CF Love and Prayers for my niece

I finally got a commitment from her that she is going tonight. She needs CF inside and out... Probably more inside. She is terrified. She is 21 and over 300#. My coach said he would give her free unlimited classes in exchange for some marketing on her end (that's what she is going to school for).... So the excuse "I can't afford it" has been removed. Again...she is terrified. Please send up some prayers that she goes and gives it an honest commitment. I can not tell you how much she needs it not only for her physical health, but mentally as well. We all know what a huge boost CF is and how it is scalable to all... but she hasn't been able to overcome her fear yet.

And shout out to my amazing coach who is putting a person before the mighty dollar! He's a great guy!


  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Just get her in the door. If your coach and box are light the ones I've been in the rest will take care of itself. I've never been in a more supportive atmosphere that keeps you wanting to come back.
  • georgie304
    georgie304 Posts: 143
    I've been trying for a good 6 weeks to get her in the door. Really hoping she doesn't back out.
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    you tell her it's going to be awesome - I started at around 270# around 37yrs old and love it! (and yes, I'm a shorty)
  • georgie304
    georgie304 Posts: 143
    I know she will love it if she can get past the fear. She just text me to confirm she's still on.

    I am so excited.... and nervous. She is so timid.

    But I know how empowering CF is! She needs this!
  • fakeittomakeit
    fakeittomakeit Posts: 48 Member
    I am sending good vibes!! Congrats to your niece for taking the plunge!! : )
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    That's awesome. :) Happy thoughts for her!!
  • CindyC60
    CindyC60 Posts: 30
    Just because you love Crossfit does not necessarily mean it will be an exercise environment your niece enjoys. You must be prepared for the possibility this approach may backfire and have a plan B for helping your niece get into a fitness program.

    Check your local papers, phone books and internet sources, gyms, fitness clubs, etc for organizations that help people that are severely obese to take better care of their health, and if your niece doesn't like Crossfit, please encourage her to check out those organizations.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    She's back, guess who's back?
  • georgie304
    georgie304 Posts: 143
    She's back, guess who's back?

    LOL, yes! I had a PM. I didn't even bother opening it.

    So... She loved it y'all! On the car ride over I told her what the WOD was, Cindy.

    I explained what the 20 AMRAP was and how it was perfect for was simply done at her own pace...if she needed to shake out her arms after every pull up...go for it.

    Pull ups were scaled to ring rows
    Push ups were from a bar
    Squats were to a stack of plates

    I told her that every single workout will kill you..even if she does it for a year/no matter her fitness level b/c you push yourself to your limit each and every time. I told her that when everyone is done they drop and recoop...and that after 5 or 10 minutes she will feel amazing.


    PLUS.. after we were all able to breath again... I showed her and the other newer girl another way of scaling pull ups without the rings... They told me to move over so they could try it... So she was even asking for more after her 1st workout. I am so proud of her!

    She was very excited and asked when she could come back again.

    Thanks for the prayers and support everyone.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    That is so awesome! Congratulations to you and especially her!
  • CindyC60
    CindyC60 Posts: 30
    I am really sorry to hear things went that way. Your niece would have been so much better off if she had decided Crossfit wasn't for her and instead joined a weight loss fitness group that was more appropriate for her weight and skill level.

    It is NOT necessary to work out so hard that you feel like you are going to die in order to get results -- especially if you are new to exercise. In fact exercising that hard when you are overweight and new to exercise can be downright dangerous! Did you ask your niece to talk to her doctor about Crossfit before you signed her up to make sure her body could deal with that kind of stress? If not, she should talk to her doctor before she goes back.

    "Have you noticed how intense workout programs have become in recent years? The top-selling fitness DVDs are by "America's Toughest Trainer" Jillian Michaels (think 30 Day Shred) and also include P90X and Insanity (advertised as "the hardest fitness program ever put on DVD"). Even Crossfit, which combines gymnastics, power lifting, and plyometrics and was originally used by athletes, firefighters, and soldiers, is gaining popularity among unfit beginners and housewives alike. The ever-popular "Biggest Loser" TV series also depicts people exercising to the point of injury, hospitalization, and vomiting.
    As a certified fitness professional, I can tell you for a fact that it is both unsafe and very risky for the average Joe (or Jane) to jump into high intensity exercise when just starting a fitness routine. Yet workout programs like these aren't marketed to regular exercisers who want to take their fitness to the next level. They target people who are overweight and obese, out of shape, and/or not already exercising consistently. To go from sitting on the couch to performing high intensity exercise is contraindicated by all reputable fitness organizations, including ACE (American Council on Exercise), ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine), AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America), NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association), The Cooper Institute and more. All reputable fitness organizations say that one must start small with lighter and shorter workouts and then very gradually build up their fitness level before attempting the types of workouts I see being sold to beginners every day."

    I did some modified Crossfit type workouts with some people that were having a class in a regular gym (not a Crossfit box) but when I checked out the local Crossfit box, I soon saw it was not the kind of environment I wanted to exercise in. There was far too much focus on competition and seeing how tough you could be and bloody blisters and injuries were seen as a badge of honor.

    I will continue to pray for your niece to find the best fitness and weight loss group for her, because after the newness of Crossfit wears off and she find out how much soreness she will have to suffer through after every workout, I really doubt if she will want to stick with it long term.
  • georgie304
    georgie304 Posts: 143
    LOL. Too funny.

    Thanks everyone for the support.
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    That's AWESOME! I'm thrilled for her!
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    Options do realize you're in the CROSSFIT LOVE group, right? lmao
  • CindyC60
    CindyC60 Posts: 30
    Didn't you people read that article about how dangerous it is for someone that is obese and hasn't been exercising to jump right into a high intensity workout like Crossfit?

    Georgie304, I do realize you are trying to help your niece, but you are putting that girl's life in danger by asking her to do a high intensity workout like that when she doesn't have a good base of physical fitness to start with.

    It doesn't matter if she was going into Crossfit or boot camp or HITT or Insanity or something else at that intensity level -- MEDICAL AND FITNESS EXPERTS ARE WARNING PEOPLE IT'S NOT SAFE FOR ANYONE THAT ISN'T ALREADY FIT TO JUST JUMP INTO SOMETHING THAT INTENSE!

    If you love Crossfit, fine. Go at it. But your niece is just getting started with exercise and isn't ready for something that intense. She probably just went to make you happy.

    Crossfit will be there if and when your niece is ready for something that intense, but that time isn't now!

    Did you ask your niece to talk to her doctor about it first? Most responsible trainers would require a doctor's approval before accepting an overweight person that is just getting into exercising into a program as intense as Crossfit.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    It's called scaling. I'll agree that if your CF box and trainers don't help her scale appropriately, then she can have problems.

    I started CF at 230 pounds and had been sedentary. My box has a guy that went from close to 400 pounds down to 200 pounds. My husband started at 270 pounds. My box has a guy who is 71 and a woman who is 63. All of us scale to what we can do. For some that's walking 100 meters instead of running 400 meters. Lifting a PVC pipe only and focusing on form, and not using weights. Squatting to a stack of plates vs full air squats. Based on the examples given, it sounds like your box focused on appropriate movements for what she could do, and that's great.

    Personally, I'm not big on prayer, but if I were, it would be that your niece is able to find an exercise program and encouraging environment that helps her become healthy - and sounds like she already has.

    I would also pray that certain individuals stop with their strange obsession / need to save people from Crossfit. Seriously - get a life.
  • CindyC60
    CindyC60 Posts: 30
    Even if the coach is good at helping your niece scale, if she is exhausted and out of breath at the end of the workout, as you indicated she was, IT STILL COULD BE TOO INTENSE OF AN EXERCISE ROUTINE TO BE SAFE. While some people can take the Crossfit route from being obese to fit, that doesn't make it the safest or best route for everyone. What one person's body may be able to tolerate will cause another to have a heart attack or other medical emergency brought on by too much exertion when they are not used to it.

    Instead of pushing for your niece to do what you want and you love, why not encourage her to find her own path to fitness?

    If I knew someone in a similar situation, I would encourage them to look for a moderate exercise and nutrition advice program that is specially designed for people dealing with weight issues. Those kind of groups have the advantage of being able to help members deal with the emotional issues that cause many people to over eat and gain weight. Unfortunately, Crossfit has nothing at all to offer in that department.

    And even then, she should have a doctor's approval before she starts a new exercise program.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I will pray that you get the help that you need for your unhealthy obsession.
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    I'm so glad that she loved it!! :-D
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    ^ Me too. I'm glad she loved it.