New to this!

Emsie_lou Posts: 50 Member
Hi everyone, I have suspected PCOS as I have the symptoms of facial hair, excess weight, skin tags etc etc I am trying to eat low carbs but I have no idea what is the best amount daily for PCOS. Can anyone advise me please? And does anyone have any ideas on low carb foods which I can base my diet on?


  • Nancy_AZ60
    Nancy_AZ60 Posts: 99 Member
    My daugher has been on a very low carb plan for about a year now.. she is down 88 pounds she looks and feels great.. please look her up PIC_NIK or PIK_NIK or PICNIK (dang I cant remember exactly how she spells it) I am not so good at low carb but she is and there are support groups for that too
  • Nancy_AZ60
    Nancy_AZ60 Posts: 99 Member
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Hi everyone, I have suspected PCOS as I have the symptoms of facial hair, excess weight, skin tags etc etc I am trying to eat low carbs but I have no idea what is the best amount daily for PCOS. Can anyone advise me please? And does anyone have any ideas on low carb foods which I can base my diet on?

    It's really more based on you as an individual (height/weight, activity, age, gender, metabolism, etc). What amount of carbs are you eating now? Cut it down from there. Example: I used to be able to lose eating 150g/day, but that was nearly 10 years ago (and almost an extra 100lb). Now I have to eat like half of that, depending on activity, to lose now. I also was able to stop bc pills, since my cycle is regular now, from cleaning up my diet and dropping the carbs. (I have pcos, too)

    I'd recommend getting your carbs from non-starchy veggies mostly, maybe some berries or other lower sugar fruits. Lots of protein and good fats!