


  • dicanrun
    dicanrun Posts: 5
    HI - I'm Diane from the SF Bay Area. My first Half was Inagural Tinkerbell in 2012. It was fantastic! I would love to do each and every Disney race, but it is so expensive. Aside from the entry, the travel and hotel expenses make it a $1K weekend for me to get to SoCal for Disneyland.

    Alas, I wish they had more races on the west coast. One day - eventually - I will get to Princess in Florida.
  • dreamer12781
    Hi all! I'm Laura and I LOVE RunDisney. I ran the Wine and Dine Relay Half in '10 (the inaugural year. The relay doesn't even exist anymore.) and my first half marathon was the Princess this year. I hope to do the Princess again as well as the Dumbo one day (that about as adventurous as my race combos get.) My husband has done the WDW Half three times now. Proud to be a running princess!
  • andreafischer1982
    andreafischer1982 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi to all you lovely Disney Runners!
    I am new here - signed up yesterday for my first 2 Halfs - Tinkerbell and Princess
    I am Andy from Vienna Austria in Europe and we don't have disney Races in Disneyland Paris so I will fly over to join all the fun. In autum i will run my first race here in Vienna and then off to the preperation for Disney. I am beyond excited ;)

    for 2015 i am thinking about the Goofy Challange but i will first see how i can handel the halfs ;)

  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    Hi everyone :) I am Sara and I am doing my first half marathon at the Disneyland Half and planning on the Tinkerbell half also!

    I live in Bakersfield, CA and can't wait to run my first. I am currently able to run/walk (Jeff Galloway method) 6 miles but I am working up to longer :)
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Hi, I'm Sherrie and live in Kansas. I completed my first Disney 1/2 marathon in Jan 2011 and loved it. This year I have done the Princess 1/2 and will be running the Disneyland 1/2 to try and get my first Coast to Coast medal, and the Tower of Terror as well. Still not very fast, but working on it. PR is 3:08, hoping to get under 3.

    Anyone else here running the DL 1/2 or T of T this year?
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    Hey, All. I'm Joe.

    I'm not running the 2014 Disney Marathon, but my wife plans to. She's a beginner, I've been running slowly off and on for a couple of years. I'm going to be her training partner, but she's planning to run the marathon with her brother, which I think is great.

    This week is the perfect time to start the Galloway plan, so here we go!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Hi I'm Jorean. I am from Camarillo California and am hoping to run the Tinkerbell half in 2014 and from there who knows? I haven't really ran anything before, but hopefully with some dedication and hard work I will he at least kinda prepared.
  • padisneyfour
    Hi! my name is Tammy. I live in NW PA but my family are huge disney fans. A girlfriend - she lives in florida and I are doing the royal family 5k in feb 2014. It will be her first 5k and my second. someday I would love to do a 10K and a half....good luck to everyone with your training and runs!!!
  • tnkrbellsam
    I live in Kissimmee and I'm actually doing the 5K during the Food and Wine Weekend. It will be my first race, so I would love to know if anyone else is planning on doing that one :)
  • ktmacattack
    Hey, I'm Katie and I'm planning on running the Tinkerbell half in Jan. it is my first, eeeeek :)
  • flutterfly1974
    flutterfly1974 Posts: 8 Member
    I just signed up for my 1st ever marathon. Being a huge Disney geek, figured Tinkerbell is the best one to do. The 1/2 already sold out, so I have to settle for the 10k. Considering it'll be my 1st & I'm not really a runner, I figured it's the best one to start off with.
    Trying so hard to lose the weight & keep it off for a change. Figured if I did a 10k for my 40th birthday, that would be the best motivator there is.

    I'll gladly take any tips on training since I have no clue what I'm doing. Feel free to add me. January 2014 is going to get here fast now, I just know it.
  • purplechalk
    purplechalk Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Kayla and I live in the Tampa Bay area (about 1 1/2 hours from WDW) and am planning on training to do a Disney race! I'm toying with the notion of running the Expedition Everest or waiting til the fall races. I'm so jealous of those who have run before! I'm a Disney freak and have always wanted to do one!
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Hi fellow Disney runners! I'm from Florida and have signed up for my first Disney run and my first full marathon--WDW Jan 2015--as a 60th birthday present to myself.

    I've run-walked three 1\2 marathons since Nov 2013 and will start training for this marathon Jun 1st.

    My goal is to have fun, and finish in the vertical position, uninjured and ahead of the sag wagon.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Hi All. I am a Disney passholder and live in the Tampa area. I have walked several Disney 5Ks and walked the Princess Half in 2013, got picked up at mile 8! :grumble: My current goal is to train to be able to run all of the Mickey Jingle Jungle in November. Then do the 10K during the Princess marathon weekend next year and to actually complete the Wine and Dine half next year!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Hi, I'm Stacy from Montana! I think I'm bit addicted to the Disney races, but they are so much fun and very well coordinator for a large race.

    I have done quite a few of the race:
    Disneyland 1/2 marathon (Sept '10)
    Tinkerbell 1/2 marathon (Jan '12, '13, '14), plus the 5K in '13 & '14, and the 10K this year
    Wine & Dine 1/2 marathon (Nov '12, which got us the Coast to Coast medal), plus the Jingle Jungle 5K

    And we are signed up for the Avenger's Half and the Star Wars Challenge. We also plan on doing the Tower of Terror run in 2015.

    Then we may take a break from the Disney races (getting pretty darn expensive!) and start on my bucket list of running a 1/2 marathon in each state. :happy: