What things can u do now that u couldn't do b4?

JaynaErickson Posts: 23 Member
So before surgery I made a list of all the little things that I couldn't do because of my weight. Some of those things are.......

Reaching my toes to cut and paint them
Being able to fit in my truck so I can easily buckle me kids in.
Having my kids sit on my lap instead of my belly.
Wrapping a normal size towel around me.

I'm happy to be able to reach some of my goals. People don't realize how hard simple things become for over weight people. The feeling of sitting in a chair and hoping it won't brake. Getting up off the floor without causing a rutkes. Crossing my legs ohhhh my god that was such a big one for me.

What kind of live changing little things have you guys done?


  • joshputt
    joshputt Posts: 11 Member
    Sweating less.
    Sleeping without a CPAP.
    Fitting into amusement park ride seats — my 5-year-old loves that one.
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    Bend over in the car and pick up something off floor
    Sleep soundly through the night and not run to bathroom a few times
    Take my dogs for walks and almost keep up with them!!
    Go out and not feel so self conscious.
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    Go up a whole flight of stairs without needing to stop.
    Walk into a shop see something I like, find it in my size, it fits AND it looks good!
    Walk home after work on a Friday just tired but not hurting.
    Go into the docs and just discuss what is wrong NOT my weight!!!
  • JaynaErickson
    JaynaErickson Posts: 23 Member
    YES!!!!!!! I love all these things, park rides rock, reaching the floor in the car is awesome, fitting in cloths and looking like a million bucks, PRICELESS........ Great job guys! It's the little things=}
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Great lists! Some of mine:

    Using a seat belt in any car without an extender
    using stairs instead of elevators
    walking for hours (walking, not like shopping where you stop every few feet, but walking for miles)
    reaching my feet for any reason - touching my toes
    being able to shop at a normal store (as in not places like The Avenue or Layne Bryant)
    being able to reach every part of my body in the shower
    fitting in the bathtub
    fitting in a theater seat, seat at the ball park, airplane seats
    Here's a TMI one-fair warning - My boobs look like Boobs, not like the top fat roll
    Being able to wear a size extra large on top (Haven't done that since high school), just a plain XL!

    OK I could go on but I won't bore you all with all of them.
  • JaynaErickson
    JaynaErickson Posts: 23 Member
    LOVE IT!!!! Soo not a bore...... I think it's all great!
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    Great lists! Some of mine:

    Using a seat belt in any car without an extender
    using stairs instead of elevators
    walking for hours (walking, not like shopping where you stop every few feet, but walking for miles)
    reaching my feet for any reason - touching my toes
    being able to shop at a normal store (as in not places like The Avenue or Layne Bryant)
    being able to reach every part of my body in the shower
    fitting in the bathtub
    fitting in a theater seat, seat at the ball park, airplane seats
    Here's a TMI one-fair warning - My boobs look like Boobs, not like the top fat roll
    Being able to wear a size extra large on top (Haven't done that since high school), just a plain XL!

    OK I could go on but I won't bore you all with all of them.
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks for reminding me about the theater seats that is a big one!
  • stratusphr
    stratusphr Posts: 87 Member
    I can shop at any store EXCEPT the big girls store. It is exhilarating!!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Walk without using Oxygen.
    Easily walk a mile or more.
    Go to the gym and fit on most of the machines.
    Sleep through the night.

    Ask me in another hundred pounds and the list should be many times this size.
  • hollyann31
    hollyann31 Posts: 64 Member
    now i can officially cross my legs and sit "indian style" on the floor without leavning back up against the wall..amazing feeling
  • stratusphr
    stratusphr Posts: 87 Member
    Slip into a size 4 jeans. NEVER in my wildest dreams did I think that would be possible. Shopping is fun, being IN a picture and not just behind the camera, is fun. Not being the biggest girl in the room.....is fun!
  • mandym74
    mandym74 Posts: 20 Member
    I was just talking about a few of mine to a close friend:

    -being able to reach the pedals in a vehicle without having to adjust for stomach room (I have short legs :))
    -being able to say I want a booth at a restaurant
    -sitting with my legs crossed in the bed
    -reaching down to my feet rather than propping my feet up to get to them.
    -putting on one of the smaller sizes of clothes in my closet thinking they won't fit only to find out they do!

    I told a story of going to a restaurant with my family and walking out in total embarrassment because they only had booths available and I knew I wouldn't fit in it. :( My friend said, "you never told me that"....and I said, why would I?
    Excited for the future!!!
  • mandym74
    mandym74 Posts: 20 Member
    I will be ecstatic in a size 12. I could not image fitting in a 4 or even a 6.
  • wear clothes smaller that my 18yr old
    Play sports with the kids
    Tie my shoes without holding my breath
  • stratusphr
    stratusphr Posts: 87 Member
    I will be ecstatic in a size 12. I could not image fitting in a 4 or even a 6.

    I couldn't either, when I got into a 12, I thought 'this is it, I'll be happy if I never lose another pound' but then I realized I'd underestimated WHAT I could do with this new little tummy. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could wear a four or six! Still, I'll hold up a pair of size 4 jeans, just out of the dryer and think "NO WAY" LoL Just wait - it's very exciting, but I'm not sure we ever get use to wearing sizes so much smaller than we were prior to surgery!
  • melbogg
    melbogg Posts: 135 Member
    I can shop at any store EXCEPT the big girls store. It is exhilarating!!

    LOVE THIS!!!!
  • digitaljdr
    digitaljdr Posts: 50 Member
    Fly in an airplane
    Ride my bicycle more than 5 miles
    Walk 5K's
    Play two rounds of disc golf (36 holes)
    Fit in clothes that I've had in my closet since Middle school.
    Walk in to JCP and buy something off the shelf and not pay an arm and a leg for it
    cross my legs when sitting
    Actively workout for at least an hour.
  • jeffwinkler127
    jeffwinkler127 Posts: 5 Member
    Sitting in a Booth at a restaurant and not having to sit at a table.
  • mandym74
    mandym74 Posts: 20 Member
    Well, you are inspiring! I will be looking forward to it :smile