what to do other than comfort eat at stressful times?

brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
I definitely am comforted with food when sick or stressed or upset. Here lately I have been

1) taking out a piece of paper and write trying to deal with a problem and solve it.
2) exercise
3) hot bath
4) call a friend
5) read MFP stuff
6) rest
7)chew gum
8) confront someone (I hate confrontation but necessary)

How do ya comfort yourself other than eat? maybe I need a hobby?


  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    friends say praying,reading the bible, and coffee! definitely not smoking, substituting one bad for another!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I like to clean, do yard work, read, play video games, or go for a walk when I'm feeling stressed. I'm not sure if you're a crafty person or not, but you could work on that. I know people who knit, sew, scrapbook, etc. when they're feeling stress. Puzzles are also good for taking one's mind off of things; especially those 3D puzzles, those are tricky! :)

    Good luck finding the best alternatives for you!
  • EvelynBfly78
    EvelynBfly78 Posts: 240 Member
    When I'm sick I usually don't want to eat. So no problem there. But stressed--that's another story!
    I play with my dog or take her for a walk. Do you have any pets?
    I watch a movie I taped on the DVR. If it has commercials I skip through them, if no commercials that's even better.
    When I scrapbook I get too busy sometimes to think about eating.
    Sometimes I take a warm shower. It's kind of relaxing to me.

    Your list of things you have are a great place to start. You have a good plan. Your 4) call a friend is a good idea. Telling someone about what's stressing or upsetting you lessens the problem. The other person may even have a solution for you.
  • ladypinktulip
    ladypinktulip Posts: 75 Member
    Need help on this one also:cry:
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    I think all of mine have already been said above but...

    For me, art projects for sure. Keeps me focused on what I'm doing so I'm not thinking about food. Also playing with the dogs and gardening. Exercise helps, but when I'm stressed, sick or upset, I never want to do that.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Thanks for starting this discussion. The only real thing that works for me is getting outdoors and exercising,most often,walking. If I can break a sweat,all the better. It clears my head and the stress lessens. If I sit around and dwell on whatever is making me feel emotional and stressed,I WILL eat and probably binge or eat sugary foods.I make it easier to take out most of my trigger foods. Kinda like having alcohol around an alcoholic...not a good idea. Be blessed,ladies and have a great week!:smile:
  • ladypinktulip
    ladypinktulip Posts: 75 Member
    At what point will I choose to not eat out of emotions...I am punishing ME for how I "FEEL" about what someone else did.
    Why can't I stop that craziness? I tired of weighing 300 pounds. Just saying...:sad:
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I think it is so easy to eat instead of taking care of ourself. These bad habits are so destructive to us. We finally realize we are worth taking care of.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Good answer,Brenda.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Last year,when I gained 58 pounds,I was so upset and depressed and had some very intense family and social issues. Every emotion I had,if it was anger,depression,lonliness,etc.,the only way I was able to cope was with food. The more weight I gained,the worse I felt. I realized,if I continued on this destructive path,I will end up dead or morbidly obese. I knew I needed more than a diet. I started going to therapy and just to talk and get my feelings out,i started to heal. It has been a slow process but have learned to love myself more and that I have a choice,to be obese or to be healthy. Sweetheart,you can do it,. Find out what you can do besides eating and possibly get some therapy. Sure helped me. Please keep coming here,as we all have been in your shoes. ((hugs)):heart:
  • ladypinktulip
    ladypinktulip Posts: 75 Member
    I think having a trusted friend to vent and share with helps. I just haven't been utilitizing that. Started journaling again and that I how I dealt with junk in the past and it worked well for me. Writing instead of eating.:heart:
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Do you have any local weight loss groups you can join? Being om MFP is awesome,but face to face support is important,like you said. Journaling is also great. :smile:
  • ladypinktulip
    ladypinktulip Posts: 75 Member
    Do you have any local weight loss groups you can join? Being om MFP is awesome,but face to face support is important,like you said. Journaling is also great. :smile:
    No groups around here that I can think of. I can see what you mean about face to face being helpful...good idea.
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    Ladypinktulip - I feel your pain. It's so easy to comfort myself with food - I never really looked at it as punishing myself before, but I guess that's what it is. I hope it gets better soon. Sending positive thoughts your way.