Herbalife newbie =D



  • ssatt85
    ssatt85 Posts: 2
    I'm new too! Started five days ago, I'm having two shakes, one healthy meal, three protein snacks, a day. I've just been mixing my shakes with milk and some fruit, should I be adding extra protein powder? My coach mentioned a PDM supplement that Herbalife offeres, but I had already purchased the aloe, cell activator, tea, vitamins, and shakes, and I hoped that was all enough!

    I've yet to get into an exercise routine, I'm terrified by weights and have no idea how to use them, I love running though, and I love Bikram yoga although it's been a while since I joined a yoga studio. I just graduated from school and while I was a student I rarely exercised at all. I bought the Insanity workout DVD's a while back, but couldn't use them as I underestimated the amount of jumping involved and I live on a third floor apartment with an ailing old lady beneath me who is easily disturbed (mostly by my hyperactive four year old who never sleeps!) I'm moving next week to a first floor, and I hope I can revisit some workout dvd's as I always preferred them to the gym!!

    I welcome any advice or inspiration!
  • steffers1969
    I am starting this week!! SO ready for my stuff to come in :)
  • jsgulick40
    jsgulick40 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everybody :)
    I am an HB newbie!
    Currently 5'3 weighing in at wayy too much.
    Shakes for breakfast and lunch with protein after my workout along with pretzels or carrots throughout the day if I get hungry.
    I have prolessa duo, cell activator, cell-u-lose, & total control.
    Stared on Monday (6/26) & it's Wednesday now. Haha!
    Happy day 3 to me!
    I hope I have great results.
    My to do's this summer consist of 9 weddings, yes you read that right!
    Next month (7/27) is a BIG wedding. It'll be like a high school reunion.
    Last summer I went on a diet and got down to where I looked real good!
    Then I fell in love & my boyfriend can it whatever, whenever and lose weight.
    I am doing good so far, granted it's only be 2 days - still better than before!
    I'm SO open to any advice or suggestions from HB veterans! :):)
    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • kc2011x
    kc2011x Posts: 2
    Hi all

    I'm on day 4 of herbalife...

    Breakfast = Multi Vit & Fibre tablets. Shake. Snacks - nuts or turkey breast or tuna. Cup of herbal tea
    Lunch = Multi Vit & Fibre tablets. Shake.- nuts or turkey breast or tuna or boiled egg. Cup of herbal tea
    Dinner = Multi Vit & Fibre tabletsChicken salad - keeping under my calories

    Just ordered some fat binders as I've heard they're good when going out for drinks or meals at weekends.

    Surprised how full I feel.
    I've felt ill and dizzy at times but that's when I haven't had snacks or enough water. Was but worried at first but I know it's just my body getting used to it. Apart from that feel pretty energetic.

    I feel better even so early on - if this doesn't work not sure what will as I love my food and have never been able to cut down before.

    Start: 10.13
    Day 3: 10.8
    ...having next evaluation on Wed so fingers crossed...

    How is everyone else getting on?
    I feel more confident about this than I ever have anything else I've tried so just got to stick at it!
  • bomdiggy84
    bomdiggy84 Posts: 4 Member
    Love Herbalife! Helped me lose 25kgs a few years ago before I got pregnant - and that was using only the guidelines. Started it again a month ago this time using products and I became a distributor. Since the end of May 2013 I've lost over 12kgs, and at the last 'weigh-in' which was 2 weeks ago, I was down 42cms! People have started taking notice and each week I'm getting more and more people asking about how I'm doing it :) I know I've got a long way to go but I also know it works so am just taking it one step at a time :) YAY for Herbalife!!
  • olea01
    olea01 Posts: 1
    After reading all of these posts I decided to order me Herbalife advanced protein plus!

    Is anyone currently on that diet program?!

    9 Months ago i gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. It was definitely a life changing experience! I was always under 160 pounds but when i was pregnant i hit 200 pounds. I thought that most of it would go away but after 6 months I've only lost 12 pounds which left me at 188. My confidence hasn't been the same! Going from a size 4/5 jeans to a size 10 was crazy to me. I started going to the gym and exercising and went down to 170. Which I love ive gotten so many compliments but I just need that extra boost to lose an extra 30-40 pounds!

    IM SO EXCITED TO START! wish i heard of this brand before!
    Goodluck ladies!!
  • judybarin
    judybarin Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all - i'm new to MFP and to Herbalife and looking for some positive support rather than some of the negative responses to the diet i've read/heard/received - glad to see i have found it here!

