July Chat



  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Went biking today with a friend to celebrate her 83rd birthday tomorrow. We did 11.6 miles with an average speed around 7.5 mph with one stop at the bar for burgers and a beer.

    I want to grow-up and be just like her! :bigsmile:
  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    This video is just a hoot and so true for us over 60 :bigsmile: Peace Man :wink:
    Pretty funny, but the sad part is that by exercising and eating right we are doing what over 60% of Americans (overweight and obese) should be doing. To loosely quote Bob Dylan Those not busy being born are busy dying...
  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    Had a great visit with my doctor last week (had a long discussion about my exercise and diet program) and got the blood test report today. Great news! I've come off half my blood pressure medicine (after 10 days on the reduced meds I'm at 114/70) and my Cholesterol level is in the normal range for the first time in 30 years.

    Going forward, I will be doing more cross training with my exercise and adding rest or take it easy days after high intensity burns. On the diet side I'm trying to keep the weight loss at 1/2 to 1 lb a week (instead of 2-4) and I've lowered my weight goal another 10 lbs. Not that I think I'll be a be so much healthier at 195 than 205, but I'll save $$ on my health insurance by being under 200 lbs. at my height.

    Speaking of doctor's visit, I ran up on this cartoon the other day:

  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    Nice one, Joe
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Congrats all the way around Joe. That is some awesome news for you and well done on your part. And isn't it funny how insurance companies think that 5 pounds under is a big difference in health? I know quite a few larger people and they are very healthy.

    Keep up the wonderful job you are doing.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Joe--I know I'm a little behind, but you're doing great! Know that people can get off BP meds is an inspiration to me.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Speaking of BP meds. I am so glad that I have never had to take them. I am shocked that I actually have low blood pressure. Even when I was at 216 it was good. Whew. Lucky me. And of course with the loss and exercise the cholesterol levels are good.

    I am proud of you who have worked hard and are lowering or getting or the BP meds all together. Good job you all!

    Here's to a great week for us all to stay the course and get er done!
  • mombolongo
    mombolongo Posts: 28
    Well, like Wooken, by sticking with it I've seen some major changes. Last week I hit a milestone 60 lbs lost and I celebrated by taking on a walk/hike that I never would have been able to do a year ago. The one mile walk up trail on Stone Mountain is not really that steep or extreme (except for the 100 foot "wall" near the summit) and hundreds of people do it every weekend day. It IS equivalent to climbing a 76 story building. The view from the top on another rainy day (normally you can see the Atlanta skyline):

    Beautiful picture...I miss hiking and want to get back to it...
  • mombolongo
    mombolongo Posts: 28
    :smile: Congrats Joe on the lower BP and cholesterol ...That's a goal of mine too...I'm on 3 meds for my BP and 1 for cholesterol...So your news shows me it can be done...thanks :flowerforyou:
  • southerngramma
    I know you can do it..we will all keep cheering you on! I will keep good thoughts that you will not
    need any surgery!
  • vivh10
    vivh10 Posts: 8
    Well done!
  • NeenAtlanta
    NeenAtlanta Posts: 6 Member
    I'm so proud of you, Joe! I know that getting off the meds was another one of your inspirations/goals. I think it is amazing that you've accomplished so much, so quickly. Way to go, honey!
  • NeenAtlanta
    NeenAtlanta Posts: 6 Member
    I am one of those people that doesn't eat enough vegetables. I've always been like that. While I've improved some, I still don't eat nearly enough.

    Joe did some research and found a great solution for me. Arden's Gardens Yoga I juice. It looks weird to me (very green) but has a pretty good pineapple taste, and it's easy for me to "down a shot" a couple of times a day.

    I highly recommend it for anyone else who needs more veggies in their diets.
  • mombolongo
    mombolongo Posts: 28
    I am one of those people that doesn't eat enough vegetables. I've always been like that. While I've improved some, I still don't eat nearly enough.

    Joe did some research and found a great solution for me. Arden's Gardens Yoga I juice. It looks weird to me (very green) but has a pretty good pineapple taste, and it's easy for me to "down a shot" a couple of times a day.

    I highly recommend it for anyone else who needs more veggies in their diets.

    I'm not good with veggies either....lol....What's the recipe for it...would love to try it...
  • mpettey86
    mpettey86 Posts: 12
    I'm terrible with veggies...I love veggies..there are very few I don't like. But I guess that it's just that I don't bother to fix them. Mike hates almost all veggies, so I don't have anyone to fix them for except me. I think it's time that I make myself important enough to fix veggies just for me and treat myself like my needs are important!
    Not the greatest start to my new lifestyle, but so much better than I have been for the last couple years. I am so used to "dieting" that I probably know just about all there is to know about how to lose weight. But I gotta ask myself, if I know so much, why do I have 100 pounds to lose?
  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    The "Yoga 1" recipe is fresh pineapple, apples, kale, spinach, water, ginger and lemons. Arden's Gardens juices are local Atlanta produced cold pressed juices that don't have any preservatives, so I doubt they are available nation wide. Other large cities probably have their own local juices. They fall into the green smoothie/ veggie juice category and there is a ton of info available about that online (most notably in some films, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", "Forks Over Knives" and "Hungry For Change"). The premise is that by eating so much processed food with added sugars we are overeating and storing fat, but nutritionally starved so that we stay hungry all the time.

    The first 40 lbs I lost (before coming to MFP) I did simply by walking daily, eating a big spinach and broccoli salad instead of my daily frozen pizza and fried chicken and switching from sodas to lemon water and club soda with lime. A little bit of exercise, a huge boost of nutrition and getting rid of a ton of added sugar (empty calories). Besides losing weight, I stopped craving so many sweets and snacks (the added nutrition cut down on those cravings).

    Green smoothies are a way of packing a ton of nutrition into a glass that is easier to drink than chewing your way through a huge salad.or cooking up a bunch of veggies. The pressed juices and the ones produced in home juicers remove some of the plant fiber to make them less thick and easier to drink. Others, like heavy duty blenders and special made processors like the Vitamix, simply chop everything up and can bit thick (like a milk shake) but they have the added benefit of the fiber. I've been experimenting with a heavy duty, 40 year old Oster blender and so far my kale, spinach, apple and pineapple drinks don't match up with the professionally produced juice. But I'm learning ;^)
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Joe, you are so right. Our son-in-law turned us on to green smoothies, but he uses a lot of bananas along with spinach or kale and frozen fruit with a little water. We like bananas and frozen fruit with some kind of fruit juice. They're delicious and filling. I'm not a big fan of veggies and I really love my junk food, so I'm trying to drink V8 every day to help me get that nutrition. I have cut way back on my sodas and sugary drinks, too, because of allergies. I admit it's not easy making all these changes, but I sure do feel better.

    There's a lot of good information in your post and I really appreciate it.:smile:
  • nitza53
    nitza53 Posts: 45 Member
    I like vegies and I found a comfort food in my chicken vegetable soup, it has some of what ever vegies I have on hand, cabbage, kale swiss chard, broccoli. carrots, onions, lots of garlic, celery, chicken stock and one thin sliced chicken breast added after the veggies have cooked soft. I use it as a basis for a hot and sour soup too. One way to get those veggies, I know, raw is better. But this is low cal and filling.
  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    I like vegies and I found a comfort food in my chicken vegetable soup
    Thanks for the tip, sounds yummy. Particularly on those days when I don't feel like chewing my way through a huge salad.
  • vivh10
    vivh10 Posts: 8
    Go for it. We need to love ourselves enough to look after our bodies and our health. All the best in your new efforts to eat more healthy foods and lose weight.