2 week eat clean challenge



  • gretchygirl32
    gretchygirl32 Posts: 48 Member
    This is the perfect time to challenge myself !

    I agree! I was eating way too much refined sugar, and I knew I was so addicted. I figured this was the best way to re-kick the habit!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I'm coming into the challenge late, but I'm in!

    Had a bad, bad week so I planned on "starting over" this morning so this a great challenge for me. My goal is to get back to more non-starchy veggies, proteins, and less sugars and certain carbs.

    So far, so good for the day! :smile:
  • freindsofmine
    freindsofmine Posts: 123 Member
    Im in , off and on .more off lately but back on today so found this challenge on the perfect day .must be telling me or showing me .i need this .......everything happens for a reason right. I guess i should read others post befor writing .i sound pretty much like a carbon copy
  • Those of you who started at the beginning; we're almost there! Little less than a week everybody! Those of you who came in late; it'll go by before you know it. :smile:
  • literarykate
    literarykate Posts: 9 Member
    I would love to join. I just bought Tosca Reno's book tonight since my yoga teacher recommended it during our last class. I want to lose 50 pounds and I'm tired of counting points and calories all the time. I want this to be a lifestyle change that I can stick to. I welcome support during this. Starting tomorrow by going shopping around the outside perimeter of the store.
  • lcm135
    lcm135 Posts: 3 Member
    I will join you in this! I have 13 lbs to lose.
  • Xeldadog
    Xeldadog Posts: 15 Member
    I'll join, as well. I just learned about clean eating a couple weeks ago. This week I focused on making clean eating recipes from the blogs I learned about on MFP. My immediate focus was to stop eating cereal, the quick and easy breakfast that I always fall back on when I'm in a rush. This challenge will encourage me to step it up!
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I eat cereal nearly every day, but I choose the more healthy ones. Tosca Reno like oats with some hot water poured over them just to moisten them. I really like them done that way. I like them moist and not watery. Then I add my fruit and yogurt and it makes a great breakfast.
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    Starting on July 1st. Time to give up my dry cereal in the middle of the night habit, and this is a good incentive to. I am in : )
  • I would love to join the 2 week eat clean challenge! Like many others I need to jump start my health and fitness regimen again. It has been over a year since I have logged on here and my body shows it. Congrats to everyone that finished the challenge and good luck to those that are still going. Cheers!
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    My College (vegetarian) daughter is home for 2 months. I am going to remove mammal flesh from my diet. I have been curious about trying this-- and now seems like a good time.
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    Question...? Sugar in Jiff Peanut Butter and LaVictoria salsa..how do you know if the sugar content is natural or not?
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    My College (vegetarian) daughter is home for 2 months. I am going to remove mammal flesh from my diet. I have been curious about trying this-- and now seems like a good time.

    01JY no flesh
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Are you talking natural verse artificial? Or are you looking for high fructose corn syrup? Either way read the ingredients it will tell you the type of sugar used and you can decide if it's right for you.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I slipped up last night and had an artificial sweeter binge.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I found artificial sweeteners to be a major source of sugar binging for me. It took me about 3 months to feel easy about not having artificial sweeteners in my life. I was a major addict. I never realized how intertwined things like diet soda were in my life. I've been off them 1 1/2 years now. I had zero problem saying no to them now, but it was hard that first few months. Hang tough you'll get there. What I found helpful is to say "I don't eat artificial sweeteners." Rather than "I can't have them."
  • I hate that I've only just found this, better late then never right.
  • MizzFit66
    MizzFit66 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am not new to MFP only I have strayed away from it for some time. I seriously need to focus and jump back on board. Hopefully its ok I join your group. I am coming to an end of my vacation and back to work on Tuesday. I am going t create my shopping list for the week and organize my meaks for the week. In order to keep focused the key is Planning. Anyways, I am wishing you all a fabulous week- Cheers! ! :happy:
  • sevenswans
    sevenswans Posts: 12
    Ok, I know most of you have probably finished or close to finishing your two weeks now, but I just saw this and am so in. I started eating clean-er (ie, not 100% but a whole lot better than I have been of late) yesterday, so today is my day 2.

    Those of you that have already done the challenge, how did it go? Any results or successes to share?
  • I too just came across this group and topic. I have been eating clean for the last week for sure, and a bit longer with small slip ups for a week before that.

    Just a note on artificial sweeteners for those that have mentioned it. I am not sure if this falls into the category of clean eating, but there is a sweetener call Stevia that is a natural extract from the stevia leaf, with chicory root. There are no calories and one gram of carbs in each 1 gram serving that equals the equivalent of 2 tsp. of sugar.

    For me, a big part of eating clean is juicing veggies and fruit. It is the only way I can pack in so much nutrition in one sitting, and since I don't have a palette for many veggies, I mask the flavors with a bit of fruit.