What made you quit your game?



  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    I personally miss EQ... nothing was the same.

    You said it; that game was never the same post Kunark. The old days of "SG to docks!", Loading....please wait.

    I miss EQ so much. I quit after PoP came out. It just wasn't the same game anymore.
    Remember 5 hour corpse runs after a raid wipe?
    Good times. ;)

    Yeah, or being a newbie and falling off the boat, or that damned tree in black burrow! I swear the appeal behind this game was just how HARD it was. Grinding for a whole week just to gain a single level? MMOers these days would flip if they had to do that.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I personally miss EQ... nothing was the same.

    You said it; that game was never the same post Kunark. The old days of "SG to docks!", Loading....please wait.

    I miss EQ so much. I quit after PoP came out. It just wasn't the same game anymore.
    Remember 5 hour corpse runs after a raid wipe?
    Good times. ;)

    Yeah, or being a newbie and falling off the boat, or that damned tree in black burrow! I swear the appeal behind this game was just how HARD it was. Grinding for a whole week just to gain a single level? MMOers these days would flip if they had to do that.

    OMG! This whole comment trail just gave me so much wonderful memories. I was 12 when I played... It was around Kunark/PoP time era before Souls of Luclin came out. When that expansion hit and requirements went up to where my 32MB computer with dial up couldn't handle it I had to quit. I had a lvl 60 (50?) necromancer erudite and absolutely adored being called a Warlock with a Scepter pet. Those things were SO COOL. I also loved being a cleric and thought it was so neat that spells looked cooler and cooler the higher up you got. It was such a time grind but sooooooo fun at the same time. I felt more involved in that then WoW.

    I also played WoW very intensely for about 2 years. My best moment was downing the Lich King. After Cata came out things fell apart. I like MoP but just didn't have the same time or motivation to get back into it again like I was. I think mainly all the dailies killed it for me.

    Good games! I'm excited for the new FF14... I'm not sure if I'll actually get to sit down and play it but should be fun none the less.
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    Used to play a LOT of J-RPGs and even wrote game guides (my username is Zenalasca on those websites as well). Last time I spent a lot of time playing games was FFXIII-2 and it was during the summer holidays... And I was only just not about to finish it... Sigh
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    I played an online RPG.. got really into it. eventually I got inside a guild that was #2 ranked in the game. made awesome friends. So a bit later I became the leader of the guild and everything was going well, got us to #1 and I was feeling pretty proud of myself :P I spent a looot of time on this game, it bothered my hubs a lot. it bothered other peoples relation ships too, and I saw so many friends and good players quit/disappear. :/ Well then, there were updates to the game, pretty big ones too, and it made the game ridiculously easy if you just buyed a few things with real money. by that point everything that was once a big accomplishment became just a matter of time and money (and a lot less of that time that it took before...). So, as a result, everything was too easy, a lot more good people quit, I became quite fed up with it too. :/ It just wasn't the same anymore. So after trying to get the guild together after the update and failed, I didn't want to spend my energy on it anymore. It had taken too much from me already and I just thought I should concenrate my energies to real life instead. Then I quit :3 I do miss my awesome guild friends sometimes.. we had a blast.

    sorry for the long post.. x3
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    I personally miss EQ... nothing was the same.

    You said it; that game was never the same post Kunark. The old days of "SG to docks!", Loading....please wait.

    I miss EQ so much. I quit after PoP came out. It just wasn't the same game anymore.
    Remember 5 hour corpse runs after a raid wipe?
    Good times. ;)

    Yeah, or being a newbie and falling off the boat, or that damned tree in black burrow! I swear the appeal behind this game was just how HARD it was. Grinding for a whole week just to gain a single level? MMOers these days would flip if they had to do that.

