. After 8 weeks of a green light I and hitting a plateau, I was sent for an MRI which revealed a slight tear and mega inflammation. Saw the specialist today and got a cortisone shot and was told to hold on until Monday to start anything. The workouts did nothing to further injure the shoulder or make it better so it is what it is. Still working out but giving the shoulder a break this week. I'll probably start on week 1 again in a week or 2. Ughhh! But I don't want to do these and fluff the punches either. Still plan on checking back to see how everyone is doing though!
    At least you are still doing something. That is what you need to do right now and give your shoulder a rest. You will be back in no time.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I need to tell on myself, I didn't do my LMC workout..... Shame on me! I did walk for about 30 minutes....but wish I would have done my scheduled workout instead. I am really rethinking working out at night because I am exhausted. I need to work on getting my rear out of bed early in the morning instead....Its just hard when I know I can sleep in.

    My goal is to get out of bed at 6am tomorrow morning and get it in.
    I switched to mornings, because evenings are to tough, Life gets in the way! I love having my nights free so that I can do a little extra exercise or just have some down time and family time. I also feel like I have more energy through the day by working out in the morning, hard to workout after a 10 hour day. Keep me posted on how it goes for you. I tell on myself all the time also, it holds me accountable.
  • rebeccakes
    rebeccakes Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! I am new to the program and to the group. I did day 2 today of the combat program. I am going to try to follow the program while training for a half marathong in September! My long run days are Saturday and I plan to take Sunday off for both programs! So far, I really like it! Any advice for a newbie?

    Hey rebeccakes--no advice for you but I would just watch things to make sure of not overtraining. I trained for a half about 3-4 years ago, and while the early short runs were just fine, I would wonder about the combined impact for medium and long runs plus the jumping from LMC. Have you seen this combined schedule: http://www.coachbh-phd.com/les-mills-combathalf-marathon-hybrid/ (I noticed that he does Upper Body Blowout the days before his long runs on a couple of days). It's not the same thing, but I am actually not progressing as quickly as I can with my strength training/heavy lifting because many of the workouts use both arms and legs and I am trying to make sure I get enough rest/recovery time in.

    I don't use the LMC gloves but I have some light bag gloves that I use--mostly it's a mental thing (heightens the effort I put into my punches).

    Wow!! Never seen that combined schedule before! Thanks! I will look more into that. I was trying to space out my runs and then have 1 complete off day from all exercise. But I am not that far into it so we'll see. I am not against adjusting by any means!!
