
Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
aubsgg: Are you still checking in here??? Just wondering if anyone is still around or if I am talking to myself! :laugh:


  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    Just checking in to let you know I haven't abandoned you. I'm working out of town working 7a- to about 10p (sometimes later) in a time zone 3 hours later. So tired. I feel bigger of course without a scale I have no idea, but I can't fit into one of the pairs of pants I brought. Only have had enough time to exercise 20 minutes since I've been here just about 2 weeks.

    Hope you're doing well. Went straight here so haven't seen any other posts of yours.
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    So happy to hear from you!!! I am glad you are still here and checking in. Sorry you are working such long hours!!! That sounds crazy!!! No wonder you don't feel like working out when you finally get free time. Try to squeeze in even 15 minutes...... just to devote some time to yourself and keep/reinforce a habit. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Any chance of hours getting better at work anytime soon?!? I hope so! Take care! :flowerforyou:
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    No hours won't get better for another 4 weeks. I told myself I would at least do lunges and squats, but I keep forgetting to actually do it. At some point I'll get fed up and get back to exercise and improve my eating. Kind of in a holding pattern. Hope the scale isn't too shocking when I get home (June 22).
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    Wow, not only are you working these long hours, but you are away from home, too?!? You have it rough right now. A holding pattern is probably smart in that situation. I hear you on having a simple goal (lunges and squats) and forgetting to do it. I do that all the time! I really need to make exercise a priority and show it through my behavior (following through with exercise)! I just resumed my walking yesterday. Had gotten really busy and forgot about it for a few days. I need to constantly focus on it in order to really follow through with it. Hope you are taking care of yourself during this difficult work schedule. Sneak in as much tiime "just for you" as you can! Hang in there!!! :smile:
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    changed from nice work clothes to pants that should fit and they are really tight, almost too tight. My hubby is coming to visit me tomorrow, he is good about working out, maybe I'll get a few in with him. I'm so exhausted. This trip isn't working well for me.

    Glad you're getting your walking in.
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    Sorry to hear that your trip isn't working well for you. I hope you enjoyed your visit with your hubby and maybe even got some exercise in. Hang in there and focus on any positive you can find to help you through this trying time. You can do it!!!
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    It was nice to visit with Hubby, but no exercise per se. We did spend 1 day walking around doing touristy stuff. How's it gong with you?
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    Hello Aubsgg!!! I was in Ireland on vacation from June 19th to July 1st, so just saw your post to me. I did not focus much on "dieting" while in Ireland, but did get a lot of walking in. Need to regroup and start planning food and exercise again and get over my jet lag! Had a wonderful vacation with my mom and sisters, but happy to be back home with my family!!!
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    good to hear from you. I was wondering if you had abandoned ship too. I'm back from Jacksonville. I was supposed to go again Monday but that trip has been postponed until Sept. Starting today to get back to exercising daily (did go kayaking yesterday), logging food, and staying in calorie goal.

    My battery died in my HRM, need to get that fixed.

    Let's do this!
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    Nope, I haven't abandoned ship, but I haven't been doing well food and exercise speaking since returning from Ireland. I work out with a new trainer in the morning and he is going to kick my butt!!! I need it, though!!! Gotta get back in the right frame of mind!

    Glad you are still around!!! :bigsmile:
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    how did it go with the trainer? Are you doing better with food and exercise? I'm doing a little better but not nearly as well as I want to.
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    Thing went well with the trainer! I took my handicapped daughter, too (scheduled), so he worked with her as well. It was nice to catch my breath while he worked with her. Usually, he takes me quickly from one thing to the next, which leaves me breathless! That's the idea, right?!? My food and exercise have not been at all where I want them since Ireland. And I just had foot surgery (again; had another last year at this time) Tuesday morning, July 16th, so I am off my feet for awhile while it heals. I just hope that this surgery has repaired everything once and for all so I can exercise at full force in the months ahead. I really need it!!!

    How have you been? Any more traveling for work in the near future?!?
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    how's it going for you?

    Are you still training with a trainer? Changed up your routine?

    I've been drinking a lot of veggie smoothies. Lost nearly 4 lbs this week, but since it is so fast I figure it is water. No exercise. I had few days with some exercise. Friday I badly twisted my ankle, just managing walking.

    I'm hoping this veggie thing will actually work.
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    Soooooooooo happy to hear from you!!!!! I thought you disappeared, too!!! I am okay, but exercise is still on hold since foot surgery 5 weeks ago. I hope to get the okay for exercise at my 7 week follow-up appointment. I have been on my feet a lot more and doing some walking, but it gets sore easily still. So trainer is on hold for a few more weeks. I am afraid to go back, but I am going to do it anyway when the time is right. Need to get my eating back in check, too. My kids start back to school on Wednesday, so I hope to get into a good routine during the day.

