So bloated, so full, low hunger

A little background.

In 2011 I went from 125 lbs at 5'3" to 99 lbs on approximately 800 calories/day. I know, I know. I killed my metabolism in the process, began bingeing several times per week and slowly over the last 2 years have gained it all back plus 1 or 2 lbs. I also lost all of my muscle mass and gained back fat and water weight. In Feb of this year I did start to eat more but could only rack up about 1100 calories according to my hunger cues. I would eat about twice a day - once in the morning and then wouldn't be hungry again until 7 hours later. Eating ice cream helped to pad out the rest of the calories.

Because my starvation diet, my capacity to hold food in my stomach shrunk drastically as well. Normal meals feel heavy and disgusting in my stomach and bloat me out for hours and cause me too have to go #2 immediately, whereas pre-diet I could eat an entire pizza and not feel pain! Not to mention back then, I also weighed less eating more. Now in my current state if I ate entire pizza I would gain 5lbs in a day.

I'm only 25 so I know there is no way I need to be on 1100 calories/day. That's not living. I'm trying to eat about 1600-1800/day now (just started two days ago). I'm not very active, sit a lot and maybe so some light weights in my house for 20-30 minutes 2-3 X a week.

How long will it take for the stomach pain and bloating to calm down and for hunger signals to naturally take me up to my TDEE? Right now I am force feeding myself and it SUCKS.


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Start with increasing an extra 100-200 daily for a week at a time. Figure out where to put the extra food, and what it is.

    You may discover that higher carb stuff makes you hungry 2 hrs later and causes bloating. Well, that's no good, so you may add more fat and protein first.
    Just one common example.
  • thisgirlsonfire
    thisgirlsonfire Posts: 34 Member
    I feel for you. I've been there done that having been a former bulimic. I rather not discuss my suggestion openly as others always have nasty comments. But the advice I have to share came from my doctor. If you like to friend me send a request where I can offer my advice and support. I wish you good health and wellness.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I would try upping your calories more slowly and see if that helps. Maybe add 100 or 200 calories a week rather than trying to add 600 to 800.

    Also, try to find some healthy higher calories options that may not be so bulky and filling - almonds and nut butters come to mind as they can be very high cal but low volume and contain lots of healthy protein and fats.

    I think if you just take it slow and up your calories more gradually you may find it easier - just wait until your body acclimates to each level before progressing and see if that helps...