odd quirks

Everyone has them what are some of your odd quirks?

My personal list:
1- I still will at the age of 22 ask for piggy back rides from some of my friends. I'm only 4'10" 160lbs so its very possible with some of my friends for me to get impromptu piggy back rides.

2- I require some form of light to sleep comfortably. Current light source is a bendy lamp on the other side of my bedroom angled so it doesn't give off too much light.

3- I only sleep with my light off when my gf is over the house. And I've been known to sleep with with my bendy lamp on even with her around.

4-Lesbian or not Orlando Bloom as legolas from lord of the rings is very pretty. To quote willow from buffy. "Hey! I'm gay not blind." I have no sexual interest in guys but pretty is pretty. And every time I watch that trilogy I think; " He's pretty, now tell me where I can find a female elf.

5-I love sewing and costuming.

6- I love swords, Daggers, and armor.

7- I love reptiles.

8- spiders are gross. Scorpions and horse shoe crabs aren't.

9- I grumbled the entire movie when they completely removed maharettes twin in queen of the damned. This can be applied when any book based movie is screwed with in a fundamental way.

10- I own a book of shakespears complete works including his plays, poems, sonnets, and will. Said book is looked at frequently. The book has 2,364 pages and I've read it cover to cover about one dozen times.


  • libertygirlfla
    libertygirlfla Posts: 184 Member
    I hate crumbs on the counter!
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    1. I eat my toast and other food items in squares
    2. I need my back to be warm to fall asleep
    3. I often go shopping aiming to get a dress and come out with a mens dress shirt, or tie, or shoes.......................
    4. I ****ing love video games
    5. I'm a coffee fiend.....so is the gf. If she ever gave up coffee I would be a sad panda
    6. My gf and I meow at each other.... :)
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    Haha ;)

    1. I eat quite systematically, always ending my meal with the thing I like best on the plate. I.e. if I'm having seafood pasta, the last thing I eat for that course will be probably squid.

    2. If I find something I like to eat, I can eat it every single day for up to a month ^^;;

    3. I sometimes space out when I'm eating. It's not because your company is boring, I just do that ...

    4. I adore British panel shows. I watch almost all of them - QI, Mock the Week, Have I Got News for You, Nevermind the Buzzcocks etc etc
  • 1- I eat my candy by color and the amount of eat color.

    2-Indian and middle eastern food are my favorite food types.

    3- If I have a piece of jewlery I like then I only take it off to shower.

    4- I love scifi.

    5- mango is the most amazinbg tast on the planet to me.

    6- I've been told that I pronounce words like ramadan perfectly. This was told to me by the parents of my best friend during sixth grade. It was only mentioned because it surprised them so much. Chances are its because I inherited the way my vocal cords are arranged from my mom since her mom came from a really long line a european jews. Some sounds in arabic/hebrew are produced exclusivy by a slight change in the way the vocul cords are arranged.

    7-I tackle hug my gf a lot.

    8- I hug my gf randomly no matter where we are.

    9- My gf calls me flipper because of my short wide feet.

    10- I play with my gfs hair any chance I get.

    11- I'm a snuggle monster. I even have a snuggle meter that tells me when I need more snuggles.

    12- I love dramatic and romantic clothes. Bodices with a nice pair of dark pants are great as far as I'm concerned.

    13- Spike, Drusilla, Xander, or willow quoted from buffy the vamp slayer are awesome.

    14- I call my gf my babygirl, or I also call her gorgeous. She also gets called anything sweet my head comes up with.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    1. I am very scared of wide open spaces and rooms with really high ceilings.

    2. I only eat one food item at a time on my plate.
  • Saratini76
    Saratini76 Posts: 115 Member
    If a food has a sauce, it CAN NOT get that sauce on any vegetables.

    My "getting-ready-in-the-morning" routine can NOT be interrupted or I feel all out of sorts for the day.

    When bowling, I scare everyone because I do this little Hop before letting go of the ball!
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    1. i started out a quiet and shy introvert in my childhood, became a loudmouth extrovert in my teens and 20s, and now in my 30s am back to quiet and shy.

    2. i can not eat something that contains just one item/flavor/ingredient. all snacks and meals must contain a variety of textures and flavors and ingredients.

    3. i daydream about being a dog walker, a grounds keeper, a florist, a bus driver, a barista - just about anything but what i actually do for a living.

    4. i much prefer the company of one or two people than a big group.

