
ELEANOR43da Posts: 166 Member
Hi,my name is Denise.I am a Mom of 3 wonderful boys ages 20,19,and 14 and have a very supportive hubby. Among other health issues I have hypothyroidism. I have been on medication for 4 years now. I find it difficult to shed these pounds, but amazingly enough I have lost 11 pounds in almost a month. Hard work with all the exercise and change in diet but its so worth it . I am hoping to come off this medication at some point! Hope to interact with you all and look forward to supporting each other on our journeys


  • arienhsm
    arienhsm Posts: 1
    Hi Denise,

    Congratulations !! I have been suffering with this syndrome since a while too :( .. Hope we get a lot of tidbits from you and be motivated... Please do suggest some basic regime you followed..
  • toddka1
    toddka1 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I have had hypothyroidism since March 2009 after first having hyperthyroid. The endocrinologist had to kill off at least part of my thyroid, so I'll be hypothyroid the rest of my life. The good news is diet and exercise will make a difference for all of us. I look forward to supporting each other as well.
  • hhmary
    hhmary Posts: 1
    Hi all. I've had Graves' disease for 10 years, working with a trainer now to she'd pounds, working my butt off and weight is really slow....inches are better!
  • stickerj
    stickerj Posts: 9 Member

    I'm a newbee to my fitness pal. I was mixed up on how to join this group. Sorry for the message Elenore. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 5 years ago and am taking medication. I enjoy the energy I get from exercising. Biking is my preferred exercise.

    Just a query, how do you avoid calcium in the morning?

    I take my meds very early and have my coffee with calcium-free creamer. Would love new ideas
  • Hey Ladies,
    I'm also fairly new to MFP, about 20 days.....I was diagnosed with hypothryroidism about 2 years ago.... I am also a T1 diabetic (23 years).... I am finding since I have an inactive/low thyroid, even with the proper meds....clean diet and exercise, ...the weight loss is so slow.....hoping to hear about your challenges and remedies along the way.....we can help each other. Thanks!
  • Sandee220
    Sandee220 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Denise, Congratulations on your loss of 11lbs. I was diagnosed in 2008 with Hashimoto's and Pernicious Anemia. Sometimes it is hard to stay motivated when the weight loss is so slow. I would love to hear any comments or suggestions that may have helped others with their success. Sounds like you are off to a good start!
  • cathyg321
    cathyg321 Posts: 155 Member

    I have not been diagnosed with hypothyroidism; all the blood work has continually come back negative, but I have very many of the symptoms of this disorder. I did not know until just recently that a GP would not be a good choice to check this out. A friend of mine who has Hashimoto's advised that I go to an Endocrinologist. So in the very near future, that is what I will be doing. In the meantime I am looking to gain any information about this issue so that I can treat it in the way of what NOT to eat...I have read several conflicting articles about various foods that are not helpful to the thyroid... the one I am confused about is wheat. I read that it worked against the thyroid, as well as that it worked FOR the thyroid. Can anybody way in with a more concrete opinion - has a doctor said one way or another to stay away from wheat? Thanks!
  • Sandee220
    Sandee220 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Cathy,

    I read your post and can tell you that it took several years before they could diagnose me. I continuously went to the doctor complaining about being tired. It was very frustrating that my test always came back negative. Finally after years of going I was diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases including Hashimoto's. I think it would be a good decision to follow up with a endocrinologist. :)
  • toddka1
    toddka1 Posts: 171 Member

    Your doctor is likely running the normal TSH test. This test is not really a thryoid function test; it is a pituitary gland test (which controls the thyroid and is usually a good indicator of thryoid function, but is not always accurate). This is usually used by most doctors because it gives a baseline test. Thyroid function is best tested by T4 and T3. Most doctors will test the T4, but most don't test T3 since that is much more expensive test. Your thyroid takes the T4 and converts it to T3 for use in your body. Press for the full list of thyroid tests to see if your body is converting enough T4 into T3. and are both really good websites to check out.
  • ELEANOR43da
    ELEANOR43da Posts: 166 Member
    Well,for me it took seeing a GP other than my own who happened to be on holidays .As soon as I told him of my extreme tiredness and packing on the pounds he was curious as to my levels. Not only did he send me for the T3and T4 ,but he sent me for full scans.

    Be amazed , I read your post and have to say I am taking synthroid 25 mg. I HAVE not changed my diet in any way til I started here and I did maintain 253lbs for 3 years give or take a pound. I just decided it was time to begin eating healthy as I have diabetes,high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

    I do believe I lost fluid when I first started and that contributed to my quick loss, but the last 5 pounds have been strictly following my meal plans and getting exercise which I wasn't doing .I mean not at all. Now I try to walk 3 km a day. ( any exercise is great )

    In the past week I have told myself if this does nothing else it will make me eat healthy and exercise my body. There has to be results in the end even if we have to struggle longer then others due to our medical conditions.
  • lortega73
    lortega73 Posts: 1
    Hi Ladies!

    Congrats on all your losses!

    I'm brand new to MFP, but very happy I found this group.

    I have been diagnosed as Hypo for almost 20 years and went un-diagnosed for quite a few years.

    My thyroid was so enlarged I actually had it removed in 2010, so I will be on meds for the rest of my life, but i'm always interested to find out how Hypo people can get the weight off, as I've been struggling to do so for some time.

    Its inspiring to see that you ladies are doing it despite the health issues.
  • ELEANOR43da
    ELEANOR43da Posts: 166 Member
    It hasn't been easy ever to shed 1 pound since becoming hypo ,but I am learning quickly that following this to the T and getting great exercise is getting progress..........maybe I won't get far. I am uncertain, but I am not willing to give up. I have always been big so this is huge for me . I have so much against me medically. I take 27 pills a day for different medical reasons and they all have the potential to pack on the pounds. I am keeping faith that I will lose enough to come off some of them which in turn will mean it will be easier to lose.

    I just know I am never giving up .I have finally made it here!!:smile:
  • I had Thyroid cancer and a thyroidectomy 7/2002 and Radiation 9/2002. I gained so much weight and have been having a hard time losing it. My doctors keep telling me to lose it but it's hard since my surgery and radiation. I did lose about 50lbs 5yrs ago but can't seem to lose the last 50 to 60lbs. I have been going up and down 10 to 20lbs the past 3 yrs and tell the doctors but they keep saying watch your food intake. So here I am to prove I do basically eat within a decent calorie range and yes I do cheat here and there but I have a feeling my lack of thyroid is the real culprit here.
  • haileybmemaw
    haileybmemaw Posts: 2 Member
    just join fitnesspal today.I too am hyprothyroid-hashimoto.
    have any of you been on Mary Shomon writes about thyroids,check it out.
    shes very knowledge-able. sorry about my typing.not to good at it..
  • Hi! I got diagnosed hypothyroid but I gain or maintain weight. My main problem right now is that when I do exercise, any type of it, I get really tired, to the point that I get very sleepy and I just want to go to bed. Any suggestions for exercises besides walking on a treadmill, cycling or swimming?
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Hello, all. Is this an active group or .....