Welcome, Welcome! Please introduce yourself



  • Wazeal
    Wazeal Posts: 7 Member
    I am 63 years old and so happy to find the 60+ group. I live in Canada. I need to lose weight due to arthritis pain all over and multiple disc bulges in my low back. It is time to take my life back and feel and look better.+
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Welcome aboard. Lots of supportive people in this site. Befriend any of us. All the best with your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • Rubysmom2010
    Rubysmom2010 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Everyone I recently retired (2010) and wanted to travel (the bucket list :)) ) but soon realized that traveling would be very difficult if not impossible to the places I want to go with the weight I am carrying. So I have hired a health couch and personal trainer and joined this site which I love to tackle this problem over the next six to nine months. This site is so comprehensive. Every food I enter is here. Anyway, I am looking for support and friends on this journey. I really want to do some exciting things and need to improve my mobility so I can get about without a cane and tremendous pain. So here I am looking for friends and journey mates. I know I can do this but I know it will take tremendous focus and commitment. I am hoping that some of you will walk with me on this challenging journey. I have my bucket list and nothing will stop me from achieving these goals before I leave the planet. Would love to hear from kindred spirits. :love:
  • Rubysmom2010
    Rubysmom2010 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I just joined as well to handle my arthritis as well. it is in my spine, both hips and both knees I experience severe pain all the time. Weight loss with help me as well. I am 68 and force myself to exercise everyday.

  • Wazeal
    Wazeal Posts: 7 Member
    I have been using this marvelous website since Oct 31, 2012 and I am down 10#. I like the way it makes me accountable and I can track my cholesterol and sodium which is helping my high cholesterol and high blood pressure. My cousin sent me the link and she finally got on board recently. I have osteoarthritis in every joint, multiple bulging discs in my low back, Fibromyalgia and a chronic muscle spasm problem. I know I will be in less arthritis pain when I can get some weight off. I want to lose 30 more pounds.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Welcome aboard Wazeal. This is a lovely group. Check out the group and see who is active and find some friends. We are all on a journey and we found this wonderful website. And you have also found arthritis central. :laugh:

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and not to many leftovers. Wishing you the best in your journey to better health.:flowerforyou:
  • I'm Lori, I started about 6 weeks ago.I lost about 15 lbs, but it is a struggle. Have alot to go, but do not want to give up.Rough time of the year for holidays, but I will persever. I do not exercise much, and really should but
    . Just plain lazy.Need motivation now and than. Get very depressed when I go shopping for clothes
  • Hi, I just heard about this site this morning. So glad to find a forum with woman my age. Of course I have great plans for getting rid of this extra baggage I seem to be dragging around. Ha! I recently joined a local gym & try to do beach walks everyday. I started walking 1 hour out & 1 hour back this summer, At a pretty good pace. Really not sure how many miles total but seems to help. No real weight lose, but I do see some toning going on & certainly feel better. Now with winter here it is harder to do. So maybe gym will help. I just have to learn how to use all that fancy equipment. lol

    My goals, loose flab, quit smoking, Start enjoying life more.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Welcome to pats2ya and lori1939 . Wish you both a Happy New Year ...a year filled with good health and exercise. Lots of friendly pals on this site. Glad you found us. Find some friends for support. It really helps. Good Luck.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • ginnylee75
    ginnylee75 Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome to the newest members of the group.:drinker: Wazeal, Lori1939 and Pats2ya. You have joined a very caring group. Anytime you have questions or suggestions stop by the sight and add a topic. We all check in and are ready to chat. I hope you all had great holidays and are ready to turn 2013 into your winning year for any goals you choose.

    Healthy eating and exercise.:smile:

  • Hi, I guess I am on the same mission as everyone else here. I know it is more difficult to lose weight as you get older, but inside I am not ready for the way I look at the moment, and it is so difficult to lose it this time. I have lost 6 kg since a year ago, but picked one up again the last 2 weeks, because of my bad habits. I want to lose at least another 10kg, if possible.

    Would anyone like to add me as a friend? I have a son who is 34 and weighs 150kg. He is also a member and has lost 8,5 kg since joining.

    I live in Holland but am an ex-South African.

    Looking forward to meeting some of you!

  • ginnylee75
    ginnylee75 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Nunukis,
    Welcome to the group. As Steppingstones said Lots of friendly pals on this site. Glad you found us. Try to find some friends that have similar interests and send them a friend request. It's helpful if you let them know what interested you in seeking them for a pal. Likes, age, etc. Friends are almost a necessity for getting new habits.

    Good luck. Happy exercising and healthy eating.:drinker:

  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    :grumble: I have been really struggling this month. Need some motivation. Looking for some new support
  • CaroleC2B
    CaroleC2B Posts: 29 Member
    Hi ! My name is Carole and I am 62. I just signed back into MFP after 2 1/2 years. 40 pound heavier than my last post, YIKES. Im not great with the website. It took me awhile to figure how to join the group LOL!! I guess my first meal to calculate will be dinner today. I am looking forward to connecting with other group members. I want to purchase one of those tracker gizmos that attach to the i-phone to help me keep track of my progress. Anyone have one of those things and which one works the best?
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
  • ginnylee75
    ginnylee75 Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome Carole. You will find that everyone in this group is very helpful and supportive. We love to encourage and help each other on this journey. Glad you decided to return. :drinker:

  • khaki50
    khaki50 Posts: 1
    Hello out there. I live in Southeast Missouri and this is my first time to join anything. I really, really need to get this weight off and lose about 50 lbs. The weight has been on for a long time. I am currently on my 3rd day of Dr. Oz 3 day detox and feel "detoxed". I have lost 5 pounds as of this 3rd day morning. (I know it's probably water weight but it makes me feel good.)

    After today it will be time to start eating clean. I have never ever liked raw foods except carrots and I hope I can change this. Keeping busy is a must for me to keep away from food. I hope I can get ideas and support from you guys.
  • lpag007
    lpag007 Posts: 1
    Hi I'm new to myfitnesspal and trying to loss 20lbs. I've been trying to loss 20lbs for more than 20 years. I'm 65 and very active, although i've been on many diets the scale does not move. Today I've had 2 protin shakes my log is telling me that I'm over on protin, should I worry about geting too much protin?
  • Hi! I am Peggy from Michigan. I started yesterday and did great, but gained 2 pounds! I know from other diets, not to be too upset about it. I would like to lose about 75 pounds, but would love to lose 30 by Christmas as we are leaving for a 3 week vacation to an island in January. It is bad enough to be in a swimsuit in your 60's, but being overweight makes it way worse.
  • :happy: Just keep trying...don't ever give up!
  • myfbil
    myfbil Posts: 31 Member
    I am new here on MFP as of Wednesday. I've already lost 1 lb (yeah!). I live in NH and I have 2 children, 8 grandchildren and 3 great-grands. II want to lose weight so I can spend more time doing things with the children. Psoriatic arthritis affects all the connective tissue in my body and definitely hinders exercise but I do manage short walks and use the Wii Fit Plus to have fun and exercise.
    My biggest concern right now is trying to consume all the calories without going over on protein and sugar. This is my third day that I'm under-calorie. I hope somebody can help me figure out higher cal. foods to fill in my diet without going over on the protein and sugar.
    Good luck to all here!