First week check in!

stlbarbara Posts: 26 Member
Hi Everyone!

By reading the news feed it looks like everyone has had a great week. And so far everyone seems to have surpassed their goal this week. I love the first week, its when its new and you try your hardest. But, I hope we all remember this is a marathon and not a sprint. I am hoping we all learn skills to keep ourselves healthy for the rest of our lives and not just while we are on this team.

If your weight loss did not show up on the news feed, please send me a message or post it on this thread. Also, I need everyone to post or message me your exercise by hours this week and I will put it on the spreadsheet. After I get everyone's information I will post our progress this week.


  • stlbarbara
    stlbarbara Posts: 26 Member
    I lost 3.8 pounds this week and exercised 5 hours. I will admit that I had a huge fight with my boyfriend and didn't eat much. So this next week will be harder for me.
  • Leah_T
    Leah_T Posts: 17 Member
    I lost 2 pounds and exercised 7.4 hours. Still no sweet tea.
    My goal for this week is:
    Walk my daughter to daycare Mon-Wed
    Bike ride today, stairs on Tuesday, run Wed, Thursday is a holiday so hope to get something in on that day, Friday rest, Saturday is the Hannibal Cannibal 5k. Also hope to keep up with my eating. I have done pretty good this past week, gonna try to do good even with the holiday. Have a bbq at the in-laws Wed night.....
  • hrn4789
    hrn4789 Posts: 6 Member
    I joined a week late, so I did my first weigh in today.

    My goal for this week is:
    Walk to and from work at least 2 times this week.
    Complete the Hannibal Cannibal 5K walk.
    Not give in to stress eating!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    No real loss this week. Had a lot of high sodium foods over the weekend and I'm retaining water bad.

    Goals for this week: Going on vacation - I want to stay active and do lots of activities outdoors this week!! Hiking, the 30 day challenge workout, canoeing, volleyball and badmiton. Stay busy and active - exercising a LOT so I dont have to worry about being over on calories when I enjoy my meals! :laugh:
  • stlbarbara
    stlbarbara Posts: 26 Member
    I am not sure if anyone else is going on vacation this week, but with the holidays we will all have to get lot of exercise to make up for the bbq food!
  • stlbarbara
    stlbarbara Posts: 26 Member
    First week check in totals - I have everyone's weight loss in the spreadsheet. As a team we committed to losing 8 pound a week. Drum roll please! We lost 24.6 pound this week! Great job everyone!

    I still don't have everyone's exercise totals by hour for the week, if you want me to track that for you please send me your hours.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!