    Veggie smoothies?!? Not sure what to think of them. I LOVE fruit smoothies, but I can imagine that veggie smoothies are much better for you. What do you typically put in them? Hey, I'd take a 4 pound loss any day ~ water weight or not!!! I am desperate for some weight loss!

    Sorry to hear that you badly twisted your ankle. Take good care of yourself and heal that ankle and then get back in business. It sounds like things have improved for you! That's great!

    Please keep in touch! You are my only lifeline here! LOL!
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    I am usually putting in some combination of: beets, celery, apple or pear, lemon or lime,, spinach, kale, cucumber, carrots, grapes and chia seeds . My husband likes a concoction of tomatoes, carrots, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, fresh jalapenos, apple and pepper.

    I started with fruit smoothies, but they ended up being around 400 calories. I've been reading the sugar spike (even though all natural) isn't good for your body (or weight loss). My veggie ones are around 180-225 cals. I do seem to have more energy too.

    You can do fruit smoothies with small percentage of veggies and up the veggies as you get used to it. You really can't taste the spinach either (I usually do 2 cups). I started with Dr Oz green drink recipe- pretty mild taste (saw it on oprah - can google it)

    You can do some upper body exercise, especially some weight training- a few curls, overhead presses, and tricep movements (know how to do, don't know what they are called)

    As to getting eating on track, can you find 1 daily habit you can remove (or replace with either healthy or healthier choice)? Small steps will get you there too.
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    I have heard that you can add spinach to fruit smoothies without noticing the flavor. Is that true? Do you use spinach leaves or what? I have been doing some weight training for upper body. Need to pick up the frequency, though. My foot actually feels much better just in the past couple days. Thank God!!! I was really beginning to worry that it would NEVER feel better. So I have been walking and will soon start back with personal trainer.

    I like your idea of finding ONE daily habit I can change to take small steps to "get there!" Thanks!

    How have YOU been?!?
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    I had been checking but with no activity I forgot. I'm not doing well with weight, or any health issue right now. I've gained about 8 lbs this year. The scale is showing a roughly 1 lb a day gain. I'm on vacation this week and I set a goal to exercise everyday. Didn't do it yesterday or so far today. I got hit hard with allergies yesterday (never even got out of bed). My family says I've been very cranky for 4 months ( I think only 1 month). Every month I set new goals so I can see some loss during this year and then don't follow through. My well meaning husband cooks and serves me food that I don't know what quantities of ingredients are in them and servings are unmeasured and large. I'm not helping by eating about 5 dark chocolate cherry almond clusters (the ones from costco).

    I've never felt like I was an emotional eater but I definitely am the last 2 months.

    How are you doing?
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    I am just about in the same boat. :frown: I keep thinking/saying that I am going to start over and eat healthier and exercise consistently.......and then I don't follow through. It is so much easier to eat what I want (though I am usually conscious of my choices) and NOT exercise as the days fly by. This adds to my shame and weight, and the vicious cycle continues. I so WANT the benefits of weight loss and living healthier, but I am just not putting in the effort to get resutls. I realized that I am an emotional eater awhile ago. It is very difficult to get a handle on it.

    The good news for both of us is that we CAN start making better choices right this moment!!! I am going to walk my dogs ~ even if just a short walk ~ before 5pm today. I actually ate a healthy breakfast and lunch and mid-morning snack, but followed lunch up with a chocolate chip cookie (free on Wednesdays at Max and Erma's). :noway: At least the lunch itself was healthy: cajun tilapia, roasted potatoes, and asparagus, along with a side salad. I will focus on that progress and NOT on the cookie. I will work at resisting the cookie next time!

    Tell me one thing you will do today that will start you on your way to healthier choices. We can hold each other accountable for small changes/healthy choices that will add up to success. Every bit of movement is better than no movement, and every healthy food choice matters. Let's focus on the POSITIVE and cheer each other on! WE CAN DO THIS!!! :wink:
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    I read your post yesterday and was going to commit to veggie smoothie daily. I did do one yesterday. Probably not getting there today unless I have an PM snack. Thought I did ok with calories but was actually over 200, I had forgotten some beans and cheese I had. Probably better overall than anything else I've done lately.

    For now I think I'm trying to keep calories reasonable. I will work towards getting in exercise. I'm trying to do some sewing and it is all over my exercise area. Also know that I can overwhelm myself if I plan lots of changes and then fail. good news I'm .5 down from yesterday.

    I also adjusted my weight ribbon yesterday to be up to my current weight, yuck 10 lbs up from last year this time.

    How have you been doing with your small changes. Yes we can do it!
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    PM'd you my reply now that we're MFP friends! :smile: