Introduce yourselves!



  • Hi everyone!

    I'm really happy to be on MFP again. Members can really motivate & support each other, making weight loss much easier!

    About me: 49 years old, 5"5" tall, SW/CW 167.5#, GW 145#. I live in Florida. I'm an RN, currently taking some time off; had to leave hospital work due to repeated injuries.

    I'm excited about finding a twin and friends who are ready to get healthy :)
  • Hi!

    I'm Snow, 19 y/o in Southern California. I am currently in college as a biochemistry and molecular biology major, and would one day like to be an Emergency Medicine doctor.

    I started off at 110, then shot up to 213, then shot down to 130 healthily, then to 115 unhealthily, and currently at 180. This is over a course of 6-7 years. I have been struggling with my weight since I was a child. I was born 12lbs! Lol

    I currently a prediabetic suffering from hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, and anemia.

    My biggest problem is motivation and energy, so perhaps a weight loss buddy will be a good motivator!
  • RogueIvy
    RogueIvy Posts: 11
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Meagan! I'm originally from Mississippi but I've lived in Pittsburgh, PA for about five years now. I am a stay at home wife and mother. I have a daughter who will turning two in a couple of months and she is my pride and joy!

    Before and during my pregnancy with my daughter, my weight was not a problem for me. However, I really started packing on the pounds when I got her home. Nearly two years later, I'm ready to do something to improve my health and control my weight. I want to set a good example for my family and look fantastic in my clothes again!!

    I'm excited and motivated to get started but at the same time I feel like I really will need an extra push or to to stay motivated. I'm an uber geek so any free time I have, my natural inclination is to sit on my butt and play video games all day. I'd love to make some friends on here so we can motivate each other! I look forward to meeting my match!!
  • kikyoo
    kikyoo Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm Jessica, I'm 16, i'll be a Junior in high school this upcoming August (shhh >.>).
    I'm a true Blasian, I study hard, read books (not really :P), real hard worker, will kill myself if I had a bad grade. Cried myself to sleep once when I got an F on an exam one time (then got up the next morning and cried myself to sleep again lolz, im bad, I know)

    Im into a lot of different things, Band, Orchestra, Tennis, Track, this year im trying swimming, I'm in all AP classes. I like to learn different languages and about different cultures and people in the world, i like making friends with people from all over the world, traveling. I know a little Japanese, Korean, and Filipino. (in my senior year im considering studying abroad in Japan),
    I play the Alto Saxophone and im a BEAST at it, I play the violin, and a little piano. I like cooking, its the most fun thing ever to do with friends!!! :) (making cakes!! <3 ftw)
    I'm a true Scorpio!!!!!!!! I love digging into people's minds and manipulating them, I secretly plot for people's deaths, lol jk. I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE Astrology, and yes I am creepy enough to as soon as i meet you, ask you when your birthday is lol XD

    I LOVE learning about health and being healthy. Its the only books I find very fun to read, other than Chemistry or Anatomy. One of my main goals in life is to live to be 100 and try and break the World's oldest person record (im so weird, I KNOW).
    When I go to college, Im going for my BSN in Nursing, going to become CRNA ( Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist/Anesthesiologist)/

    (I'm 5"3, about 164-168lbs (keeps wavering, cannot tell exactly), and I'm looking for a twin!!! Some additional things; my highest weight over the last couple years has been 225, my lowest weight was last year at 155, I gained a little back because of things I've been going through and some depressing times and problems i've dealt with, not to mention my out of control eating issues ><" !! So im getting back in the game now, started joining groups this evening and happened to run across this one when it caught my eye. It would be pretty cool to have a twin!

    you out there?!?! nvm I'll look for you!:p

    In the mean time peeps, I can use more friends! :) Add me!
  • DnJ100
    DnJ100 Posts: 15 Member

    Just started using MFP and just joined this group :) I submitted the match request form so fingers crossed I'll find a weight loss buddy :)

    A little about me - I'm looking to lose around 13kg / 30pounds to get down to my ideal weight. I think I would rather measure it in terms of the way I look and feel though - to be a comfortable UK size 10 ( US size 6 i think) at my height of 5 foot 3 is my ultimate goal!