    5. i despise running. i will do anything to not have to run. it mentally pains me to even have to entertain the thought.
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    1. I disdain running.....i dofor extremely short periods of time to just get those benefits
    2. i've been practicing martial arts since i was 8
    3. I love cooking and will plan my entire day of what i can cook and love cooking for others and making breakfast in bed
    4. I'm a bad indian and I eat beef
    5. I love jaws on girls........like a really strong jaw (think olivia wilde)
    6. i have far too much energy all the time. If i dont work out or accomplish something i get extremely upset the rest of the day.
  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    1. I have a texture obsession. As in, I love smooth things and I hate rough things. If I'm not controlling myself I'll start obsessively shaving my legs, sugar scrubbing my whole body, wearing only smooth clothes, compulsively touching smooth books, table tops, etc., and rough feeling things will make me want to throw up. It's gotten better as I've gotten older, but I still can't read a book with a rough cover and my lips are always smoooooth with chapstick :)

    2. I will judge you hard based on two things. A) Whether or not you dance. I don't care if you're a good dancer or a terrible one, but if you refuse to dance at all I'm going to think you're a loser! B) Whether or not you read the Harry Potter series. If you didn't for ANY reason, you're gonna bum me out.

    3. I like kids better than adults.

    4. I'm a secret sci/fi and fantasy fan. I'm not actually interested in most books/TV shows/movies that aren't magical and/or funny and/or sexy.
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    1. I hate my food touching. I used to not be able to eat if it did but slowly, mostly because of how odd it looks to people, have calmed down about it... mostly.

    2. I wash my hands three times each time I need to unless it's in front of co-workers, then I'll wash them for a super long time to make up for it.

    3. When I'm not at work, I'm relaxed but at work I annoy my boss by being "unbending" because I just can't seem to bend rules or go blind when my department wants to.

    4. When I think no one is looking, I'll "dance" at my desk to give myself some movement.
  • I will postpone my hair washing if I run out of my conditioner or shampoo because my hair feels gross after using sulfates or silicones.

    I list and research the products I want to try.

    I have no problem spending time on twisiting my hair or braiding it in chunky braids because the affects both give is awesome.

    I wear my curls as is a lot because I love my natural hair pattern.
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    I am incredibly jumpy around loud noises

    I have to eat my food clockwise around my plate, saving the main item for last, and making sure to take an even number of bites

    I will tap a doorway with one hand as I walk through it to make sure I don't slam into it

    I will randomly slip into an Irish accent (unintentionally) and have been asked on more than one occasion where I am from
  • 1. I am very scared of wide open spaces and rooms with really high ceilings.

    2. I only eat one food item at a time on my plate.

    You are the first person I have ever heard of who also is afraid of really high ceilings!!! The National Air and Space Museum is my worst nightmare. I also can't lie down outside and look up for too long without getting really freaked out.

    Other than that, I don't mind touching raw meat, but I hate touching meat that's already been cooked if it hasn't been reheated.
    -I hate frozen crumbs. Just thinking about them makes my skin feel weird.
    -I sleep like I'm about to start a marathon.
    -I have a pair of sneakers that I've owned since my sophomore year of high school. They've been to ten different countries.
    -I don't like pizza?
  • noah_mac
    noah_mac Posts: 30 Member
    i always put my socks and shoes on starting with the right foot... otherwise it just feels wrong :tongue:
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    -I always order my drinks, water included, without ice.
    -I'm constantly washing my hands and/or using hand sanitizer.
    -I always rinse a cup before using it.
    -I can't go to bed unless I drink a hot cup of water.
    -I go crazy when people leave on lights that aren't being used.
    -I'm extremely shy, awkward, and bad at conversation.
    -I've never been in a relationship. (I think that's odd considering my age.)
  • Tj_wolf
    Tj_wolf Posts: 4
    Can't handle the sound of people chewing...even my own kids!
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    I often have the need to buy a dress/girl item and often come out of the mall with a men's shirt/shoe/tie........... O_O

    I'm pretty sure i'm a metro man
  • My normal clothes don't look that girly but the things I love and would get if I had more money are very at least top wise.
  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    I love tiny spaces and tiny homes. I would happily live in a studio or an RV! I really dislike living in a space bigger than 300 sq foot.

    I feel weighed down by possessions and only try to own only things that I really need or love.

    If I walk past a really beautiful tree, I HAVE to hug it, no matter who's around and watching lol.
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    1. I hate my food touching. I used to not be able to eat if it did but slowly, mostly because of how odd it looks to people, have calmed down about it... mostly.

    Funny, because I will eat all the way up to where the foods touch and then leave that part on my plate! Had a college classmate point this out to me - I never even thought about it before then!