Introduce yourselves!



  • roxmysoxoffkys
    My name is Rachel. I started MFP a week ago. Before MFP I tried doing the diet thing on my own and it was a drag, I just couldn't figure it out I guess. I weighed 175 and managed 5lbs on my own. (Wooh!) But hopefully with MFP I'll be able to loose more weight especially if i have a buddy to help motivate me! :)I'm 22 years old, 5'6-ish ,170lb ,size 14 jeans, and XL shirt. My first goal is to get down to a normal BMI. That means losing 15 lbs. The next goal I have is to lose another 15-20lbs. I'll never be a "skinny" girl, my hips are far too wide for that and I'd look bizarre. I just want to be at a healthy weight and maintain it. :) I can't wait to find my buddy!
  • ewilder22
    I'm Elisabeth. I'm 28, from California but I live and work in Malaysia as a teacher.

    I'm looking to lose 50-60 lbs and would love some support/motivation.

    I actually really enjoy working out because I like the challenge, just seem to be lacking the initial "get going" motivation right now.
  • kelp99
    kelp99 Posts: 101 Member
    My name is Kristy and I started MFP waaay back in February [2012], (although I didn't start using MFP regularly until this summer after I got my sister to join). It took a little while for me to figure some things out (my biggest problem being that on the day's I did not work I was only eating once a day: either too little calories or too many). So my first challenge was to eat regularly and hit my calorie goal.

    One of the factors that led to my OMG I weigh that much!?!? is that I have plantar fasciitus and heel spurs in both feet. I've finally gotten the pain under control so I will be starting to use my treadmill in the next few days. My next big goal is to start using the gym membership I've already been paying for, and hopefully start going in December of this year.

    A few years ago I lost about 40lbs by counting calories and by working out regularly. But I hit a plateau and my frustration got the better of me. I found MFP when I was browsing apps on my Kindle fire and as it helped me keep track of my calories as I'd done in the past I was ecstatic. I had no idea this community existed until my sister joined and told me about it. I hope that by joining in and finding some friends if/when I hit another plateau I can find the motivation to keep going.
  • jordieviki
    jordieviki Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies

    coming up to 31 in a couple of months, am 5'4 and 143 lbs at the moment. am aiming to lose that last stone and a bit.

    Not so bad at the starting out but terrible at the 6lb push forward.. really need to kick it this time... My goal is about 2lbs per week

    Bring on the buddies and lets get motivated!!
  • jrogers2013
    jrogers2013 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi guys...
    I think I'm a little late addition here, but I fell of the wagon of MFP for about two months and I'm back!

    I'm 21 years old. 5'4. and a ridiculously large 245 lbs. I carry most of my weight in my face, belly, and boobs- I'm a 42 EE.

    Really need someone who is close to me in size and stature to help push, because nobody understands how much pain your back and knees have when your chest is this big...and running is pure hell.

  • 1plumpmom
    1plumpmom Posts: 15 Member
    HI, I'm Jessica. Age- 30, weight- 172 lbs, size- 14 bottom, med. top, height- 5'7. All of my weight is carried in the bottom (pear shaped). I am married to a wonderful husband of 13 years, and mom to 6 children. I have gained and lost every other year for 13 years. For the last 5 years I have ranged from 145 - 180 lbs. I was recently 182 lbs and then lost down to 169 and then 2 weeks ago I had a "break down" and quit exercising/dieting, quit mfp after being here 2 years, and just didn't care. Unfortunately during my "fit", I gained 3 lbs back. I have got to finish this journey.
  • sapphireswi
    sapphireswi Posts: 583 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Swaty :flowerforyou:
    I'm 24yrs
    CW=125lbs GW 115-110lbs
    height 5'1"
    I am a vegeterian,I have dairy products but no meat or eggs
    I am doing 1200 calories a day and I try to work out everyday atleast for 30 mins.
    Mostly I enjoy Cardio, dance and do very little strength training :embarassed:
    Friends tell me I'm a funny girl . . . wonder who will be my twin . . . I'm so excited !
  • apanda4
    apanda4 Posts: 513 Member
    I am Amanda. I am 31 years old and married to the love of my life. We currently have no children - due to health problems and my weight stopping me from having kids. So once again I am trying to lose weight. I live in Perth, Western Australia and this group looks like a really cool idea. Would love to meet someone similar that can help motivate me just that little more.

    At the moment I weight 147 kilos and I am 158 cms tall.

    Not 100% sure what else to write, but will add more later if need be
  • garyobesedeleted
    garyobesedeleted Posts: 117 Member
    Hi, I'm mentally ill, 20 years old and I joined this site when I weight 175lbs, now I'm like 200lbs or something. EPIC FAIL.
  • deeksha_s
    deeksha_s Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Sam,

    We seem like matches. Have you found ur match yet?

    Im Dee, 28 years old, 5'7'' & weigh around 65 kgs.
  • Dide215
    Dide215 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, my name is Iride but u guys can call me Dide or E. I'll be 28 in 2 months. I'm a CNA/Full time student. At my biggest I was 226lbs I'm now 186. I've been up n down this whole year between 165-190. I'm doing this for me. I'm trying to get healthy n fit for myself. It's not fun paying extra for the plus size clothes. Nor is this belly showing when I wear dresses or certain clothes. I'm trying to find a gym buddy/ motivational buddy. It's hard for me since my close friends are all skinny n I'm the heaviest.
  • 10jamie29
    10jamie29 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm just trying to get refocused on getting to the gym. Last summer I hit my goal of 165 but lost motativation around the end of October and climbed back to 178. Now I want to get back to 165 by February 20th for my trip to Las Vegas and Phoenix.
  • i_am_kate
    Hi all!

    I'm Kate from Queensland, Australia. I'm a 25 year old mum to two boys. Before I was pregnant with my first son, I weighed 58kg (127.8lb). At the time, I thought I was fat, but looking back at photos of myself, I now realise I had an amazing body back then. After really considering where I was happiest, which was at the 60kg (132.2lb) mark, I've decided that's the goal I'm aiming for.

    At the moment I weigh 72.9kg (160.7lb) (I'm also 169cm (5'6") tall) and my highest weight was about 79kg (174.1lb), but I was heavily pregnant with my first son at the time. My weight dropped down to 65kg (143.3lb) within about 4 months of having my son, but I still felt fat. None of my old clothes fit me anymore and I couldn't bring myself to throw them all out because I figured I'd fit into them again someday. That was in 2009. Since then, I've thrown almost all of those clothes out because I started believing I'd never fit into them again.

    In the beginning of 2011, I decided to do something about my weight as it had crept up to 69kg (152.1lb) and I felt horrible. After about three weeks I'd dropped about 2.5kg (5.5lb), but I then stopped working out and eating healthily because we moved house. I lost my motivation and ended up weighing 75kg (165.3lb) before we moved house again just after my partner and I found out I was pregnant with my second son. I didn't eat overly much during the first 5 months of pregnancy and ended up losing weight, but yet again, the weight crept on after my son was born in June, 2012, and hasn't stopped going up.

    So now that it's a new year, I've decided to get my butt into gear and start exercising and watching how much and what I eat. Unfortunately, I'm horrible at trying to stick to a strict diet of fruit, vegetables and lean meat (which seems to be the main focus of most diets), so I'm doing this my own way.

    That's about all there is to tell. =)
  • shesacliche
    Hi all,
    Are there any tall ladies out there? I'm 6' about to be 23, at 192, started at 213, would like to get down to 170.

    Feel free to add me, looking for motivational groups and friends!
  • shay_7290
    shay_7290 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone im shay! Im a college student my Soph/Junior year. Im going for Graphic Desgin. Wish me luck! I am 5'2 and 196 lbs. I am 22 years old. I use to weight 150 but as life went on i didnt have really time to eat healthy and with all the deaths in my family it was just hard times. But hopefully that can change this year and i start back eatting healthy.

    Thanks for reading! :)
  • 3littlemissme
    3littlemissme Posts: 4 Member
    hello lovely wendy, new zealander living in oz..always been rather healthy and fit. bbut since moving here ive done nothing, and my middle area has got bigger, i really dont like it.
    im 31, 5 ft 1 and not looking at weight but how i look and feel.
    Started going to a personal trainer 3 days a week to get me motivated, and im loving it.
    been sitting around on my little *kitten* for the last 3/4 yrs and really got to start moving..ive also started eating alot better by starting with a good breakfast each morning..
  • mdoljansky
    mdoljansky Posts: 35 Member
    hi guys!
    im rina :) 22 years old in nyc. I'm a college student & work at a magazine.
    I've always been pretty good with my weight growing up, very athletic until end of high school & it all went downhill.
    i gained over 50lb very fast within 1 year after my relationship ended with my boyfriend and now trying to lose the weight! I hate the way i am now, so unhappy and its time for change. my only problem is that i have NO motivation lately, no energy.. it almost hurts. Im currently 172, started at 182 so 10lb down! but i want to go down to 130 - my goal weight.
    Im hoping this site / app will give me more motivation to lose the weight I'm dreading!!
    please feel free to add me =) & if anyone fits my description, that would be cool! xoxox
  • AnnaChanges
    AnnaChanges Posts: 109 Member
    hey everyone
    Its my first week on this site and I am really excited to be joining someone for us to motivate each other.
    I am 23 and my current weight is 70.3(155 pounds). Im 165 cm (5ft 5 in) tall.
    I am not active as i work as an auditor and im sitting down all day and I love chocolate and fast food.

    I was 5 months ago 15 kilos heavier I was very motivated to lose them but now I still have 8-10 kilos to lose and I am falling back :(
  • jemhologram
    this is my first week on this site too.. i am enjoying the support and motivation others bring its awesome
    anyway my name is jemma, i am 27 and sick of feeling uncomfortable and unhappy with myself. i currently weigh 70 kilos which is the heaviest i have ever been including during my 2 pregnancies, i want to lose 10 kilos (ideally!! lol) but my main aim is to feel happy with my body and comfortable with myself.
  • lalalillysan
    Hey everyone! My name is Lilly and I am from the warm and sunny city of Tucson, Arizona. I am 21 years old, and happily married to the love of my life. Current weight is 285 lbs, and I am 5'3". I have had problems with my weight my entire life, and even though I have attempted to lose weight before, I had a hard time staying motivated. I am the "plus sized girl" in my group, with my friends all being a size 3 and under (not that it matters what size they are to me), and I have always felt like I needed to stand in the back when we are all together. I would love to find my pair to work with, and motivate! The one thing that I am really great at is being positive!

    I work for Jaguar and Land Rover Automobiles, and to be honest I feel like it is a very stagnant job. I am always sitting, and I tend to get depressed at work since I am usually alone. I tend to be a desk snacker... I love to write (blog or otherwise), go to church, watch movies, and of course listen to music! I am almost always happy-go-lucky, and I want to get fit and healthy for my future family, my husband, and most importantly myself! I can't wait to get to know some (or all) of you!