Did it!

dobberloon Posts: 34 Member
Just finished W9D3!!! I ran 35 minutes ( through the last brisk walk) for a total of 2.7 miles. While I feel great about it I am holding off a big I DID IT until I can actually finish 5K (3.1 miles). I've never run before and I am on the far side of middle-aged so I am pretty darn thrilled. I did sign up for a Sprint Tri in August and the running part is my biggest challenge. So, I will keep going!

Truly " If I can do it, YOU can do it!!"


  • momo3boyz
    momo3boyz Posts: 29
    CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's SO-OOO AWESOME! I am on Week 7 and am hoping to do a 5K this fall when I have "graduated."
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    That's fantastic!! Well done:) You will definitely be running the 3.1 miles in no time! Congratulations:drinker:
  • melzenitram
    melzenitram Posts: 67 Member
    AWESOME!!! just did W1D1 and it was easier than i thought!! lol so excited. training for a zombie runin oct and a COLOR RUN!!
  • dobberloon
    dobberloon Posts: 34 Member
    Now I can officially say I have completed the C25K. This evening I ran right after an 18 mile bike ride. I ran a route I know is 3.6 miles. Even though I could run for 35 minutes I had yet to run the whole thing without walking at the end. Tonight I ran 3.8 miles at an average of 5.3 mph! C25K works!! I could have never done it without it!!

    As I am apt to say: "If I can do it, YOU can do it!"
  • WooHoo! Way to go!!! I just completed Week 9 Day 1, but I run on my treadmill as I have plantar fasciitis in both feet :( I know running outside is more difficult, but I am celebrating just the same! :)
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    WooHoo! Way to go!!! I just completed Week 9 Day 1, but I run on my treadmill as I have plantar fasciitis in both feet :( I know running outside is more difficult, but I am celebrating just the same! :)

    So I am still learning the joys of running (walking I got down
    ...lol). Why is it harder to run outside vs the treadmill ??? I have yet been able to run on treadmill. I walk about at 4.2 mph on the treadmill.
  • ntjelmeland
    ntjelmeland Posts: 24 Member
    The hard ground is harder on your joints. Grass is better, but still takes a toll. A treadmill/elliptical will be less resistance. Try bending your knees when you run outside. It's not what your body naturally wants to do, but once I got the hang of it, I stopped hating running outside!