Welcome and Introductions

HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
Welcome to our study of the Gospel of John, written by the disciple and best friend of Jesus.

It speaks often of love, which is good for those of us, trying to become healthy, fit and feeling whole. We can all use some love. :)

Please take a moment and introduce yourself. Let us know your goals, desires, hopes, dreams, and anything you'd like to share.

This is a place of safety and respect. We will be supportive and encouraging while assisting in accountability if you would like us to.

We have stickied (kept on top) several things.

A. Welcome and Introductions

B. Today's Bible Study Lesson - with a date on it

C. Three members - highlighted for prayer for them. We are rotating through the membership and will be posting with a sticky the members to pray for on any given day. We will unsticky when they cycle out and sticky the new one.

D. Prayer Requests - Post anything you want specifically prayed for. The prayer of the righteous availeth much.

It bumps the recent non-stickied posts out of the first level viewing, so CLICK VIEW ALL so you don't miss anything recently added.

Let's make this our special place to gather to be uplifted and inspired.

Your co-moderators
ChapLynne and MissSharon2013

BTW, invite a friend. Go up to the right and type your friend's name in and click, Invite. :happy: This sanctuary is enriched by all that join us.

If you have a personal prayer request that you prefer is not posted for all to see, PM me and I will see that our prayer warrior's team will be notified.



  • cpego1
    cpego1 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm Cassi! Wanting to loose weight and I love God and need all the support I can get. This sounds like a wonderful place to get what I need. I am a 48 year old living in Minnesota. I have been working with a dietician for the past 3 weeks hoping to get a handle on my diet dos and don'ts. Then I will start working with my training again, after I have some more test ran. Just had a Hormone test completed and waiting to go over those results tomorrow with the dietician. So wish me luck that the results will give some insights into some of my health issues.

    Hello! Everyone!
  • Beargoose
    Beargoose Posts: 2 Member
    How wonderful! I never thought that while losing weight I would be able to become a part of a study of the Gospel of John. I'm looking forward to being a part of your group.

    My goals are: to lose some weight, eat healthier and exercise on a regular basis. AND, thanks to your new group, enriching my life through studying the Bible.

    Thank you for starting this group!
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome Beargoose,

    We're glad you can be with us. Looking forward to sharing successes and encouragements.

    Do you want to be called Beargoose or another name?

  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome Cassi!

    We're so glad you decided to join us.

    I am impressed that you have been working with a dietitian and having your hormones checked. What an awesome thing to do!

    My nephew found he was thyroid deficient, and after not losing any weight for months, he lost 25 lbs in two months --- not changing his diet or exercise--but just adding his thyroid supplement. Hormones can be tremendously important.

    Glad you're here.

    I'm Cassi! Wanting to loose weight and I love God and need all the support I can get. This sounds like a wonderful place to get what I need. I am a 48 year old living in Minnesota. I have been working with a dietician for the past 3 weeks hoping to get a handle on my diet dos and don'ts. Then I will start working with my training again, after I have some more test ran. Just had a Hormone test completed and waiting to go over those results tomorrow with the dietician. So wish me luck that the results will give some insights into some of my health issues.

    Hello! Everyone!
  • Mom2my3girls
    Mom2my3girls Posts: 93 Member
    My name is Stephanie. I am 30 and live in Iowa with my husband and 3 girls ages 1,2, and 5. My family is my world and I try to give them everything. Unfortunatly giving them everything they wanted vs needed landed my husband and I overweight. My goal for July is to lose 5lbs, exercise 3 or more days a week, and (now that I have found this group) Study the Bible more and work on daily devotionals.
    Thank you for starting this group! Just what I need right now!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I'm glad this isn't all about virtuous eating, as I sit he and scarf down hot coca and a zucchini muffin... For dinner.
    (But the zucchini was from my garden, so makes its all healthy.....right?)

    I'm Kimberly. The most .personality indicative piece of info about me (aside from loving God, obviously) would be that I have been "unschooling" my boys for the past 13 years. My favorite social event is playing board games and card games at huge gaming conventions. (In August I get to go to GENCON).
    I have been a Christian for about 36 years. Been loving God as long as I can remember.

    My boys all still live at home. Gavin is 19 (20 in August), Connor is 18.5, and Kiel is 16. I met my husband my first year of college.

    I play conga drums in the church worship band.

    My newest learned information (cuz learning is my favorite thing to do next to playing games) is about Tardigrades and Autotertaploidy.

    I look forward to a Bible. Study that I can stick with over the next month. (I'm a little "ADD" when it comes to Bile Studies. I have at least 3 going on right now, like books. I have about 4 That I am currently reading)
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome Kimberly!