    I've always been "plagued" with those extra "10kgs" and have had mini yo yos to try and rid myself of them but have never really managed. The lowest i got down to was about 64kg after a summer of dieting and making cardio a part of my daily routine. Even at my lowest I was still about 6 kgs off my goal and It didnt last :(

    I think a lack of self discipline is my problem. Especially living alone, I'm afraid to admit that the reason I have always failed is not having the discipline to force myself to get to the gym or not have the chocolate on the days that I really didn't want to. I must build my self discipline if I'm to have a chance of succeeding at this. If anyone has any advice, hints or tips, they'd be hugely appreciated!

    I'm new to this, so if anybody wants to swap encouragement / success stories / advice, please do add me as a friend :)

    Thanks and good luck to everybody!!!
  • StephineBrown
    StephineBrown Posts: 5 Member
    Brand new to the group looking for a match!
  • SammyDizzle81
    SammyDizzle81 Posts: 159 Member
    I love this idea!

    My name is Samantha I work for a vacation rental/real estate company. I live on the coast of North Carolina I'm 31 not married/no kids. I have a great group of friends and a close family. Unfortunately the last 6 years I've put on quite a bit of weight and I am more than ready to get this off!!
  • bobbie1849
    bobbie1849 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I need motivation like crazy. I am finally at that point where I am serious about losing weight and taking steps to exercise more and learn better eating habits.

    My name is Bobbie and I live in Atlanta, GA. I'm 33 years old 5'3 & 163.5lbs. I am looking to start with the Couch to 5K. I signed up for a half marathon.....which I know I will not be able to run it all of it, or even half of it for that matter. I currently can only run a couple blocks at a time. However, I do plan on finishing it, even if most of it is walking.

    Any matches out there? I mostly need accountability for my eating and love of wine! :)
  • KayLynn56
    KayLynn56 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! My name is Kayla, I'm 25, and I am originally from a small town in upstate NY. I relocated to Columbia SC almost 2 years ago to pursue my graduate degree in Immunology.

    I am 5'5, approx 140 pounds (depending on the day!) but would like to get back down to 115-120. I have been up in weight ever since moving in with my fiance 6 years ago, and it is a definite struggle to not always give in to what he is eating! He is also the general manager of a pizza shop, which of course adds in extra temptation!

    I definitely need a buddy for motivation! I like to plan, and plan a lot - but I always seem to fall short on my execution. Hopefully finding a buddy would give me the extra boost! :smile:
  • Hey!
    My Name is Jess, I am 27 years old.. soon to be 28 at the end of the month. I am from a small town in Ontario, CA.
    I am 5'6", approx 140 lbs as well although I tend to fluctuate a few lb's up or down depending on the time of the month! I have had two little girls over the past 5 years and have had a hard time getting motivated to get down to where I want to be. ( Would like my pre-marriage and baby weight back - 118-120) I have a desk job and do not have as much time as I would like to work out, but now that the girls are a bit older I have more free time!

    I am a big -time planner as well! I plan things to death and go hard for a few weeks and then loose motivation. I am hoping a buddy will help as well! :smile:
  • tnebell
    tnebell Posts: 17 Member
    Well, hello. Relatively new here to Myfitnesspal. Been using Sparkpeople for years but just got bored over there as it's not very friendly about connecting to my Bodymedia and withings scale.
    So, I am 39 years old. 5'7, 155 lbs as of today.
    2 years ago (almost) I started my new journey to losing weight, becoming healthier, and being a good role model to my 7yr old son.
    I started at 202 lbs so that means my total weight loss so far is 47 lbs.
    I want to hit my goal of 145 by Nov 2013 and a while ago I promised myself I would get a small tattoo as a visual reminder never ever be that unhealthy again.
    I currently live in Aberdeen MD but we are moving to Alaska here within the next 4 months so I really want to get this last few pounds before the move. (since family will be seeing me!)

    Biggest challenge for me? Getting to the gym.
    I work M-F 8a-430p. My husband is military so when I am not at work I usually have my son with me.
    Lately any time I get to the gym, it is a day when I've gotten off an hour or two.
    I try to fit in ST at home with free weights, as well as push ups, tricep dips, and sit ups. Those are somewhat irregular as I'm fitting it in whereever I can.
    So that,s me. Oh and my name is Tamara. :)
  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    Hey everybody :)
    I'm 21, I had a baby girl 6 months ago and I am almost back at my pre pregnancy weight, I have about 10 more lbs to go. After I lose this 10 lbs I want to lose about 30-40 more lbs I want to lose.

