
tif83 Posts: 85 Member
Hi everyone!!! so excited for this challenge!

Here's what I'm doing to lose 50 lbs by NYE. I re-added and I believe I need to lose nearly 2.5 lbs/wk. I know for 2 lbs/wk it's 1000 cal deficit, so I need to crank that up and get more exercise and keep on target for my cals- no excuses!

I am going to accomplish this by *always* logging and staying under goal-- Weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise!
And speaking of exercise, I am going to work to get back to going to the gym CONSISTENTLY 5-6 days/wk. I would also like to walk 10 mi/day twice a week, which will work out with my goal to go twice/day to the gym twice a week as well.

Lmk what you're doing and anything else you'd like to share!!!

FYI- I'm 30 and live in FL. :)



  • andersonh2007
    andersonh2007 Posts: 27 Member
    Love your idea for this challenge! I am in and in FL too! Thanks for getting the ball rolling.:)
  • miamilaw84
    miamilaw84 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm up for the challenge, and live in FL as well, Fort Lauderdale area to be exact.
  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm excited about this group! I was just writing down all of my goals today and I plan on being at goal weight or as close to it as possible by January 2014 so this was just perfect timing!! I started the advocare 24 day challenge last Monday and I'm on day 6- I've lost 8 lbs so far and I haven't worked out this week (started a new job and I've been exhausted every day) but I plan on starting my workout routine again today (working out is not usually a big problem for me since I've always been athletic-just eat like CRAP!)

    I'm an ICU/ER nurse and I work nights which is pretty hard for weight loss due to the irregular schedule and flipping back and forth from days to nights...plus night shift nurses eat like hell. I won't go into my past stories of weight loss since I'm focusing on being positive and looking/moving FORWARD with a new start but lets just say I've lost good amounts of weight in the past and let it creep back up on me. Not this time! Once I reach goal I plan on making new fitness goals and always looking for ways to better myself and reach higher goals.

    I have started eating "clean" this week for the first time in my life and I have to say it feels pretty good to have to be creative in coming up with ways to make "boring' whole foods delicious but it's keeping me more busy and creative :) Sorry this is getting so long just wanted to introduce myself! I look forward to motivating one another and having somewhere to go to talk to people!!! I'm a pretty big party girl which is what has gotten me where I am...so the weekends are my biggest problem. And going out and not drinking/drinking minimally. Anyway, that's me in a nutshell, now I wanna meet Y'ALL! (and I'm from Texas if you couldn't tell ;)

    SW: 210
    GW: 145
    CW: 202
  • cathyg321
    cathyg321 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everyone!!! so excited for this challenge!

    Here's what I'm doing to lose 50 lbs by NYE. I re-added and I believe I need to lose nearly 2.5 lbs/wk. I know for 2 lbs/wk it's 1000 cal deficit, so I need to crank that up and get more exercise and keep on target for my cals- no excuses!

    I am going to accomplish this by *always* logging and staying under goal-- Weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise!
    And speaking of exercise, I am going to work to get back to going to the gym CONSISTENTLY 5-6 days/wk. I would also like to walk 10 mi/day twice a week, which will work out with my goal to go twice/day to the gym twice a week as well.

    Lmk what you're doing and anything else you'd like to share!!!

    FYI- I'm 30 and live in FL. :)


    YAY Tiffany.. go you!! Thank you for creating this challenge!! I SO needed this! I have lost some weight and began to get complacent... I love how the outline of your program. I was exercising on a pretty near daily basis but I've injured my arm exercising and I pretty much got put on the sidelines. Before that happened, we were having rainy days for what seemed like forever.. and after the rainy days, then came the heatwave, temps upwards of 100! Right now we are pretty mild and in the low to upper 80s.. fall is coming! So this is a great time for a great challenge. I would love to lose 50lbs!! ASAP- of course I know weightloss is never about ASAP.. we did not put the weight on ASAP, so we must be patient to take it off... patient, though.. not complacent!

    I am living in Montana.
  • betsyr13
    betsyr13 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey all. I am excited about this challenge! I really need something to push me forward. Anyone who needs new friends, please feel free to add me. One of my goals is to be more disciplined about logging everything every day no matter what.

    I've gotten my eating pretty much under control lately, but I need to get consistent about exercise again. I love running and feel great when I do it regularly. There are days when work and family obligations get in the way, but I have got to just make the time.

    SW: 201
    CW: 179
    GW: 150

    I'm probably getting married in the spring, too, so I would love to be in the best shape of my life by then.
  • _skinnydreaming
    hello, I'm Adriana. I've been looking for a group, but didn't want to join one only to not participate, but this seems perfect! :)

    I have 46lbs to lose to reach my goal weight, and with 24 weeks until new years, that's an average of about 2lbs per week.
  • queenzomby

    Is there anyway for you to make a google spreadsheet for this group? If not, its fine. Just an idea :)
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    I will strive for 50 pounds, but my goal will be 30lbs. I am a slow loser.
    I'm from NC!
    I will eat at/under my calories that MFP gives me; but will only eat about 1/3 of my exercise calories--not sure how accurate they are.
    Exercise: bike riding, Walk Away the Pounds DVD, swimming and water aerobics.