    Glad you are here. Thanks for sharing so much about yourself.

    I love the "Bile Studies" -- some Bible studies can be that way, I suppose. I am just teasing you. I am going to add it to my church typos list. I was a church secretary and typed "Bible STUD Fellowship" for our singles ministry. We were overflowing with women that next Monday night Bible Study. LOL

    We welcome your participation, but don't want to overtax you.

    I'm glad this isn't all about virtuous eating, as I sit he and scarf down hot coca and a zucchini muffin... For dinner.
    (But the zucchini was from my garden, so makes its all healthy.....right?)

    I'm Kimberly. The most .personality indicative piece of info about me (aside from loving God, obviously) would be that I have been "unschooling" my boys for the past 13 years. My favorite social event is playing board games and card games at huge gaming conventions. (In August I get to go to GENCON).
    I have been a Christian for about 36 years. Been loving God as long as I can remember.

    My boys all still live at home. Gavin is 19 (20 in August), Connor is 18.5, and Kiel is 16. I met my husband my first year of college.

    I play conga drums in the church worship band.

    My newest learned information (cuz learning is my favorite thing to do next to playing games) is about Tardigrades and Autotertaploidy.

    I look forward to a Bible. Study that I can stick with over the next month. (I'm a little "ADD" when it comes to Bile Studies. I have at least 3 going on right now, like books. I have about 4 That I am currently reading)
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome Stephanie,

    We are glad you are here and hope this is profitable time for you. May you achieve all your goals and find God's blessing in your life.

    My name is Stephanie. I am 30 and live in Iowa with my husband and 3 girls ages 1,2, and 5. My family is my world and I try to give them everything. Unfortunatly giving them everything they wanted vs needed landed my husband and I overweight. My goal for July is to lose 5lbs, exercise 3 or more days a week, and (now that I have found this group) Study the Bible more and work on daily devotionals.
    Thank you for starting this group! Just what I need right now!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Welcome Kimberly!

    Glad you are here. Thanks for sharing so much about yourself.

    I love the "Bile Studies" -- some Bible studies can be that way, I suppose. I am just teasing you. I am going to add it to my church typos list. I was a church secretary and typed "Bible STUD Fellowship" for our singles ministry. We were overflowing with women that next Monday night Bible Study. LOL

    We welcome your participation, but don't want to overtax you.



    My friends tell me that my goal in life is to be overtaxed, over complicated, and overwhelmed. I fear they may be correct.

    And, apparently, I am a bit attention deficit when it comes to typing, too.
  • kimbershep
    kimbershep Posts: 72
    Kimbershep aka Kimberly checking in. I'm a 34 year old executive secretary. I have 3 girls: Amani Djenne (pronounced Zha'nee) 16, Alexandria Christina (2), and Cadence Renee' (8mo). I've gained my weight after my last two babies. I'm not really happy about it but dealing with it. I love discussing the Word...love it, love it, love it! I love being a Christian, serving God & others as it is meant to be. I'm excited about this study, meeting all of you & being able to interact with you. I hope we can stay devoted & keep each other encourraged regarding living healthier & more virtuously!

  • mayancoh
    mayancoh Posts: 56 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Maayan (means “a spring of water” in Hebrew), im 26 and live in Jerusalem, Israel. I need to lose about 15 lbs after struggling with my weight for a big portion of my life. I got married a month ago to an amazing man!

    I’m Jewish but have been looking into Christianity for a few years now and there are a lot of things that I really relate to.

    I feel I really need to find a true and strong connection with God so I can live a more meaningful and full life!

    I would love to be a part of this group!
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hi Maayan,
    Welcome to Virtuous Living. We're so glad you will be looking into the Word with us. Ask anything you wish. All of our Scriptures draw from the Old Testament. Our favorite person was Jewish:laugh: ...so you are indeed in good company.
    I visited Jerusalem about 25 years ago. What an extraordinary city.
    That last 15 lbs can be the hardest to lose. We'll pray with you and encourage you to do the things you need.
    Hi everyone! My name is Maayan (means “a spring of water” in Hebrew), im 26 and live in Jerusalem, Israel. I need to lose about 15 lbs after struggling with my weight for a big portion of my life. I got married a month ago to an amazing man!

    I’m Jewish but have been looking into Christianity for a few years now and there are a lot of things that I really relate to.

    I feel I really need to find a true and strong connection with God so I can live a more meaningful and full life!

