Important stuff will go here one day.
Loosing Weight during Ramadan
Assalamu alaikum *~* Ramadan Kareem*~* Anyone else out there planning to use MFP during Ramadan? Its winter here (Sydney, Australia) so I am hoping to fit in some evening workouts with Maghrib being around 5pm. Anyone got any tips for loosing weight during this time?
Ramadan Mubarak!
Masha Allah, Tabarak Allah! I'm so happy to see this group specifically for Ramadan alhamdou lillah! I just wanted to wish everyone out there a Ramadan Mubarak. May this month bring us all closer to Allah and farther from our sins. Ameen!
Are you exercising?
Who is still working out while fasting? Or before/after fasting? I thought about doing this, but I'm afraid by doing so it'll make the rest of the day that much harder... Basically, creating a larger deficit and feeling more hungry, less energized afterward. I could be wrong, please share!
Bone Broth = High Nutrition
With these long days and hot summer hydration has been my focus. So to help with hydration I am making bone broth. Bone broth was a staple 50 years ago and still is around the world, but a lot of us has lost the knowledge of how good it is for us. I hv chg'd from a veg soup to the bone broth for myself. I break my fast w a…
Non-Muslim celebrating Ramadan, need tips !
Salam everyone ! I am a non-Muslim but very interested in Islam and a majority of the people I hang out with are Muslim. I know its day 3 of Ramadan but I have decided (starting tomorrow), that I will fast as well for spiritual reasons and to learn more about this great religion. Last night I was invited to Iftar, I ate…
Eating Right during Ramdan?
Anyone have any suggestions on how to eat right during the month long fasting? Fasts will be from sunrise to sunset ... in the U.S. that will make for long days. What types of exercises would be best?
Tips for easier stressless Ramadan Cooking
Salaamu aleikoum I wanted to share some tips for easier Ramadan cooking but somehow i can't copy paste it here ... so here is the LINK enchallah .. if it helps any of you plz include me in your duas!!
Sharing My Low Carb Plan for Ramadan
A.S. Sisters, :flowerforyou: I spoke with my nutrutional therapist yesterday about the best plan for me during Ramadan. I thought I would share it with you. Please keep on mind that I follow a healthy low carb plan (Atkins). I am not dieting, this is my lifestyle plan. I am greatful to Adele, for understanding the…
CrossFot Muslimah!
Salaamn, inspiring us sisters to get out there and get strong!
Some Spiritual Nourishment !
Came across this 10 day online free Ramadhan Prep course and cared to share (They have a file from 2011, also worth checking out )