    The main reason why I want to get fit is for my daughter. I want to provide a healthy and goal oriented mother for her to look up to. I grew up eating pretty much only crap. My mom didn't cook so she microwaved everything. I have always ate unhealthy until I moved out. I am vegeterain.

    CW 172, SW 195, GW 120-130
    I am 5"4

    Anybody is free to add me! I love new friends. I have an open diary, I log everything daily, I love motivation and being the motivation!
  • T_Halstead
    T_Halstead Posts: 6 Member
    Did you ever find a motivational twin?! I what's doing so good but fell off track. Need some new motivation?!?
    Ht: 5ft
    SW: 181
    CW: 141
    GW: 130
  • Hello! My name is Elinor, I am new to MFP. I have been doing it for about a month, although I am not great about tracking my food every single day.

    I want to get back to the weight my drivers' license says! I am 8 pounds into that 25 pound goal. I love to bike while reading or watching TV and I also do yoga and other classes at my local gym.

    My biggest challenge is finding the energy to workout.
  • Hi Everyone!
    I'm Hannah. I have been on myfitnesspal and tracking my calories on my app since July, but I never knew myfitnesspal had groups and other things until today! I've been really trying hard to lose weight, especially before December, because my mother and I are going to Hong Kong, and the last time I went two years ago, I was talked about a lot about my weight. I really hope that it doesn't happen again, so I'm looking to lose my excess weight. Also, right now I'm a senior in High School, but I have heard that eating habits fly out of the window once you step into college. I am hoping that by changing my eating patterns and being healthier, I'll be able to keep up these habits when I go to college and avoid the dreaded Freshmen-15.

    I started in July with a weight of 140.8, and currently am at 131.2, so I've almost hit the 10 lbs mark... in 3 months though... My goal weight is 120 by December 19th (the day I leave for Hong Kong), but at this rate, I'm afraid that I won't get there in time. I'm very active, but my main problem is overeating when I shouldn't. So, now I'm looking for motivation, or just someone (or some people :) ) to help me stay on track. All of my friends are great, but they all don't think that I should be "dieting" (even though I tell them I'm just looking to change my habits), so they aren't the best motivators for losing weight. I'm really hoping to make some friends on mfp who have the same goal in mind, so we can challenge each other and also motivate each other as well. So if you are interested, please message me! :)
  • megcc
    megcc Posts: 94 Member
    Hi! I'm a 32 yr old SAHM to a 3 yr old little girl.
    To many bits during snack time have put the weight back on and I'm ready to focus and loose.
    I need the support of a twin/buddy to help keep me motivated and on track.
    I'm 135 and 5 ft and looking to loose 20 lbs, maybe 25 if I can get those last 5 lbs off when I get there.
    Not looking to do it fast just to loose them for good.
  • bird_3_lee
    bird_3_lee Posts: 64 Member
    Im ricki-lee, 28yo, mother of two. Im 173cm and weigh 89kgs. i'm not sure if ill find a twin here but if u can relate to me then just send me a message :happy:
  • Hi everyone, I'm Mary-Rose,
    I am a student who wants to lose about 10kg, and go down to a size 10 (currently a twelve)
    at the moment I do about 5 hours of medium intensity exercise a week but I could up that.. the only problem is that the only time I have is before school at 5 in the morning! I find if So difficult to motivate my self to get up when its pitch dark outside and freezing cold!
    My eating is not great either, I tend to go quite healthy for a few days and the binge..

    Please feel free to add me and message me, I would be delighted to be part of a supportive groups of friends on here!
  • Hello! My name is Samantha and I'm19. I am on the road with my boyfriend whos a trucker so I dont work. I really want to be healthy, I hate getting huffy from climbing up stairs and feeling gross during summer so I decided that it's time for a change please add me I could really use some motivation lol
  • Hey there :)
    I'm 20 years old and from Germany. I study german studies at a Polytechnical University which is quite fun.
    Actually I'm working at the students council of my university.
    I started gainig week with the beginning of my University time.
    And now I want to loose 25 kg.
    But I'm so's awful....
    So, I hope you can help me to keep me motivated!

    Please feel free to add me and message me, I would be delighted to be part of a supportive groups of friends on here!