Slimming World Members in Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire

PottyMrs Posts: 55 Member
Hi, I was wondering if there was anybody local to me who is also on Slimming World. Its just nice to have people on MFP who understand the plan and can share ideas with. Feel free to add me, Hayley x


  • spongeh
    spongeh Posts: 152 Member
    Hiya ... yes and no ... We joined slimming world at the start of the year and we use it in conjunction with MFP. Most of the cooked meals we have each night are SW based, but I don't agree with some of the things SW tell you (unlimited portion size for certain items), my wife has come round to my way of thinking.

    Slimming world for the recipes ... MFP for the portion control and monitoring of what we eat :smile:

    Seems to be working for us.
  • PottyMrs
    PottyMrs Posts: 55 Member
    i must admit, when i first joined sw in july 2011, i lost just over 3.5st. then i found mfp! got confused with the calories and couldnt understand why eating 'good' on sw resulted in going 'over' on calories! i ended up focusing too much on mfp & quit sw! doing mfp alone didnt work! in 6months i ended up putting 3st back on! so in feb 2013 i rejoined sw with my tail between my legs and regretting what i did and where i could be now! calorie counting just doesnt work for me as well as it does for many others & i really dont know why! im again coming up to 1.5st loss (second time round) with sw, but i still use mfp for logging and support - i just wont be paying attention to the calories part of it anymore!