Sunday Weigh-In

getsuyoubi Posts: 55 Member
Hey girls,

I went ahead and created this topic for those who want to weigh in weekly.

By today I weigh 138.2 lbs or 62.7kg, which is a loss from last week by 1.8 lbs or 0.8kg or 1.29%.

How did everyone else do?


  • kellilitza7
    I started the week at 124 lbs. I'm down to 119.5 lbs.

    4.5lbs lost!
  • getsuyoubi
    getsuyoubi Posts: 55 Member
    I started the week at 124 lbs. I'm down to 119.5 lbs.

    4.5lbs lost!

    Wow, great job! That is a huge percentage for one week! Did you change anything particularly, where you think that helped a lot?

    Well done and WTG!
  • kellilitza7
    I started the week at 124 lbs. I'm down to 119.5 lbs.

    4.5lbs lost!

    Wow, great job! That is a huge percentage for one week! Did you change anything particularly, where you think that helped a lot?

    Well done and WTG!

    I've always had a problem eating hand over fist. It's like breathing for me. Counting calories has always been super helpful to me and when I do need to lose weight I can usually do it 1 pound per day. When I joined the military I lost 60 pounds through January and February so I could get in.
  • ReadynWillin
    ReadynWillin Posts: 104
    Wow that's awesome Kelli! I can't even imagine losing so much weight in just 2 months. And congrats on the current 4.5 pounds lost. Keep up the good work ;)

    For Week 1, I lost 7 pounds, 2 inches on my hips, and 1 inch on my waist. Can't help but think I'd be losing more inches if I would just cut out some more empty carbs.

    If I take weight lost / previous total body weight, I burned 2.9% of my total body weight.

    Btw, how did everyone get their "weight bar" at the bottom of their posts? I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's under settings lol. I'm gonna go look now...
  • sterphy
    sterphy Posts: 68 Member
    Pretty happy with Week One, 1.6 lbs and 1.5 inches lost:
    SW: 215
    Last Week: 205
    CW: 203.4

    Starting Waist: 36
    Current Waist: 35

    Starting Hips: 42.5
    Current Hips: 42
  • kellilitza7
    Thanks. :) You did great this week too! Don't get down, 7 lbs and 2 inches is great!
  • SillaWinchester
    SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
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