Checking In!

ElenaTS Posts: 35 Member
Hey all! just checking in to see how everyone is doing on JNL! i love it! been doing it since the first of the year!! Best Christmas present ever!!!


  • JillA71
    JillA71 Posts: 7
    Hi! I just started JNL June 3rd - I'm in the fourth week now. I was really intimidated to start it, but my niece convinced me that I could handle it. I've found them to be challenging, but not unbearable. I've never worked out 6 days in a row in my whole life before JNL and now I've done it for 4 weeks. It's a fitness miracle!! :)
  • ldawson81
    ldawson81 Posts: 9 Member
    So you have started on JNL... what kind of results are you seeing? I am beginning Monday, I am SOOO EXCITED! are you using specific footwear?
  • JillA71
    JillA71 Posts: 7
    I went to a running store and got fitted for shoes geared towards aerobics (although I think they're just actually running shoes). Just wear some shoes that will be comfortable for jumping around in and you'll be fine.
    I don't think I've lost any weight (maybe a couple of pounds but I don't weigh very often) but I have gone down a pant size and I can definitely feel that I'm getting stronger. I also think I'm ready to try a heavier weight - I've been using 5 pounds, but would probably be okay with 7 or 8 pounds. I am just starting to have more energy, too.

    So yes, I'm seeing results! I think the biggest result I'm seeing is that I actually enjoy working out now! :)
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    So today was my first day...well actually I did a workout on Saturday morning, just because I was really eager to start, but actually started my first official day this morning. I look forward to seeing how well this program works. I have done several other workout DVD's and workouts, but this one seems reasonable and I like that it changes everyday, to help the getting bored factor. I will have to go through all of my shoes though since the cardio portion seemed to hurt my feet with some of the exercises. I've read through several of the posts and found it very good to know that there is the option to turn up the music and the way the screen is set up with the count down bar and the exercise listed, there should be no problems. The soreness I feel is very good...nothing major that you can't move, because that's when you are more likely not to do the workout the next day, so that is definitely a plus.
  • ldawson81
    ldawson81 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all! I started my JNL today! It was amazing! I burned 306 calories during Shoulder Shredder. A little bummed since I had lost 10lbs with Insanity and gained it all back. However, this workout feels more realistic. I was drenched in sweat but still had lung capacity to breathe. I am looking forward to results. I'd like to not step on the scale for the rest of the summer. I know this muscle gain and fat shredding will play mind games with me on the scale. I have nearly 100 lbs to lose! Also- I found my feet feel better barefoot on a rubber mat.
  • ElenaTS
    ElenaTS Posts: 35 Member
    Glad to hear you are all liking it. I've had awesome results since i started at the beginning of the year. I can't tell you numbers because I had to quit weighing a few years ago since I was doing it daily and it made me (and my husband) crazy. I started at a comfy size 12 and I am now in a snug size 8 and I was not a size 8 when I WAS 8! Shirts from an Xl to a M (a little irritated that I lost in my cup my bras are all wrinkly!) My booty has lifted SO much, and being pear chaped, this is a big deal for me.
    I do 2 JNL's a day (usually and upper and lower on weight days) and the Craz Cardio with TKO, or pair it with another 30 minite cardio because i have a REALLY hard time losing weight. So I need an hour. Some days I whip through them, then other days, i have to take a few "power pauses" especially when there is a LOT of plyo for the cardio. I use Crazy Cardio as my ab workout, and my stomach has never looked better. A couple months in, I started tracking the weights and reps on an excel sheet so i could see how I was doing. It really helps to see how far I have progressed. And too, when i was getting depressed becasue nothing had happened in a few weeks, when i took a look back at my sheets, i noticed i had slacked off on reps, on finishing sets.
    she has a channel on Youtube and has a TON of videos. She has a cardio one in particular that was really helpful, where she just runs though 20 or 30 alternatives for the 30 second cardio intervals. It's helpful for me because after doing it a few months, you do want to shake it up some. So there are lots of variations you can add in. Also-if you have knee issues and plyo moves are not in the cards for you, she has a lot of alternatives. She also has a lot of full length workouts too. you can swap in other exercises on shoulder and back day. i STILL hate Snatch and Grabs. They just kill me ofr some reason and I dread them.
    I've had amazing success on this. I have done every workout out there and was always that person that had NO results. I did P90x for 4 months-and nothing. I ate so many egg whites following the eating plan, i broke our disposal. I have done Turbo fire and a bunch of BB workouts. I've done Jari love, Cathe, Kelly Coffey meyer, you name it. 6 days a week. I ran for a year and a half because that was supopsed to be the biggest fat loser. I HATED every second of it. The only thing i lost was a lot of toe nails (which according to a badge of honor. badge of honor when I have to paint on a faux toenail so I can wear sandals.) And while some workouts i really enjoyed, and some not so much, none of then gave me any results. This is the FIRST that has done anything for me. After 6 months, I kind of want to shake thing up a bit, but at the same time, I think why try something else when this is working. I did recently get Hip Hop abs and Rockin Body to add some fun cardio in. it's definitely lower intesnsity than I am used to, but I used 2 pound weighted gloves on each hand to up the intensity.
    I didn't see any results till about week 5. I was giving myself almost 7 weeks to see results before i packaged up and sent it back for a refund. i was so excited to see things chage. For the first time in my life, I have an almost completely smooth back. Pretty cool for me because I am really aware of it back there.
    i would say, since this REALLY helped me, I prop up a $5 behind the door Target mirror up on a side table, and work out in front of. It kind of provides a gym environment, but for me, making sure i have good form was important, And things like high knees...they were not NEARLY as high as as I thought they were until i saw myself doing them in the mirror. Same with power kicks. I figure i will utilize every tool to get the most out of every workout. Some workouts, she chats a lot at the end of each move, I always have the book open to follow-so I will either bust out a few more reps, or jump in to the cardio. Every little bit helps.
    Hope you all have great success and stick it out long enough to give it a chance.
  • ElenaTS
    ElenaTS Posts: 35 Member
    And ps...for me...I still have soreness after certain dvd's. I am always sore after Bicep builder form all the push ups. And fusion lower body. my legs are always sore too.
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    I have found barefoot has worked well during certain DVD's as well, but I also like wearing shoes when I work out. This morning, half way through I took my shoes off, but they were already hurting so it didn't change much. I think it's just for the way the angle of my feet are and body position. I definitely like still having lung capacity when doing the workout as well.
  • JillA71
    JillA71 Posts: 7
    I'll have to try the barefoot on a rubber mat trick! I have found that my feet don't hurt as much when I DON'T wear socks with my shoes. I think the socks make my feet slide around in my shoes too much, so going without socks gives me a little extra "grab' in my shoe. And so far no blisters!

