blam Posts: 110
Another week gone - and again I'm looking forward to hearing about everyone's past few days. Losses, gains, challenges, insights - let's hear it and let's keep each other going!!!

I've been thinking about commitment lately - commitment to myself, to weight loss, to my body. I've been realizing how much my body has done for me (climbed mountains, bikes thousands of kilometres, hiked the same, innumerable triathlons, two babies, etc.) and how little attention I've paid to it (thus my current situation). It wasn't until my knees decided they wouldn't run anymore that I realized I needed to change - despite 'talking' about it forever.

I want to commit to my body that I will take care of it - that I will eat properly and exercise regularly. It sounds a bit goofy - but it's what I've been thinking. I've taken my body for granted, and now it's time to sit up and pay attention.

What are your thoughts on commitment?


  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    Last week: 195.2
    This week: 194.5
    Difference: -.7#

    And I'll take it! Really, really rough week. Went out of town to visit family - too much food and a really bad run. The weather has been too hot/humid for me to run outside and I hate the tmill. But, I think it's my only option now, so will start today.

    Commitment? Gosh, if I wasn't committed to seeing this through, I'd be long gone. I lost about 40# in 2010, changed my lifestyle, as they say. I have another 40# to go, but haven't been able to make the next breakthrough. BUT, I've maintained and that is more than 90% of the weight loss population can say. During the last two years, my best friend has lost & regained the same 40# THREE TIMES! Up and down and up and down, because she focuses on losing and then can't maintain the changes she made to lose because they aren't sustainable (very low cal, etc).

    So, I have to feel good about what I've done and, generally, have stayed committed to the changes I put in place. But what I really want is the next breakthrough! It took me 2 years w/o that 40# to completely adjust to that weight being gone. I felt so much smaller and fitter for so long that I couldn't even imagine being even smaller and fitter. Now, I finally feel fat and ready to move ahead!
  • ECTexan
    ECTexan Posts: 195 Member
    SW: 257
    LW: 240
    CW: 236

    -4 :)
  • prayaas
    prayaas Posts: 30
    Gained half a kg ie.1 pound :sad:
    I was very embarrassed to even post anything but posting here is part of the commitment !!
    Commitment that (good or bad) I shall be aware of the changes taking place in my body.
    Commitment to being conscious of what I put in my mouth as it later reflects in my body.
    Commitment that I need to move my body more often to melt the accumulated fat.
    Commitment that slowly & steadily I shall lose weight, the healthy way !!
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Hi! Here's my weigh in off the week:

    SW: 232.6
    That was the weigh in off July 2nd since I didn't last week.
    CW: 221.2

    I'm a little pissed because the scale hasn't budge in the last 3 days and I worked hard to get it back as close as 220 as I could ( I wanted to get back at that 219.2) ... I guess my weigh in would have been disastrous last week... :ohwell: .I'm Looking forward to next week and I really want to see 219.2! I'm supposed to have left the 20s since beginning of July!! Anyway, I'm back on track and let's keep pushing!

    I think commitement is what's going to make us succesful!
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    SW. 193.8
    Last week 191
    This week 190.4

    Finally going in the right direction!!! Next week should finally be back in the 80's!

    Will be going to vegas in 3 weeks and want to renew our wedding vows there so i am feeling extra motivated!

    My big problem is carbs. Any kind. Potatoes chips bread pizza you name it.

    So i have completed day 3 of NO PROCESSED CARBS (only whatever is in fruits veggies and protein naturally) and today is day #4. I am not planning on doing this forever but just retraining myself that i do not NEED that stuff and must do in moderation

    So far so good!
  • gwangjujulie
    Week 1 of 2lbs Tuesdays: 204.5

    LW: 198.6

    TW: 201

    What is it with me and being stuck between 198 and 201.....up and down up and down....I'm like a yoyo!!

    This week I'm going to try a different tack, I'm not going to log any of my food and see if by being less focused on food I'm actually more aware of what my body needs.......it could go really well or horribly wrong, but I've got to do something to shake it up a bit!
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    Hey everyone!
    I'm down 0.8 of a pound to 229.

    I'll take it :) Like zacksnana said, it's moving in the right direction. I, of course, would prefer if it moved faster - but I'm learning patience.

    This week I'm going to try to plan my food - I did REALLY well for a few days when I planned and prepared my food in advance. Unfortunately life is busy and time got away from me. This speaks to commitment as well - so I'm going to make the time and commit to eating properly.

    SO glad to read about everyone's week. prayaas - thank you for contributing despite a rough week. gwangjulie - hope your plan works for you!!!