Back after my first baby

blueeyes25s Posts: 78 Member
Hi, my name is Dawn. I had my first baby 9 weeks ago. Prior to getting pregnant I lost 30lbs and managed to gain 60 while pregnant. I lost about 30lbs within the first two weeks after I had the baby. It seems I will have to work a little harder to lose the remaining weight. I am EBF/pumping. I went back to work on Monday so it's been a hectic week and finding its hard to workout and take time track my meals and I have no idea how many calories I should be eating. I have been just eating when I'm hungry and try to eat healthy.

I am also looking to add friends for a great support group. So feel free to add me.

I also ran my first half Marathon in May 2012 and want to get back into running and run another one May 2014.


  • savemama
    savemama Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 9 months PP and i've had 2 babies so I understand the drive to lose that weight! (Especially when you worked so hard to be a healthy weight before).

    Just want to encourage you: slow and steady wins the race on this one! It is amazing how our bodies have their own mind PP. I've hit my head into a wall trying to lose at the beginning, only to have it just melt off later. There are hormones and healing at work in your body. And if you're BFing... all the more demands on those calories.

    My personal experience has been- worry about WHAT you're eating... not how many calories. Meaning- eat healthy calories. Calories with plenty of nurtrients in them. Drink lots and lots of water. Take your vitamins. If your body realizes it will get its needs met- it will start slowly releasing the weight. On the other hand, if you "diet" too soon, or don't watch the nurtritional value of your calories, it will start holding on to every bit to sustain your healing process and milk supply.

    Our bodies, after all, want to survive above all else! It doesn't care how you look or feel. ;)

    HTH! And congrats on your new bundle of joy!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi, I'm called Dawn too :). Congrats on your baby!

    I put on loads of weight in my 2nd pregnancy and now, 2 years on, I am 65lbs down and thinner and fitter than I've been since my early 20s (I'm 35).

    I live in England so had the advantage of having a year for maternity leave, so plenty of time for walks and exercise.

    Just eat healthily and exercise as often as you can fit it in. It's fine to lose the weight slowly, and that also means you're likely to keep it off.

    Feel free to add me.