Getting kids off of cows milk

carrie3083 Posts: 30 Member
Hi there,

Anyone wean their kids off cows milk? Knowing what I know now, I hate serving it to them but they are addicted to it. Anyone have any good tips for switching kids to plant based milks?


  • sydoe94
    sydoe94 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm not a parent, but I've found that the easiest transitioning point is milk on cereal. Any slight taste difference is covered up by the cereal. My entire family is still happily omnivorous (and goes through about a gallon of cow's milk a day), but they choose to put almond milk on their cereal because they say it even tastes better. If your kids are uncomfortable with just drinking it, cereal might be a good way to help them get comfortable eating it.
  • storknursekelly
    storknursekelly Posts: 94 Member
    Mix 1/4 c coconut or almond or soy milk and then keep adding more over a couple weeks with less cow's milk. After a few weeks or less they will transition. If I knew then what I know now about cows milk causing type 2 diabetes I would have never ever given to my kids or drank it myself.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    My first step was to switch to organic which has a thicker, chalkier texture. Then as storknurse said, I started cutting it withorganic soy - first 1/4 then 1/2 & 1/2. I was saving the old gallon so when I bought a new one I would just pour half into the jug & fill with organic soy milk. Eventually they figured it out and they are teenagers now so I have organic soy, almond, coconut & rice milks in the house at all times and my husband still likes organic cows milk, so I still buy that too. They pick & choose what they drink in a glass, for chocolate milk, on their cereal, & in smoothies, on any given day.
  • carrie3083
    carrie3083 Posts: 30 Member
    Totally trying that! thanks! Just today I put soy milk in my sons cereal and he ran to the fridge and pointed at the cows milk and said "I want THAT one". So I am going to pour some soy in there and see how that goes. Thanks!
  • danikanoodles
    danikanoodles Posts: 150 Member
    I think coconut milk has a better resembalence to milk. Maybe empty out the milk container and refill it with alternatives milks. It truly is addicting. Glad your trying to switch them. Good luck!
  • For me Oat Milk has the closes resemblance to milk - I love the brand 'oatly' - LOVE that you are getting them off the stuff, you are setting them up for a much healthier life - way to go!!!
  • RocksFlower
    RocksFlower Posts: 74 Member
    This was the first challenge I faced when I decided to go Vegan. My 13 year old daughter had cereal daily and drank 1-2 large glasses of cow's milk a day. I told my daughter that it was really important to me to cut out dairy and she was open to trying to find an alternative. We tried Almond Milk, Soy Milk, Hemp Milk and finally Coconut Milk. Coconut Milk was the winner! I was shocked that she was okay with this transition since she had been drinking cow's milk her whole life but she has been fine with it ever since and loves it! Good luck and I hope it works out for you and your family.
  • carrie3083
    carrie3083 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone. I did it! Two of them like soy and one likes coconut. None of them want to have a big tall glass of it but they will go for it in their cereal and I've put it in smoothies etc. On another note, I snuck some nutritional yeast in the polenta tonight ????. Gonna be a loooong process though.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,212 Member
    This has been a bone of contention for me. I have 3 teenagers and they are so stuck in their ways. Sometimes, when we run out of cow's milk, I tell them I'm not going to the store and they'll have to use my soy milk in their cereal. Also, I use soy milk when making things like mac n cheese or mashed potatoes. Little steps lead to big strides (I hope)!
  • eleqtriq
    eleqtriq Posts: 76 Member
    My kids naturally *prefer* almond milk. They even like the unflavored, unsweetened ones best. Maybe just buy a variety and taste test!
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I was already biased against milk way before I started cutting out dairy for health reasons, because I think it tastes gross lol. I have really been cutting back on buying it for the family-I used to buy 3 gallons a week for three kids and hubby and now it's down to 1 gallon and the last one I had to dump part of it due to it going bad before they used it up :) I pack my kids lunches for school and last year they brought water every day-had no problems at all with it and plan on doing the same thing this year! My kid's also love chocolate almond milk and I'm thinking of mixing it with regular, to get them used to the non-chocolate version. I'd like to eventually have them use this instead of cow's milk.