Loosing Weight during Ramadan

krishamisha Posts: 19 Member
Assalamu alaikum

*~* Ramadan Kareem*~*

Anyone else out there planning to use MFP during Ramadan?

Its winter here (Sydney, Australia) so I am hoping to fit in some evening workouts with Maghrib being around 5pm.

Anyone got any tips for loosing weight during this time?


  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    W/salaam :)

    Ramadan Mubarak!

    Here in the UK, Iftar is around 9:15 pm, so it's pretty much dinner and bed time for me! I normally go for a walk, even if it's 10mins to 1) enjoy the lovely sunshine we currently have and 2) to keep the old metabolism in place.

    I've taken a break from lifting and vigorous cardio specifically for Ramadan. Plus I was on medication just a week before, so needed to stop for a bit. However, I will try to incorporate some light calisthenics (push ups, sit ups, etc) when I feel a little bit bored of walking lol

    My family are in Mauritius and their Iftar is at around 6pm for them. With the nice weather they get as well, this Ramadan must be blissful for them!

    I'm still tracking my calories, but have switched to maintenance for the month.

    I hope these tips have helped a tiny bit :)

    Have a blessed Ramadan

  • ShrinkingMuslimah
    ShrinkingMuslimah Posts: 99 Member
    I'm on the west coast of Canada so iftar here is around 9:20 and Suhoor ends at 3am or so. So I don't have a lot of time to work out, but I'm still tracking my calorie intake. I try my best to stick to the sunnah and eat a very light iftar anyways, I avoid heavy foods and find my calorie intake is under my daily limit without much effort. I've always lost weight during Ramadan because of that. Occasionally if I get invited to a really fancy iftar I'll allow myself to indulge in a few extras. Samosa here, pakora there. But on average my food intake is very little during Ramadan, alhamdou lillah Allah makes it easy for us.
  • 29_2013
    29_2013 Posts: 7

    would love to lose weight this Ramadan.

    Sohoor is 3am and iftar is 9:20pm. I couldn't manage any exercise to be honest but I'm hoping a restriction on calories will be enough!
  • aussiek
    aussiek Posts: 1
    Agreed. I tried to go for a walk during the day, and I was just pooped! I'm in United States and It's about an average of 30-32 Celsius so I sweat like crazy and barely made it back ^.^; I'm thinking that I will just have to start working out around Iftar, anyone have an particular exercises that they would recommend?
  • raj186
    raj186 Posts: 13 Member
    Salaam....I'm the UK so have around one hour to use between tarawih and suhoor. I make a mad dash to the gym and normally do a six station resistance circuit. The weights I use arent too heave but the combination of resistance and speed normally gives me a good burn. I then finish of with around 15 minutes of light cardio with sit ups and push ups etc....lucky to have a 24/hr gym around the corner :)
    In terms of calories....I'm baaad!! I tend to eat with my eyes on some days. May Allah give me the strength to slay my nafs!!!
  • angamp4
    angamp4 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m struggling at iftar time all I’m craving is deserts! Anything I can do to avoid this apart from not buying the stuff.