Challenge Ideas for our Fearless Leader

mlerand62 Posts: 85 Member
I thought it might be nice to give Linda some ideas as she works so hard at coming up with challenges for us. If we come up with too many - I for one am in hopes of continuing this group with a new challenge after Labor Day.

WATER - I don't think we can stress enough how important it is to get our water in each day. I went to my Alzheimer's Support Group meeting last night and staying hydrated, safe and lowering your stress are key with this disease. Both of my grandmother's had it. My Mom has it. My Dad is so fearful of getting it. He is from a family of 12 and 5 have it. I am running scared some days:sad: :sad: The nurse who is helping with our support group just cannot stress hydration enough. If you don't give your brain enough water you kill off brain cells. Drink your water my friends.

PAMPER YOURSELF - I would love to see if we could pamper ourselves, just once, one week. I tend to forget about a bubble bath, good book, what ever. I get so busy I forget to relax.

CHANGE IT UP - I get in such a rut. I need to add something new once in a while. Squat challenge. 10 minute You Tube exercise video, you get the picture.

I am anxious to see more ideas. I am sure it will help Linda out.

Keep up the great work my friends.:flowerforyou:


  • melissalanggin
    melissalanggin Posts: 46 Member
    Great initiative........ Challenges are good to keeping the group going.

    I know WATER is key to weight loss. When someone is eating healthy and they are exercising water is the key to keeping it all together. I know when I am on point and working my rear and keep at least 12 glasses of water part of my diet I see weight fall off... IT's amazing... plus when I am going beast mode in the gym on my workouts I feel tons more energized and not so Fatigued........ It makes me go harder. If one consistantly drinks water through out the day they will notice it like crazy..... WATER is LIFE.. Can you tell I like my water.

    A squat challenge is def a good Idea... I am doing Les mills now and I think I am getting enough squat work in for sure... I can def share some tips one can do at home in a blog post this weekend. I just need to be reminded....

    I'm sorry your in a rut. I am just getting out of mine... It feels good too.. This is the first week I have been on point, staying with in calories, logging my food on a daily basis, working out strong... I can only hope I can continue this. I feel planning was the way that got me going. I sat down, planned on paper what the week would go like. Food and exercise. and then I kept it in front of me.... (i have a blog that shows my process) this has been a huge help this week. I was able to grab things and just go.

    Wow that was a lot to post.... Let me recap...

    Water... NO MATTER WHAT get it in and feel the diff
    Activity Challange.... 30 min of hard core workouts... (will think of some at home good ones)
    Change it up..... PLAN IT and Follow through..
  • aNewMiniMe
    aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks for the ideas! :heart: I like them all. I can never have too many choices for challenges. If others want to post challenge ideas please do so.:flowerforyou: I have a few up my sleeve but I can always use help. :tongue: