First Challenge - 7/1/13 - Guilt me not.

SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
Hey everyone!

Sorry for the semi late posting, but I had a lot of chores to get to this morning. It's 102+ degrees today so I had to bring all my animals inside so they wouldn't get over heated.


This weeks challenge was suggested by elispeli and after the week I've had, I figured it would be a great idea!

What's everyone's main guilt food? Comment it for records and cut it out of your meal plans for the entire week. I am talking stone cold turkey and that food doesn't exist for an entire week. Let's call it a guilt free cleanse!

My main guilt food? Chocolate. Especially when I bake foods. No bake chocolate oatmeal cookies, brownies, s'mores, chocolate chip cookies... EVERYTHING CHOCOLATE. So I am cutting it out for this week.

If you need support during this week, please comment in this thread.

If you eat that food, it is NOT a huge deal. We're just trying something new!

So ready, set, GO and good luck!

- Prescilla :)


  • Hetailin
    Hetailin Posts: 27
    chocolate/ candy. I usually eat some sort of candy as a snack.. so none for me this week :0
  • getsuyoubi
    getsuyoubi Posts: 55 Member
    chocolate for me, too. Puh, okay, that is going to be hard.
  • lilcutemonkees
    lilcutemonkees Posts: 83 Member
    Chocolate and sweet things in general! this is going to be difficult!
  • Aejoso
    Aejoso Posts: 13 Member
    This is going to sound weird...raisins.
    I've been in a weird raisin kick lately. They're great in moderation but I have been eating way too many.
  • ReadynWillin
    ReadynWillin Posts: 104
    Chocolate ice cream. Well, any kind of ice cream really, but especially chocolate. I just can't resist!

    But here's to cutting out all ice cream for the rest of the week (since before this thread was posted I'd already had some lol).
  • taraj1987
    taraj1987 Posts: 12 Member
    Mine is definitely sweets too! I'm just going to follow the group with candy/chocolate along with other desserts like cookies, cake etc.
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    French fries :( I will miss them for the week... Thank goodness there are still turnips and sweet potatoes :)
  • Definitely chocolate here too. Gonna make it a good week!
  • Kyllosis
    Kyllosis Posts: 66 Member
    Soda, chocolate and sweets. :(
  • getsuyoubi
    getsuyoubi Posts: 55 Member
    I ate a lot of chocolate yesterday. I lot in comparison to before, because I was two weeks without, but actually not as much as I would eat before - my total caloric intake yesterday was 3500. That means 1000kcal go to chocolate. Well, before I could easily eat 4000kcal chocolate alone or on top, so I still count it as step forward.
  • getsuyoubi
    getsuyoubi Posts: 55 Member
    Hahaha, I failed horribly at this challenge eating chocolate everyday, but even though I am a few pounds sat back, I am nevertheless the lightest I ever was and my binging dimensions are different.
  • It's nice to see so any other self confessed chocoholics. I am one too! Especially will be the death of me. So I am hoping to give up chocolate, excess sugar, cookies, cereals and granola bars for this week!