blam Posts: 110
Hey everyone!!!! I'm looking forward to another few days of motivation and insights.

It's been a busy week for me - unexpected house guests for a week, my daughter's birthday and a long weekend in Canada. Ugh! Though I was able to get some great bike rides in.

Am thinking a lot about reallymyBEST's post about the scales - and how true her thoughts are. I'm also coming to the realization that this is going to take a while - despite my hopes for a quick weight loss.

Looking forward to the scale in the morning!


  • prayaas
    prayaas Posts: 30
    Lost half a kg ie.1 pound this week. Not bad considering that it has been raining heavily here & I couldn't really go out & exercise.
    All the right choices ensured that there was some weight loss :smile:
    Not my best but looking forward to next Tuesday !!

    Blam I know how difficult it is to juggle additional responsibilities (house guests),celebrations & weight loss plans !! And normally its our fitness routine that takes a backseat:ohwell:
    Kudos for still making the time to exercise ! Good luck for tomorrow:flowerforyou:
    And incase the scale doesn't budge,there's next Tuesday :wink:
  • Week 1 of 2lbs Tuesdays: 204.5

    LW: 197.7

    TW: 199.2

    Which makes me feel......

    :sad: :cry: :embarassed: :mad:

    I'm such an idiot, I always do this - I have a good week and then go completely off the rails! I totally deserve what the scales say though, I may be exercising every day but that doesnt justify the 500ml tub of icecream I ate, not just once but on three different nights last week (I didnt log them on my diary I was too embarassed! :blushing: ) I dont know if its the sudden increase in temperature or TOTM that made made me think it was ok to do it but clearly my waist line, the scales, and any person with a normal relationship with food say otherwise! Harumph!

    Right, self loathing over, yesterday was a good day and today is the start of a new week, it WILL be a good week :wink:
  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    SW: 195
    Wk1: 192.4
    Wk2: 194
    Wk 3: 192.5
    Wk4: 196
    Wk5: 193.8

    -2.2#! That is somewhat of a shock as it was not a good week at all! I have really struggled and started fresh yesterday. It's July, a new month, halfway thru the year. I'm focusing on making the second half much better than the first!

    Good job to all who are still here! Sticking with it, thru the highs and lows (and there are A LOT!), is what it's all about!!!

    ETA: And FYI, I have still lost the 45# my ticker used to say. I reset my weight for what it was yesterday (7/1) as part of my restart. I felt like I was giving myself too much credit for what I have done and now paying attention to what I have left to do.
  • ECTexan
    ECTexan Posts: 195 Member
    SW: 257
    LW: 246
    CW: 244


    :drinker: :drinker:
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    LW: 143
    CW: 143.2

    I'm maintaining! Eating pretty crappy and not exercising and having crazy work schedules isn't an excuse, just the truth. I had ice cream and snickers within the last week but also had some really great meals and choices for entrees! Here's to next week!
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    I'm loving the honesty!

    I'm down 1.2 lbs this week - I'll take it though wish it were more :wink: But I'm slowly coming to terms with the journey this is going to be.

    Doing this together, however, has motivated me much more than I would have expected.

    Any suggestions/hints on what you are doing to make the right food choices?

    reallymyBEST - I'm impressed that you took down how far you've come and your insight into why. I only hope that one day I will have that option :love:

    lstarr - you are a STAR - your consistent weight loss is impressive. What are you doing differently? How are you feeling? How do you stay motivated?

    gwangjujulie - I LOVE your honesty!!! Especially as you chose not to put your 'bad choices' in your log but to tell us (where to be honest - most of us will more likely see it!). By telling us about it, I take that as your ongoing commitment to make change. Also by telling us about it - you're helping me to feel less alone when I do make bad choices.

    prayaas - congrats on the loss! The scale is moving in the right direction - slowly but surely. Congrats too on making the right choices without the exercise to complement them. That's my biggest struggle

    gogojodee - congrats on maintaining - your life sounds pretty busy, which is alway challenging!

    Let's keep it up everyone! We're four weeks or so into this, many have stopped posting, but if we keep at it I'm sure we can do this together.

    I'm looking forward to knowing that 'how skinny feels' is way better than 'how things taste'. Haven't felt skinny in a long time, perhaps 12 years - so it's about time I remind myself.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    I'm looking forward to knowing that 'how skinny feels' is way better than 'how things taste'. Haven't felt skinny in a long time, perhaps 12 years - so it's about time I remind myself.

    I've only started to feel skinny the last three weeks! I've definitely noticed my clothes fit much better and are flush against me. Especially in my waist, I'm not as wide and I've lost 2 in. I always have my hands on my love handles as a reminder of how far I've come. I've been eating on the run lately and its a reminder if I slow down I'll keep up with this lifestyle. I suffer from anxiety so when I'm flustered I'm also prone to being impulsive which I think added to my weight gain. When I take a min to think about it, I'm conscious of my choices.
  • ECTexan
    ECTexan Posts: 195 Member

    lstarr - you are a STAR - your consistent weight loss is impressive. What are you doing differently? How are you feeling? How do you stay motivated?

    Thanks blam! I'm def not perfect! I went out to eat this past week, had a few drinks, on Friday night I had a carb binge. I would have lost more than 2lbs if weren't for that I think. Food is the hardest part for me. But it helps me to have all my meals planned out in advance. I don't buy anything I'm not going to eat that week and I cook in bulk on Sundays and portion it all out so I can grab and go each day.

    Then I try to make up for my lapses by working my butt off in exercise. I work out at least 1hr or more every single day. I have a gym partner which helps immensely, and on my own I try to do things I really enjoy. Like swimming, I love to swim and do that 2-3x a week. Also long walks w/ interval jogging with my dog is a staple.
  • kinismar8
    kinismar8 Posts: 14
    Hi ladies, I am down 2 pounds this week. You ladies have been very inspirational.. Love reading the stories of everyone's weight loss journey. Keep up the good work, we will get to our goal, one pound at a time. Congrats to all the losers this week, and keep going everyone.
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    way to go, kinismar8! 11 pounds total is impressive - you must be feeling it in your clothes these days.

    Thanks for your response lstarr09 - you are doing great and your effort is obvious. It's the effort piece that can be a challenge - more for the food, in my case. Doing the groceries and the prep work seems overwhelming to me. But as always, it's just an excuse!!!!

    Taking the time to make the grocery list and do the shopping is a great investment in myself . . . and likely something that will get easier with time. Reminding myself that 'yummy meals' aren't gone forever, just not every meal!
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Hello all! It changed a lot this week ... I lost, went up and now it's about the same. I think it's probably water weight because I ate a loooot of sodium and carbs sunday, monday ...

    SW: 232.6
    CW: 222.4

    Sunday Before my little food escapade I was at 219.6, Im working towards getting back there!
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    way to go Diamond05! You broke the 20's if even for a day - I find those type of weigh-in's motivating b/c you feel and see progress.

    53 lbs lost in total is incredible.

    I was picking my kids up from camp today by boat (we live on a very large river, and they go to camp on the other side, about a 10 minute boat ride). I accidently fell in the water off the dock while pushing off (moron move!) but it was hilarious. The kids and I all had a belly laugh over it. It got me thinking about how little I laugh like that - and I honestly think it's because of my weight. I'm so self-conscious all of the time that I'm almost always 'guarded'. Does anyone else feel like that?
  • drrozzy
    drrozzy Posts: 30
    Start weight 181
    Last week 178
    Current weight 175.5

    Getting back on track, Had some ups and downs and didn't post for a couple of weeks but I'm still here. I haven't been exercising but I have been watching my intake.
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    welcome back drrozzy! Great to see your progress :flowerforyou: