NSV's - What symptoms got better for you?

MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
Lets not talk weight at all ok?
(Inspired by recent my heartburn is gone post)
So many people say, "oh but going off grains when you aren't a celiac is not recommended by nutritionists". Oh that pisses me off ;)

For me my list of symptoms.

My finger and toe nails are growing MUCH more rapidly and stronger (sometimes more of a pain ;)
Daily heartburn gone.
Severe allergy to milk fats gone.
Significantly less acne (actually the only blemishes I get are after I cheat)
Seasonal grass allergies medicated with prescription gone.
Tremendously increased libido ;), and I mean tremendously.
Overall mood - I previously had monthly anxiety attacks and frequent depression (crawl into bed for a day)
Energy, way up (despite eating very few carbs in a day)
No longer driven by food every 3-4 hours - I can go 20 hours without food if it just isn't convenient.
My thighs don't get rashes anymore from rubbing together (I'm cheating here - that is really weight related, but was a bad problem)
Severe daily shoulder pain, joint pain in my hands and feet used to be common. I was on daily anti inflammatory drugs and daily ice.
Better more efficient sleep.
Frequent intestinal distress gone.
I don't sunburn as easily (its still possible, but almost hard to do)

I didn't even mention my blood tests which I have previously posted as f-ing awesome. (recent DR review was blown away by the ratios especially)
I really don't seem to get sick ;) seriously haven't had a real cold/flu in 18 months.

These are the stories people don't hear about paleo/primal - they assume it is about weight. If someone gave me this list of symptoms and said they would go away by being paleo I wouldn't' give a crap about my weight and would be all in.


  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    that is spectacular!!! I too have gotten many great benefits to paleo other than weight loss,

    ~ acne gone ( I suffered for years!!!)
    ~ fybromyalsia pain pretty much gone
    ~ digestion issues, gone
    ~ libido....back and in full force!!
    ~ depression & anxiety greatly reduced, still a bit but nothing like before
    ~ sleep better
    ~ I crave meat & veggies now
    those are the ones that really stand out

    would never go back to the SAD , not worth it, feel so much better...I have been eating Paleo since October 24th 2012
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    I've been paleo for two months and the almost daily headaches, arthritis pain in my neck, and fatigue are all gone. I have stable and consistent energy throughout the day, I fall asleep easier and wake up easier, and did I mention energy??? :)
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm not even fully paleo (about 80%, but really aim to stay off wheat and processed food. I'm more flexible on dairy and legumes as I find they don't really effect me)

    - Headaches gone (sugar and wheat related)
    - monthly cycle far closer to monthly! (missed it for a year or so about 10 years ago and since then the most regular I've got it to is every 3 months, since going paleo, I'm down to every 6 weeks which I expect to resolve itself fully. )
    - Less windy/gassy (I didn't know I bad I was till I changed)
    - Increased libedo
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    I've only been doing this since May, but I have seen some results:

    - better sleep, wake up refreshed
    - more energy
    - joint pain diminished (not gone, still pretty crippled, but functioning, and hoping it'll keep getting better over time)
    - never hungry, never get the low-blood-sugar woozies anymore, even if I go 12+ hours between meals
    - no heartburn
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    Since I stopped eating gluten a few years ago I don't have any pains in my intestines and I don't get anymore tiny blisters in my mouth after ingesting gluten.

    Since eating Paleo/Primal I now have the energy to get up at 4am to workout (It's the time I have to do it). I also converted my work desk to a standing work station.

    I'm not starving right after I eat and no sugar crashes either.
    My monthly migraines are less severe.
    My acne has pretty much cleared up. And I even use coconut oil as my all over moisturizer :)
    I'm sleeping better. I'm still not quite there yet, but better!!

    I'm still a work in progress, but I'm definitely happy about the way things are going!!!!!!
  • nickymaire
    nickymaire Posts: 138 Member
    Going Primal in December last year was the best thing I've ever done

    - 11 years of CHRONIC neck and back pain greatly reduced
    - no tension/migraine like headaches
    - this is a weird one I don't get car/travel sick like I use to
    -seasonal allergies gone
    -asthma gone
    -dry skin, eczema gone
    - no longer get mouth ulcers (I used to have them all the time)
    -don't get sick all the time like I use to
    -chronic tiredness reduced
    -more regular
    -improved fitness
    -no mental fog

    Because I;m not feeling tired all the time and lack of headaches and mental fog means I'm now studying full time which was something I would have never attempted to do before going primal.

  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    I'm still a work in progress, but I'm definitely happy about the way things are going!!!!!!
    We all are.

    I had forgotten also clinically - had consistent BP of 145-150/100-110 and a resting HR of 90. Doc said, fix this or it is medication time.
    I am now pretty much always 110/70 resting HR of 50-55. (and that isn't resting in the morning, that is walking around) I might be dead and not know it.
  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    My main thing is joint pain - GONE. I've had 5 knee surgeries and my doctors told me it was just arthritis and I needed to take anti-inflammatories daily and probably need my knees replaced once I'm old enough. I'm not even 40 yet, so not good news. And I can't stomach the anti-inflammatories - literally. They were tearing up my stomach and I felt like it was a daily choice between joint pain and stomach pain. (I decided to just live with the joint pain).

    I actually started with the 4 hour body diet and then switched to basically paleo later, but after a couple months with no grains, suddenly realized that I hadn't felt any knee pain in a while. Even if I go skiing or jogging, or... well anything. I can get twinges if I tweak my knees because the ligaments are loose, but no lasting pain like I used to have. I used to not be able to wear high heels, even for 30 minutes without my knees aching for days - but a couple weeks ago I wore 4+ inch heels to a wedding and was in them for 9 hours and felt great the next day. I NEVER thought I'd be able to do that again.

    During the past 7 months I had a few incidents where my husband would talk me into having a beer, or something like that and voila - knees visibly swollen for like 3 days. Back to gluten free and inflammation and pain are all gone. It's incredible.

    Other things - I sleep so much better! I'm not congested anymore so I can breathe so much easier.

    I have more energy overall.

    I deal with temperature variations better - I don't feel like I'm melting in the heat all summer and feel the need to curl up in the A/C constantly.

    Headaches are 95% gone.

    Don't suffer from constant sugar cravings anymore!

    EDIT: My teeth! My dentist was so impressed last time I was there. They had been watching several spots that looked like developing cavities 6 months ago and now? Gone. My gums look better, my teeth were perfect, and I'm stoked. Haha, go figure that ditching dairy completely fixed my teeth.
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    The first thing I noticed, within a few days, was increased energy. After that I realized my joint pain was gone as well as my brain fog and crankiness. After a few weeks my friends started noticing that my body was getting leaner. I didn't lose any weight, but I lost a couple of pants sizes.