    I will be starting my Herbalife plan next Monday after seeing some fantastic results in colleagues who have been using the products over the last few months. It was a big financial commitment but i have around 50lbs to lose and have struggled to stick to plans such as weight watchers before, so i think a more regimented approach like this will work better for me and also help me make the change to a more healthy lifestyle. I'm planning on having 2 shakes a day and having a balanced meal for lunch or dinner (i'm thinking lunch may work better for me as i work with young children and need all the energy i can get and also don't get in until around 6.30pm so eating before 7 is also an issue!). My partner has been very supportive and whilst he won't be following the plan, he is happy to adopt the healthy eating approach!

    My question is - how many calories should i be allowing for for snacks and my main meal? I'm trying to create a meal plan now, so that i can shop and prepare food in advance of my week. Is there anything i should be avoiding other than the obvious refined carbs?

    I also wondered how much exercise everyone does to support their weight loss? I was thinking initially i would incorporate longer walks, use of my wii and fitness DVDs then maybe look into gym membership in my second month (too many financial commitments between now and then to join any sooner!). What are people's thoughts?

    I look forward to hearing your tips and experiences!
  • Kryssy8140
    Kryssy8140 Posts: 22 Member

    Glad everyone is doing so well! Friday was the end of my coplete first week using Herbalife and in total I lost 3 pounds and 1% body fat! I am SUPER excited abotu those results, especially since I am taking things slow and easy, and weening myself away from crash diets where you lose a pound a day! 3 pounds a week is great and hopefully i can keep this up!

    I have been exercising mOnday-Friday and usually only do some sort of Cardio. Either Yoga, Pilates, or 30 min on the treadmill! I also am watching my calories, and trying to do healthy snacks in between each shake. My downfall is waiting until I'm hungry before I grab a snack or something. I've read you have to keep eating in order to increase your metabolism.

    Anywho, feel free to add me and chat anytime! Best of luck everyone!
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    Glad to see more and more people on this part of the site.

    There are three numbers you need to know and track.

    1. Lean protein requirement. You can get this from your coach, the lean protein estimator if you are a distributor (it came in your kit). It's the grams of lean protein you need daily.

    2. Resting metabolic rate. The number of calories you burn a day at rest. Again, check with your coach or the protein estimator.

    3. WATER! I can't emphasize this one enough. You will need 1/2 your body weight in fluid ounces a day.

    Best of health to everyone!
  • bomdiggy84
    bomdiggy84 Posts: 4 Member
    Me again with tonights weigh-in results (week 5ish...got my 1st lot of products May 31st 2013). Since my last official weigh-in two weeks ago, I'm down another 3.1kg and 18cms. TOTAL weight loss to date is 14.1kgs and 61cms!! Freaking stoked. I'm living proof that this stuff DOES work. Love love LOVE Herbalife!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    Me again with tonights weigh-in results (week 5ish...got my 1st lot of products May 31st 2013). Since my last official weigh-in two weeks ago, I'm down another 3.1kg and 18cms. TOTAL weight loss to date is 14.1kgs and 61cms!! Freaking stoked. I'm living proof that this stuff DOES work. Love love LOVE Herbalife!!

    Good job! These products work if you do.
  • p00ki3nb00
    p00ki3nb00 Posts: 64 Member
    That's awesome!!!
  • bnhall76
    bnhall76 Posts: 3 Member
    I started Herbalife in April and am down about 20 pounds. I found a "club" and that's how I started. I do the weight lose challenges and that as really helped me on the way. I've noticed it takes a crazy diet for me to lose weight anymore and I am finding Herbalife has been the best in my life. I can cheat, I can live, I can enjoy things sometimes and still lose weight. It may take me longer than some, but its happening. So for anybody in their first month, keep going. Your body changes, it will start kicking into this new change. It takes a lil time, but man so far, its worth it.
  • bnhall76
    bnhall76 Posts: 3 Member
    Hope your still pursuing the diet. It does work. Its slow change and I think most people forget that you don't put that extra weight on over night either. I feel great. Ive tried Weigh Watchers and other diets but I cant commit. Good luck and I hope you stick with it. It will happen for you!
  • missclogs
    missclogs Posts: 3
    this is my first day on Herbalife and I am absolutely stuffed! It is bizarre!
    Giving Herbalife a trial run of a month so hopefully willl see some results. I am aiming to lose 6 stone in the long run and around 2 stone by the end of September as I am graduating then!
    Please feel free to add me :)
  • Kryssy8140
    Kryssy8140 Posts: 22 Member
    Hope everyone is still doing well with their Herbalife! I just added a few people, however please feel free to add me! I enjoy staying encouraged and motivating each other through MFP!
