Pre gastric sleeve



  • kalilioness
    kalilioness Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone, I am pre-op. Had the informational seminar, consultation with the surgeon and the first visit with the nutritionist. Must lose 11 pounds before the surgery which is targeted for early September. It all depends on how soon I can get everything done. I am excited about doing this! I am so glad I found this thread. Makes me feel less alone. I also use the Bariatric Friendly page on facebook for support. Am having trouble with impulses, especially with sweet things. One day at a time.....
  • kalilioness
    kalilioness Posts: 49 Member
    thank you!!!!
  • Charmingirl
    Hi, I wish you the best. I'm glad that you joined this thread. I love it b/c finally I have ppl who can relate to my struggle. I'm sure that you will find answers & support from the ppl on here. I recommend joining another group named Bariatric Surgery Support Group Central. The Admin for that group is a God send to us newbies going through the bariatric procedures.
  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    How charming, Charmin'! :wink: Nice of you to say...

    Impulses will always be a threat, and will even crop up a few months after the surgery. That's okay - you'll have the tools you need to resist, overcome or move past the impulses.

    The deal with the "rules" is to get you into the proper habits to maintain. You will probably find that food won't necessarily have the power it used to over you very soon after the surgery. Don't let it overcome you down the road. After the surgery, your body won't need as much for you to function normally, and well.

    It's exciting, and something for those of you pre-surgery to look forward to...
  • kalilioness
    kalilioness Posts: 49 Member
    It was a busy day! I scheduled my appts. for almost all of my clearances. Am only waiting for one to call me back so I will have to stay on top of it. I have also scheduled my bloodwork and have two options for support groups. Not a bad day's work! Hope everyone had a good day!
  • Charmingirl
    Good Evening All,

    Tomorrow I will start my 3 wk pre diet and I am scheduled for my pre op visits etc. Things are rolling along, again.
  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    If it makes all you Pre candidates feel better, today I'm starting another round of cutting back the food. I'm going to try to eat 31,000 calories in July. Think of it as solidarity for all of you, particularly those of you on pre- or recent post-surgery restrictions! Good luck to all! :drinker:
  • Charmingirl
    Day 5 of my pre surgery diet. It's not too bad. I have had some challenging moments but I have not strayed off course. July 4th was rough but I got through it.
  • floraguilar
    Hello to all of you, i have my sleeve schedule for July 24th, Im really
    exited!. I just acomplished my first diet week with 1200 calories per day.
    Im starting my liquid diet on tuesday, any ideas of a grocery list?
    I already bought chicken broth, vainilla shakes (30gm profein), and some
    gatorade. What else should i get? I had read good historys and coments
    about your sucesfull pre diet. I hope to do the same. Thanks in advance.
  • kalilioness
    kalilioness Posts: 49 Member
    Just came home from a wonderful wedding and I have to say that I think I did pretty well! It was an Indian Wedding with lots of wonderful vegetarian food. I was able to keep on track and drink plenty of water. I was very happy that I did not feel the need or urge to overeat.
  • Charmingirl
    Welcome floraguilar. I'm currently doing my pre diet but my dr gave me a strict list of what & how much I can eat during this time. The shakes that I think are good are Syntrax Matrix. I wish you the best!!!

    Kalilioness, glad to hear that you made it through the wedding with ease. I have a wedding to attend on 7/20. That is 2 days b4 my surgery so I will not have a choice but to stick to my strict diet. I hope that I have as much will power as you. Wishing you the best!!!

    Today I had a meeting w/ the dietician to discuss post op dieting. The big day is getting closer.
  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    Hey, Flora! I'm post-op by almost 2 years, but remember living on sugar-free Jello! No calories, and it counts as liquid. Win-win.

    Also, a good shake to try is the Premier Nutrition chocolate shake, premade. I buy them at Costco, 18 for about $25, but you can find them elsewhere as well.

    Best of luck to all of you - you're in my prayers!

  • Charmingirl
    Tomorrow I go for my pre op visit. The big day is Monday.
  • floraguilar
    Thank you all, my big day is today at 1:00
    finally arround the corner. ; )
  • Charmingirl
    Wishing you a speedy recovery. Today, I'm 3 days post op.
  • floraguilar
    Yesterday i had my sleeve done, i cant drink all the 64 oz water,
    Today I was able to drink twice 2 oz of chicken beoth still
    only drink 24 oz of water. Can someone told me of im
    Wrong aince my nutriologist told me not to excees 1 oz
    at the time. How I suppost to drink 64oz of water?
    Plus tomorrow im starting the protein shakes, and was
    instructed to add water so it will be more liquid.
    I really need help on this!

    Thank you.
  • christianladybug
    christianladybug Posts: 41 Member
    Hope you are doing better. I had my surgery ten days ago. I find everyday gets a little better and I am able to get closer and closer to the amount of the requirments.

    Make sure you are moving and walking as much as possible.

    And to be honest on my third day I wondered what I was thinking in doing this. But today I am already so glad that I did it.
  • Charmingirl
    Christianlady, yesterday was my 3rd post op day & I felt the same exact way. Glad to know that I'm not alone. Today, it's getting a little better.

    Floraguilar, I'm not getting in the recommended amount yet either. I guessing that it's something that we build up to doing. I sip all day. I've started spacing things out so that I can determine my intake. Wishing you the best & together we'll get through this successfully.

    Sending you guys friend requests.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,706 Member
    Hi Charmingirl & Floragullar,

    My 2nd evening (when I got home), the pain meds they'd had in my IV at the hospital wore off and I started to worry. I wondered what I had gotten myself into, and "was I going to starve". There was absolutely no way to drink everything.

    As I'd left the hospital, the nurse mentioned (in a last minute kind-of-way) that there was no way I'd be able to meet my goals at first.

    I laughed because I thought she meant I didn't have the discipline; but realized later that she meant that it was physically impossible. Our stomachs are swollen after the procedure, and as they heal and the inflammation is reduced, drinking gets easier.

    I wasn't taking any pain meds, because it didn't feel necessary. But I called (everyone) the next day, and the bariatric nurse said to take the pain medication anyway, and it REALLY helped getting the protein shakes & water down. They'd prescribed liquid pain meds; later I switched to Tylenol.

    Sleeved 06/10/13 and only now getting to used to this new "normal". But I'm so happy.

    Best wishes to you both!
  • teresa7926
    teresa7926 Posts: 121 Member
    As others have said, it does get easier. I was sleeved 27 days ago, and get to start on food I can chew on Monday. At first I was grateful to get 8oz of water in and felt like all I was doing was sleeping and taking vitamins/drugs. 2 tbspn of yogurt was a chore. Each day got easier and I was off pain meds after 6 days. I now get 6-8 glasses of water a day besides my other liquids from shakes. Could probably get the 8+ except now that I am back at work, it is not that easy. Take you time, listen to your body, and progress as you can.