    OMG! This whole comment trail just gave me so much wonderful memories. I was 12 when I played... It was around Kunark/PoP time era before Souls of Luclin came out. When that expansion hit and requirements went up to where my 32MB computer with dial up couldn't handle it I had to quit. I had a lvl 60 (50?) necromancer erudite and absolutely adored being called a Warlock with a Scepter pet. Those things were SO COOL. I also loved being a cleric and thought it was so neat that spells looked cooler and cooler the higher up you got. It was such a time grind but sooooooo fun at the same time. I felt more involved in that then WoW.

    Haha tell me about it, the only toon I ever got post 50 was a necro. We had the easiest jobs during raids; send in the pet and sit next to the cleric as a mana battery. AFK raid for teh winz!

    This game has some of the best memories and the most frustrating. I still remeber my first instance in a dungeon, it was black burrow.

    First thing I see when I zone in is a shout "TRAIN TO ZONE!"
    Here I'm thinking, Awesome, This game has trains? I wonder where it goes?
    LOADING........Pease wait.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    First thing I see when I zone in is a shout "TRAIN TO ZONE!"
    Here I'm thinking, Awesome, This game has trains? I wonder where it goes?
    LOADING........Pease wait.

    HAHAHA!! Me too!! I played EQ for far too long... almost 13 years. I recently went back because of the new progression servers but realized I have responsibilities now and can't play MMOs like I used to. :laugh:
  • EchoDelta1013
    EchoDelta1013 Posts: 93 Member
    Guild Wars 2 ruined MMOs for me. I was a huge Guild Wars 1 player. I got the GWAMM title even after being away from the game for 3 years. I seriously looked forward to Guild Wars 2. When the game came out last August, I was hooked. Then after only a month of playing, my disinterest due to the game's mechanics and lack of weapon skills. I returned to it in January of this year but it was still the same. Since GW2, I've tried the Secret World, Neverwinter, Star Legends & Arcane Legends (Android), Planetside 2, etc. I just can't get into MMOs anymore due to the disappointment of GW2. This really bugs me too :grumble:
  • Adrasteis
    Adrasteis Posts: 110 Member
    My husband used to play with me and one day out of the blue he said he was done. Since then I grinded reps, farmed, made 5 more toons, and ran Dragon Soul til I could text and tank it at the same time lol. I was really excited when MoP came out, and it has kept my interest but I think they are releasing content too quickly. I barely get gear and it's like "nope, gonna drop a patch and make everything outdated that you just got last week!".

    i live for the PvP now, raiding depends too much on other people and i like independently ripping heads off or healing the hell out of someone hiding in a bush or behind a tree (my poor priest/shaman have such targets on their heads when healing). i'm an adrenaline junkie =) and frost trapping or rooting rogues is what i LIVE FOR! f* those guys.

    Lol gotta love ruining a Rogues stealth spree in a BG. I like sitting in those bushes at the Mine in Arathi Basin and healing the hell outta whoever is defending flag then running away when I'm spotted lol
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Diablo = Fun for a while then got stupid when everyone used cheats.
    Starcraft = Can only play Big Game Hunters so many times.
    Diablo 2 = Killed a ton of weekends on it. Basically it got boring and dupes cause PVP to get unbalanced. Kinda just raged quit.
    Diablo 3 = Was boring after the first run. Felt it more like a console game and dumbed down.
    Counter-Strike = Owned (2) 16 player servers had an awesome community going and then Steam came out. If your remember WonID then your old school enough. Lasted for a while till CS:S and alot of players switch and never picked up a good user base. Since I was taking a $60 loss a month I stopped.
    Counter-Strike:Source = I play on/off just not as fun as the old CS.
    WoW = World PVP was dead. No fun large battles. Never was into PVE and thats all the game is now. PVP is not balance and gets worse every patch. No one has a main just a bunch of alt. Gear is a joke to get and makes the earlier patches seem like a mountain vs a small hill.
    Tribes:Ascend = Lack up updates. Might play again if they add something cool or a new map.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I used to play wow, but I suppose I'm just not social enough for MMORPGs. I don't raid. I prefer to play them as solo games and there's no point really. Once you hit 85 or whatever the limit is now, there's nothing really to do. Haven't played for a good two years.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    First thing I see when I zone in is a shout "TRAIN TO ZONE!"
    Here I'm thinking, Awesome, This game has trains? I wonder where it goes?
    LOADING........Pease wait.

    HAHAHA!! Me too!! I played EQ for far too long... almost 13 years. I recently went back because of the new progression servers but realized I have responsibilities now and can't play MMOs like I used to. :laugh:

    Trains were also a common theme in FFXI. For the longest time when people would train mobs to the zone the mobs would eventually walk back to their starting positions on the map. This would take time of course and people would zone into the area and pop up dead on the other side. lol Eventually Squenix fixed it so they would just depop and repop instead of walking all the way back.
  • zteven82
    zteven82 Posts: 13
    Yeah I was 14-18 when I played Everquest so it was my first real venture into gaming. I've played tons of other mmos since (Warcraft, FFXI, GW, GW2, a ton of others) but nothing has come close to that feeling I had when I played EQ.

    I finally quit when I let my friend log into my account to try out and he died so many times I deleveled 3 times. After that I was out lol.
  • Jennyflies
    Jennyflies Posts: 94 Member
    I played wow since launch. I stopped after i got to 90 in MoP. Real life got in the way.

    DARN YOU LIFE! I JUST WANNA PLAY VIDYA GAMEZ! now i sit at work and talk to you guys

    :sad: :bigsmile: :huh: :flowerforyou:
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    What is this game called "Real Life" everyone speaks of? And if it sucks so much, why does everyone play it? Must be a horrible grind. :laugh:
  • Jennyflies
    Jennyflies Posts: 94 Member
    The grind sucks and it doesnt give much gold. But sadly its addicting. You get cool acheivements sometimes too.
  • Sion73
    Sion73 Posts: 34 Member
    Played Ultima Online. My main was a multi Crafter with a lord title. Was really hard to get that lord title, and those skills, then they released an update which allowed people to skill up honour and crafting with task deeds. People were getting multi crafters with lord titles in a few weeks compared to what took me a year to achieve. Killed the game for me.

    Went to Dark Age of Camelot from open beta next. Great game. tri realm pvp. Then they released Trials of Atlantis. That ruined the game and I quit.

    Next was WOW from release. great game again. PVP sucked, but there was a lot to do and as I had kids now it suited my play time. I got hooked on achievements. Even started raiding, but the continual need to upgrade gear to chase the gear score bored me. I quit just before pandas was released because I just didn't want to play a game with pandas as a playable race.

    I am now playing Dark age of Camelot on the free to play Uthgard server. It is the classic release before trials of atlantis. It suits my limited time online and brings back great memories (Especially RvR).
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    I am now playing Dark age of Camelot on the free to play Uthgard server. It is the classic release before trials of atlantis. It suits my limited time online and brings back great memories (Especially RvR).

    DaoC is still around, I thought all the servers were taken down? Maybe The Realm and Miridian 59 is still truckin' a long somewhere. THAT would be a throwback.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    They shut it down.
  • sire137
    sire137 Posts: 41
    Played wow from vanilla til cata with two 85 toons and a couple of alts. it felt like each expansion offered less and less and was just getting bored of the same old thing. some days it was more of a 2nd job than a game. now I play SC2 where even the arcade games don't last more than an hour. most melee only last 20 min or so. I can play a couple and go on about my day. I'll still bounce into Skyrim and Borderlands every now and then when I need a change (and the story is nice too).
  • JaneDough_
    JaneDough_ Posts: 301 Member
    I've been playing WoW since 2006 and still playing.

    I stopped playing for 8 months simply because I was burnt out but I came back and there I am. I haven't done a /played recently but last time I checked I had /285 days played on one character alone....