    Highest Weight: 310 (June 2011?)
    SW: 285 (June 2013)
    CW: 280
    Mini Goal #1: 260
    Mini Goal #2: 210
    Ultimate Goal: 165/175
  • xsw8
    xsw8 Posts: 2
    OOOOHHHHH! I would love to do this too. This is just the jumpstart I need.
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    Hi! I'm Amber, a 30yo mom of 3. I've lost and gained weight in a vicious cycle since 2009. I always come back to MFP and I'm tired of starting over! I've never made it to my "goal" weight, the closest I have have been is 20 pounds away. Hopefully this group will keep me motivated. Feel free to add me. Oh, I'm doing HFLC so don't be scared if you look at my diary. lol
  • kaitlynsmom
    kaitlynsmom Posts: 140 Member
    Hello all!!!!!!!! Waving from your friend up north in Edmonton, Alberta Canada

    I am a 30 yr old mom of 3. I work part time in the mornings then come home and look after the girls while the hubby goes to work. I have lost 46lbs so far but I still have more I want to lose.

    I plan on walking to work which is 2.6kms each way and also go for a couple runs in the week. I do have a half marathon coming up in August so I am training for that. I really just watch what I eat and drink tons of water and green tea.

    SW 236.6
    CW 190.3
    GW 130-140
  • jgarrett731
    jgarrett731 Posts: 36 Member
    HI everyone! I'm Jennifer- 27 years old from Central Ohio. I'm a special education teacher at a middle school, as of now but looking for a new job due to distance. I have two children (2 year old girl and 6 month old boy). Back to back pregnancies are to blame for this weight. Before my first child I was always stuck around 140 and tried to be active when living on my own. Now I'm not able to go to the gym since my town does not have one. :( ...so I'm doing this all at home. So far I've started the 30 Day Shred (day 6) and have used my Crunch Fat-Burning Pilates dvd, which I love.

    HW: 222 at the end of my pregnancy. I lost a lot of weight fast after that and got down to 208.
    CW: 182
    GW: a fit & fabulous (as I keep telling my husband) 130.
    I'm 5'5"
  • Sarahkoolkatkitty
    Sarahkoolkatkitty Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm so happy this group exists! I started at 247 pounds in Oct and am now just under 190 pounds. My goal is 170, but I have finally admitted to myself that I will have to lower that. 40 pounds by New Years would be awesome. Feel free to add me for friendship and motivation! Oh, and I'm in Wisconsin.
  • Galewskih
    Galewskih Posts: 3
    Hi everyone, I'm Heather from Tennessee. I'm 27 and ready to take my life back. Thanks for starting this group because I have way more than 50lbs to lose, but this is exactly what I need to help hold me accountable. So far I've eaten poorly and haven't exercised(only been a week). I have spent most of my time planning how to get healthy instead of just doing it. Also, I've signed up to run(walk) the Tinkerbell Half Marathon on my birthday, Jan 19. I know I have a lot of hard work ahead of me, but if I put 100% of my effort into it I can achieve my goals.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    Hey there. This is good for me, I have 55lbs left to lose. It has taken one whole year to lose just 30, but I've been going at a slow pace. I'll be 30 yrs old in October, single, no kids and trying to start my own business, so income is none existent right now. I do all my workouts at home (for free).

    Are there going to be any challenges? Maybe a weekly thing? (Burn so many calories, eat a certain type of food, do a certain workout)

    This should be fun and I need some motivation and people to talk to when I get frustrated. Keep each other motivated :flowerforyou:
  • cdouglas06
    Hi! I'm so excited about this group! Like many others, I was looking for a group that was true to my situation. Though I need to lose more than 50lbs, this group was perfect, because I had given myself until New Year's to be the sexy person I would like to be. So I look forward to speaking with all of you on my journey.

    SW: 226
    CW: 219
    GW: 112

    Good luck everyone, and have a wonderful day/ evening!
  • periwinkkl
    periwinkkl Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! Love this idea. I am a 32 y/o from Southern California. Would love to be down 50 lbs by NYE. I just started yoga and have been tracking my calories. Feel free to add me for support!!
  • Ben_Avery
    Ben_Avery Posts: 22 Member

    I'm in as well. I need to loose close to 100 pounds.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

    SW- 254
    CW - 254
    GW - 150
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Hello to the group from the Southern US. College student with an insane schedule this fall, and even worse next spring (that one will be AFTER this challenge though. ::Grins::) I've been doing good so far with a wonderful friend's list, but this summer I have hit a massive stall. Switched to the TDEE - % because I got tired of not being able to eat all of my goal calories every day. Then I wound up slacking off at the gym due to classes being out. The good thing? I know what maintenance is. The bad thing? I know what maintenance is for the weight I'm at NOW.

    I'm so glad this group/challenge was offered! It should be just the extra push I need to get up off my duff, and get to the gym again! (or to recalculated my TDEE-%) So, now it's just time to get up and get moving!

    The food side hasn't been an issue once I adapted to my required lifestyle, but the exercise HAS become an issue. And, I WILL overcome this one, just like I've overcome every other obstacle that has popped up in my path!
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I am coming back to MFP after losing focus and this time I am going to rock at it. Last time I was only looking at staying under my calories and not really working out. This time I plan on hitting calories in and out daily goals. I was watching Extreme Weighloss the other night and this girl who was so depressed and down rocked at losing weight. She made a point to do it and did it well. I want this to be me. I want to do it and get my pounds lost toolbar to actually move. My mindset is finally in the right spot. I can't wait to be 50lbs down by the end of the year.

    sw: 324
    Goal#1: 50lbs
    gw: 145