Poll: The Scale

Kbeatty32 Posts: 15 Member
Just a quick poll. How often do you weigh yourself? Do you find it better to weigh every day or once a week?


  • Kbeatty32
    Kbeatty32 Posts: 15 Member
    I used to be a scale junkie, weighing first thing every morning and it would set my tone for the day. I broke myself of that and was weighing in weekly then my scale battery died last week and I'm taking the opportunity to take a month long break from the scale. I'm close to my goal weight and I just want to focus on building muscle and I know the scale will probably show a weight gain from that and I don't want to be disappointed.
  • Lol. Multiple times a day. However, I don't really put any stock the number until my Weight Watchers meeting on Tuesday. I am a PhD student. Research is my life. I just like to see how my body reacts to different things. The End. I don't get down if it goes up or too excited if its down. With that being said, this isn't for everyone.

    I have to rely on the scale because I wouldn't see any progress. I have lost 11 lbs and my measurements have not changed. Not even 1/4 of an inch. I have been doing cardio and resistance training with no changes.
  • einstein7
    einstein7 Posts: 1
    I used to weigh once a week. Now I weigh sporadically. I'm very close to goal weight, so fluctuations by a couple pounds either way are very frequent. To be honest, I weigh when I feel skinny. I never weigh when my rings are tight as I know I'm retaining water. I too am focusing on more strength training, and for me the best gauge on how I'm doing is how my clothes fit. If they start feeling tight, I get more serious with diet (healthy, low glycemic load, adequate protein) and step up the exercise.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    when I wasn't doing anything to benefit my health I would weigh maybe once every 3 months (sometimes longer), but when I started to pay attention to my health I started out at once a month.

    Then when I started MFP I became a once a week weigh in person although I found it so interesting to see just HOW MUCH fluctuation can occur in a day so once or twice I've experiemented by weighing in 4-5 times throughout the day and sometimes I'll weigh everyday for a week, but I only "count" my official weigh in day's weight on Wedenesdays.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Usually once a week, but there are times that I check throughout the day or week. I have been trying to only check on my weigh in day which is Sundays.