Jawbone and calories

Can someone please explain how the calorie adjustment works? I am confused, am I still burning calories when my up app says I am but my MFP remains a zero? When I say this I changed my MFP settings to where it showed negative exercises so that I could change it to positive but when I did this it started adding on calories to my net calories ?


  • RTDice
    RTDice Posts: 193 Member
    MFP doesn't know how active you *really* are. So based on what you tell it, MFP makes an educated guess.

    In contrast the UP knows exactly how active you are. The adjustment works such that if you haven't been very active in a day you'll get calories taken off your daily amount to keep in with your weight loss goal. If you are very active over MFPs assumption, then you'll see exercise calories appearing giving you more. If you're on track for the day, you may not see any adjustment.

    I refer to it as the 'sitting on my butt' tax. If I don't do enough in a day, I don't get as much to eat.

    I personally don't use the UP to track exercise, so if I go for a walk as exercise I take the UP off and track the walk in MFP as exercise (using Runkeeper or Endomondo). Then put the UP back on. I want the UP to help me become generally more active so I have a higher NEAT (Non Exercise Additional Thermogenesis)

    Have you calibrated your UP? I've done it once so far - I hear that calibrating it a couple of times over the first few weeks is useful.
  • lmvx
    lmvx Posts: 8
    Thank you for explaining, it makes sense now !
  • ryanosgood
    ryanosgood Posts: 28
    I delete the UP adjustment in MFP every day. I log my organized exercise (strength, running, etc.) on MFP directly and so I think that UP adjustment is a double count. In addition, I am not interested in the every day activity - like walking around home / office. I certainly don't want to eat those calories back. I do keep track in both UP and MFP for different reason, however, as they both have their purpose.
  • jwmsjr
    jwmsjr Posts: 4
    You may want to check out this post:

    I am logging my exercises in Jawbone UP until MFP fixes an issue with manually entered MFP workouts being removed. Then what I do is log the exercise in MFP with 1 calorie so I can still have a log of my workouts in MFP. I really love the timer function on Jawbone UP so the technique I use is I always use my heart rate monitor during workouts so I just adjust the "timed" workout
    entry to match my "actual" calories burned.

    Here is a link to the post:


    hope this helps.