    I would love to be a part of this group!
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    What gorgeous names for your girls. Do they have special meanings, too? I love the genealogy of names, so I'm always curious.
    I am looking forward to this time together, too. So glad you have a fire in your heart for it.
    We'll pray our way to good health and keep each other's joys and concerns before our loving God.
    Kimbershep aka Kimberly checking in. I'm a 34 year old executive secretary. I have 3 girls: Amani Djenne (pronounced Zha'nee) 16, Alexandria Christina (2), and Cadence Renee' (8mo). I've gained my weight after my last two babies. I'm not really happy about it but dealing with it. I love discussing the Word...love it, love it, love it! I love being a Christian, serving God & others as it is meant to be. I'm excited about this study, meeting all of you & being able to interact with you. I hope we can stay devoted & keep each other encourraged regarding living healthier & more virtuously!

  • cynthiapick
    cynthiapick Posts: 49 Member
    I am Cynthia, aged 60 (only just) and I live in Yorkshire, England. I have hd a weight loss problem for many year. Having had a e Liver Transplant 2 years ago, the weight just piled on. I desperately want my body to become God's temple and one to be proud of. Look forward to the bible study and being part of a group of like minded people.
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome Cynthia,

    It is so cool that we are able to meet up around the world and be together in Christ. I've added you to my prayer list for your health and your success at the battle of weight.

    May we all lose a lot of weight--both our spiritual burdens and our physical excess.

    I am Cynthia, aged 60 (only just) and I live in Yorkshire, England. I have hd a weight loss problem for many year. Having had a e Liver Transplant 2 years ago, the weight just piled on. I desperately want my body to become God's temple and one to be proud of. Look forward to the bible study and being part of a group of like minded people.
  • Hello, My name is Jill. I live in west Michigan with my husband (of 10 years, just this week!) and our children, Caleb (almost 7) and Anneliese (4). I have a wonderful group of women who I meet with every week for Bible study and accountability. This seemed like a wonderful way to get connected to the myfitnesspal world. I just joined today. I read about it in Runners World and thought I'd try it out. Plus I really enjoy the book of John.
  • dakotadoux
    dakotadoux Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Cindi. I live in the Oklahoma panhandle with my husband of 27 years. I have two grown children and a very precious grandaughter. I have been on MFP for about 3 years now off and on. I have lost and gained during that time and I am currently down 15 pounds. It seems like I do much better when I use the tools this site has to offer. I am needing to loose about 5-10 more pounds and work more on toning areas. Was excited to find a group with not only support for the physical, but also for the spiritual.
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome Jill,
    How wonderful to have you here with us. A great local Bible study group is something to be cherished. True spiritual fellowship benefits in ways we can't express.
    Hello, My name is Jill. I live in west Michigan with my husband (of 10 years, just this week!) and our children, Caleb (almost 7) and Anneliese (4). I have a wonderful group of women who I meet with every week for Bible study and accountability. This seemed like a wonderful way to get connected to the myfitnesspal world. I just joined today. I read about it in Runners World and thought I'd try it out. Plus I really enjoy the book of John.
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome Cindi,

    We're glad you've joined us. I'm sure you'll have some insights from past successes to share with us.

    Congrats on the 15 pounds down.

    Hi everyone, my name is Cindi. I live in the Oklahoma panhandle with my husband of 27 years. I have two grown children and a very precious grandaughter. I have been on MFP for about 3 years now off and on. I have lost and gained during that time and I am currently down 15 pounds. It seems like I do much better when I use the tools this site has to offer. I am needing to loose about 5-10 more pounds and work more on toning areas. Was excited to find a group with not only support for the physical, but also for the spiritual.
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm Lynne and I realized I set this up but didn't add my name to the list. LOL

    I'm a retired US Navy chaplain, representing the Presbyterian Church USA. I come from a long line of ministers going back to John Knox, the founder of the Presbyterian Church in Scotland. So, just doing the family business. :)

    While serving with the Marines, i had an accident which damaged my back. In a series of events, I ended up in surgery, but only for my neck. The five compressed disks in my low back/sciatic area are not eligible for the super surgeries. I have had many minor surgeries to insert pain meds etc.

    I live with pain, but some days are better than others. I try to walk and do flexing exercises to strengthen and improve my back. I hope to reverse some of the damage over time. Hope springs eternal.

    I am working on rehabbing houses with my husband in real estate and I am writing fantasy stories for middle grade age group. While I have been published in non-fiction (Bible studies and devotionals) and media or reviews, I haven't been published yet for fiction. Hope to change that this year.

    I like helping people. I love ministry and Bible study and I love to discover nuances in the Word of God.

    That's about me. What about you?