    I started my second month of JNL yesterday and while I love the workouts, I've come to loathe the word "plyo". I just modify those moves because my body does not like jumping (yet). :)
  • linnyG33
    linnyG33 Posts: 30 Member
    hi! :) I did day 1 yesterday. min soreness today so Im thinking I went too light on the hand weights, but while doing the lifting I could feel it.
    Im so happy its just me alone in my basement and no one else hears the pants and sqeeks that emit from me...
    She does have some interesting catch phrases....will def be changing the audio on her after Ive gone thru all the dvds once.
    Thanks for making this group!
  • ElenaTS
    ElenaTS Posts: 35 Member
    Here is the link to her Youtube video where she shows a ton of different cardio moves to sub in for the 30 second cardio segments. For those that aren't up for the plyo moves, this proveids a lot of other options.
  • JillA71
    JillA71 Posts: 7
    "She does have some interesting catch phrases..."

    Lol! If I could "drop it like it's hot" I wouldn't need these DVDs!! At first she really annoyed me, but now that I've gone through all the DVDs a couple of times, I actually chuckle when she says one of her overused phrases or does a cheerleader kick.

    And I'm sorry, but Coach Wicked Willy just plain creeps me out!!

    Other than that, I still really like these DVDs. :)
  • linnyG33
    linnyG33 Posts: 30 Member
    he creeps me out too. I have no clue what he's trying to mouth but it reminds me of a bad porn

    if she didnt keep repeating the same ones over and over again, it would be nice. she didnt annoy as much today though