New UP user

jessRRT6 Posts: 5 Member
Hello. I just bought my UP yesterday. I am loving it so far. I'm curious how often I should sync my UP to the app. This morning when I did it gave me more calories and a large burned calories amount. Then I synced again and they went away. I don't want to delve into any unearned calories. So I am interested in your best practices and experience has been!
Thank you.
I would also love to have more team members. Hit me up if interested. Jess Hohnsbehn


  • sstan03
    sstan03 Posts: 102
    I will usually sync about 4 times a day. The first is when i get up in the morning, after that, i sync when i leave work and then after my workout. I finally sync one last time before i go to bed. This will usually keep me good on my calorie total with MFP.

    hope this helps,
  • arbnmp
    arbnmp Posts: 1 Member
    Just got mine as well & noticed the same problem--it gives me the daily exercise total at the beginning of the day, making it seem like I can pig out. Example: normal daily calorie goal: 1800, once synced w/ Jawbone Up 1st thing this morning, 1800 + 1686=3486. Even after I went for a walk, it doesn't seem to take away the 1686 baseline. I already checked the "negative" calorie option under "My Apps". Will try what you suggested Sean & report back,


  • jessRRT6
    jessRRT6 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Sean! That helps!
  • sstan03
    sstan03 Posts: 102
    My first day with the UP, I had the same issue but since I have been syncing right before I go to bed (before midnight) and then again when I get up, helps sync MFP and UP.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm seeing the same. It seems to be applying that when we're, assuming as at least I am then, syncing sleep. Not sure where the exercise numbers are coming from as they're different from the day before too.

    So I've been syncing about 3x - 4x : sleep, mid morning to clear the initial activity, after majority of activity/exercise, an hour or so before bed
  • JenWyrd
    JenWyrd Posts: 7
    Hi all,
    I am fairly new to MFP, been doing it for about three weeks and I also got the UP a couple of days ago. I am pretty confused about it all I must admit. First I think the UP over estimated activity... I thought I had a fairly sedentary lifestyle but I clocked 15000 steps today without doing anything extra apart from a short dog walk. That was just housework! So now the UP is telling me to add 700 calories onto the MFP amount which seems a lot. MFP was originally telling me to eat 1300 cal a day but I found this to be unmanageable, I was so hungry I was not able to sleep so I upped my calories to 1400-1500 which was much better. How does everyone else find the UP? Is is accurate? should I trust it or not?

    Cheers Jennie
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Jess, I sent ya a team request.

    I sync my UP a couple times a day. However, I may be a little different. First, I know how many calories before exercise I want to take in per day (let's call it 1500). When I workout, I then look at my calorie burn and add most of it to my cals for the day.

    So for example, I run 5 miles and burn 1,300 cals. I may add 1,000 cals to my 1,500, which gives me 2,500.

    I do find UP is syncing fine with MFP though.

    And just a note for all: make SURE you calibrate your UP. If not, it's going to be very inaccurate. I walked for about .25 miles when doing mine and I did it a couple times along with a secondary app to check the accuracy. Out of the box the UP was way, way off for me but after calibration it's great--even when I run.
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    I've been using my UP for nearly a fortnight, I generally sync about 3 times aday, if I go for a long walk I sync afterwards as I like to know how many miles I've walked and how many calories I've burnt.

    Before my UP added my calorie burn to MFP I used to work out my own calorie burn and eat back some of them but now I just try and stick to my allowance without any extra, ( I have upped my calorie allowance by 150 though ) as UP will add calorie burnt and then take them away. Also a couple of times I've woken up to find that I've already burnt 1300 calories before getting out of bed but then they vanish.

    Enjoy your UP. X
  • JenWyrd
    JenWyrd Posts: 7
    Thanks design guy. I haven't calibrated mine yet, will do that soon. So does everyone eat their extra up calories? I haven't been eating them all so far...
  • JenWyrd
    JenWyrd Posts: 7
    Just worked out why the gross over estimation of my exercise, when trying to do a timed activity I accidental logged separately 1 whole hour of dancing instead of 10 mins of it... I did this twice....I feel like a twit! lucky I didn't eat all those extra calories!!
  • getrealforme
    Just got mine as well & noticed the same problem--it gives me the daily exercise total at the beginning of the day, making it seem like I can pig out. Example: normal daily calorie goal: 1800, once synced w/ Jawbone Up 1st thing this morning, 1800 + 1686=3486. Even after I went for a walk, it doesn't seem to take away the 1686 baseline. I already checked the "negative" calorie option under "My Apps". Will try what you suggested Sean & report back,



    How do you check the "negative" calorie option under "My Apps"? I can not find where to do this.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    See this post by Mark, an MFP staffer
    Enabling a negative calorie adjustment from your integration with Up band will give you the most accurate information about your calorie expenditure for the day. A negative calorie adjustment indicates that you are using fewer calories on a given day than our original MyFitnessPal estimate.

    The option for allowing negative calorie adjustments can be found by logging in to your account at, then clicking "My Home" then "Settings" then "Diary settings". Check the box for "Enable Negative Adjustments" then click "Save Changes." Your settings will take effect the next time data syncs from your device.

    We recommend enabling negative adjustments if:
    • you expect to wear your tracking device consistently
    • you would like the most accurate calorie feedback MyFitnessPal can provide
    • your device is able to sync its data multiple times over the course of the day

    We recommend disabling negative adjustments if:
    • you do not expect to wear your device consistently
    • your device can only sync occasionally, or only late in the day
    • you wish to use the device only for the motivational experience of earning additional calories
  • getrealforme
    See this post by Mark, an MFP staffer
    Enabling a negative calorie adjustment from your integration with Up band will give you the most accurate information about your calorie expenditure for the day. A negative calorie adjustment indicates that you are using fewer calories on a given day than our original MyFitnessPal estimate.

    The option for allowing negative calorie adjustments can be found by logging in to your account at, then clicking "My Home" then "Settings" then "Diary settings". Check the box for "Enable Negative Adjustments" then click "Save Changes." Your settings will take effect the next time data syncs from your device.

    We recommend enabling negative adjustments if:
    • you expect to wear your tracking device consistently
    • you would like the most accurate calorie feedback MyFitnessPal can provide
    • your device is able to sync its data multiple times over the course of the day

    We recommend disabling negative adjustments if:
    • you do not expect to wear your device consistently
    • your device can only sync occasionally, or only late in the day
    • you wish to use the device only for the motivational experience of earning additional calories

    Thank you!!
  • furryfeathers
    furryfeathers Posts: 6 Member
    I'm on day 3 with my UP.
    I try to eat no more than 1500 calories a day right now, and am still slowly losing.
    The more I exercise, the bigger losses. I don't then eat the calories 'freed up'.

    I'll be calibrating as soon as I do an outdoor walk with my UP. Right now I am only walking in front of the TV since it is near 90 every day, unless I walk at 6am, which just hasn't worked yet.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Your UP total burn is your TDEE. Eat less than that, and you'll lose weight.

    Log all food & drink in MFP and most* exercise, activity, and workouts in UP.

    * According to this MFP article, you should log swimming in MFP, as there is no swimming activity in UP: