Today's WOD



  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I'll be doing L1 on all of this. Not at all looking forward to Blurred Lines.

    Pull Ups

    On the minute, for 8 minutes..

    RX + – Strict Pull Ups or Weighted Pull Ups, reps subjective

    RX – 8-10 Reps, kipping

    L2 – 4-6 Reps, kipping

    L1 – 8 Banded Pull Ups, or 6 Ring Rows (as horizontal as possible)

    Partner WOD

    “Blurred Lines”

    AMRAP 20

    Run 100m

    1, 2, 3, 4, etc. HSPU

    2, 4, 6, 8, etc. T2B

    One person working at a time.
    Partner 1 sprints 100m, then 1 HSPU & 2 Toes-2-Bar (while partner 2 is resting)
    Partner 2 sprints 100m, then 2 HSPU & 4 Toes-2-Bar
    Keep building up the ladder as a team as high as possible for 20 minutes, alternating rounds and building on the rep scheme.
    Partial rounds count.

    Scaled versions
    L2 – Abmat HSPU (1 or 2 mats), Knee Tucks or Knees to Elbows
    L1 – Double the reps with Push Ups & Sit Ups (2/4/6/8 Push Ups, 4/8/12/16 Sit ups, etc.)
  • fakeittomakeit
    fakeittomakeit Posts: 48 Member

    3 rounds for time:

    400 meter run
    21 bar facing burpees
    12 front squats (rx 95, I did 45)


    I will slowly but surely approach RX. Right now focusing on the deep squat without falling over. : )
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^you and me both. Overhead squat will expose your weak areas like nobodies business, like it did my lower back muscles and tight at hell hamstrings.
  • fakeittomakeit
    fakeittomakeit Posts: 48 Member
    Overhead are the worst! Pretty sure I've done them once, barely. I think 25 was what I did and I was pissed! : )
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I never came across today's WOD before. Here's how it went down:

    Tabata squat holds (8 rounds)

    2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 sumo deadlifts

    WOD: San Francisco Crippler
    For time:
    30 back squats
    1000m row.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Had to modify the WOD above but it was fun.

    6 Ring Rows EMOTM 8 minutes.

    Team workout 11 reps of

    100m sprint
    escalating push ups (4, 8, 12...)
    escalating hanging knee raises (4, 8, 12)

    My partner did RX (HSPU and K2B)

    I was really dreading this one but it turned out to be a lot of fun. Still not pushing myself 100% as I adjust to these but am pushing way, way harder than I did working out on my own. Once I'm more sure my knee will take the beating I'll start ramping it up
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    Run 800M
    Run 800M
    Run 400M
    Run 400M

    Woohoo! I RX'd that one... finally. Well, if you can RX running. : )
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Run 800M
    Run 800M
    Run 400M
    Run 400M

    Woohoo! I RX'd that one... finally. Well, if you can RX running. : )

    Nice. Interval training really gets your fat burning metabolism going.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Brutal. Bru. Tal.


    Single, AMRAP in 8mins of:
    3 Hang Squat Cleans (#135/95:115#)
    6 Toes to Bar
    9 Push-Ups (scale up ring push-ups: ring rds 1&2, regular rds 3&4)

    2min rest

    In teams of 2, complete AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
    5 C2B/Pull-Ups: pull-ups: reg rds 1&2, small band rds 3-5
    10 Burpees over barbell
    (One person working at a time, complete full round)

    3 min rest

    In teams of 3 complete AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
    25m Prowler Push(180/90: 140#) + 50m Sprint
    (One person working at a time, complete full round)

    AMRAP1: 4+2
    AMRAP2: 10+11 team (5+0 ind)
    AMRAP3: 16 team (5 ind)

    The 5:30a class finished while we were starting our warmup...they joked that we should just leave. Looking back, I'm not sure that all of them were actually joking.

    (Trainer said the AMRAP2 burpees over barbells counted for my birthday burpees, so at least I didn't have 42 more burpees to do after this. :drinker: )
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Yesterday's WOD (I seem to always forget to post here...):

    Bench Press - 5x5 with increasing load

    I managed to push 90# in my last set and missed my last rep by thismuch. That felt pretty awesome!

    16 minute AMRAP
    20 Deadlifts (135/95)
    10 Push Press (135/95)

    I scaled to 55# and completed 7 rounds + 3/0 reps. I really love lifting WODs!!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    WOD: 12-8-4-2-4-8-12 (10min time cap)

    Deadlift (215/155) 215# rx

    Slam Ball (50/35) 50# rx

    Handstand Push-ups (from box)

    Made it through the 8s + 3 DLs. Rx weights. Felt strong and definitely held my own.

    Prior to the WOD, did
    Skill/ Strength:

    Three sets of: (20mins)
    10 Front Squat @ 50% 1RM 75#
    Rest 60 seconds
    10 Each Single-Arm Dumbbell Row 40#
    Rest 60 seconds

    Two sets of: (10mins)
    8 Dumbbell Bench Press 45#
    Rest 45 seconds
    8 Romanian Deadlift 115#
    Rest 45 seconds

    Kind of felt like I was in a stereotypical globo gym with these. We even joked about getting a spot on the presses..."just from the elbows up"..."it was all you, brah (despite my grunting while "spotting"/(aka db rowing) your lifts". Good times. :laugh:

    Looking forward to two scheduled off days this weekend after making every day this work week. Ahhh, yeah.
  • Pip_squeak83
    Pip_squeak83 Posts: 26 Member
    Warm up

    50 double unders (alternate with singles for now)

    3 rounds

    5 strict pull ups
    dumbbell bear complex


    Work up to 1 rep max dead lift
    Then Complete following sets. Each set should be completed unbroken touch and go (no dropping between reps) with the percentage based off of one rep max

    9 reps 70 %
    3 reps 90%
    15 reps 60%
    5 reps 80%
    21 reps 50%


    3 rounds

    15 sit ups
    15 back extensions
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    Two Rounds, 20 minute cap:

    300m Run
    15 Power Cleans
    15 Toes to Bar
    300m Run
    15 Front Squat
    15 KB Swings

    I finished just under the 20 minute cap!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Nancy (5 rounds of 400m run and 15 OH squats (rx: 95/63)

    Second time around on this one for me, but still not comparable. My first time (on 6/11/2013) was a total disaster. Tried 55# which was too heavy...and actively scaled throughout the workout until I was using a single 15# kb in my left hand. Compressed a nerve in my shoulder/neck that made my right hand tingly and my arm numb and unusable. I mean, totally dead weight numb. Couldn't really use it for 3ish days. Wasn't completely better for about a week.

    So this time, I scaled it *way* back. "You know that's a women's bar, right?"* was asked of me a couple of times, once by a participant and once by the substitute trainer. Yes, yes I do, and I don't care...and that was just for the strength work (snatch 1RM) (although I did end up using the regular bar for that in the end and even matched my old 1RM of 115...and then failed with 115 a half dozen time. Such a mind-screw, that lift is).

    Anyhow, for the WOD, I went all the way down to the 15# aluminum trainer bar with a couple of 10s on it. That's right, adult male using 35# for OHS. Didn't care. Even with just 35#, I still had a *little* tingling in my hand, but it didn't worsen so I kept on keeping on. (My backup plan was to switch to front or back squats if necessary.) One of the women in the class used the women's rx 65# (almost twice my weight) and still beat ~3 min. Didn't care.

    I finished in 18:34 (which is still ~10 minutes better than the disaster that first time).

    * I think this is where people get into trouble with crossfit (and other exercise programs). When people consider their ego above everything else and use more weight just to be using the "correct" bar/weight, it often ends badly. The first time through, it wasn't necessarily my ego as much as it was ignorance of a good starting weight. (Admittedly, the trainer could have done a better job of guiding me...although my overall strength in other lifts could lead someone to believe that I was easily capable of using 55#.) This time, I knew what I needed to do (and even had a solid backup plan in case that still wasn't scaled enough).

  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    First WOD in 2 weeks!!! So good to be back :)

    7×2 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Split Jerk – Go every 90 seconds
    first 3 rounds at 53lbs, next 3 at 63lbs. Form was suffering on the jerk, so I went back to 53lbs for the last one.

    Alternating Tabata, 16 total rounds

    Ring Dips
    Weighted Abmat Situps - 15lb medicine ball

    117 total reps. By the last two rounds, my dips were more like jumps & falls.
  • ssnowdon76
    ssnowdon76 Posts: 19
    Yesterday's WOD.

    Eva - 5 round of:

    800m run
    30 KB swings (2 pood)
    30 pull ups.

    32:48 Rx - had to tap out because my hands were falling off - couple of bad tears - couldn't do my final set of pull ups. I *HATE* not being able to finish a WOD.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    Row 500m
    10 pvc passthroughs
    Alt tabata: snatch balance and OHS w/PVC pipe
    Spiderman stretch
    Side to side hammy stretch
    20 alt db snatches @35#

    5 sets: 3 snatch balances + 3 OHS @95#

    12 min ladder 3...6...9...etc ascending ladder until time is up of:
    Power Snatches @95#
    Overhead Squat @95#

    I finished through12+4 reps. My Overhead squats are just horrible. Easily my worst lift. I can't get my balance right and hips are just not flexible.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Yesterday's WOD.

    Eva - 5 round of:

    800m run
    30 KB swings (2 pood)
    30 pull ups.

    32:48 Rx - had to tap out because my hands were falling off - couple of bad tears - was 15 reps short on my final set of pull ups. I *HATE* not being able to finish a WOD.

    CRazy WOD. Awesome job though
  • ssnowdon76
    ssnowdon76 Posts: 19
    Yesterday's WOD.

    Eva - 5 round of:

    800m run
    30 KB swings (2 pood)
    30 pull ups.

    32:48 Rx - had to tap out because my hands were falling off - couple of bad tears - was 15 reps short on my final set of pull ups. I *HATE* not being able to finish a WOD.

    CRazy WOD. Awesome job though

    Thanks! I was looking forward to tackling this .. generally love the longer WODs that leave you dying at the end .. so it pissed me off that I couldn't finish this. Hopefully the hands heal up quick! :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yesterday's WOD.

    Eva - 5 round of:

    800m run
    30 KB swings (2 pood)
    30 pull ups.

    32:48 Rx - had to tap out because my hands were falling off - couple of bad tears - was 15 reps short on my final set of pull ups. I *HATE* not being able to finish a WOD.

    CRazy WOD. Awesome job though

    Thanks! I was looking forward to tackling this .. generally love the longer WODs that leave you dying at the end .. so it pissed me off that I couldn't finish this. Hopefully the hands heal up quick! :)

    That WOD is just a little bit insane...

    ...and by "little bit", I mean, "completely".

    2.5 miles of running, 150 heavy kb swings, and 150 pullups in about a half hour.

    Congrats on getting some serious work done. Now get your hands healed up.