Day 1 Level 1 - How did it go?

JustDeena Posts: 40 Member
This morning went well for me, better than my first day a year ago when I attempted this. I did have some plantar tendon pain which prevented me from doing some moves especially the jumping. I basically just ran in place and did the arm movements instead of actually jumping which helped. Took a couple short breaks to get a sip of water but kept up fairly well.

Last time I did this I could not finish day 1! I kept at it though and my endurance definitely improved with each workout, so if you struggled today just do your best and keep it up!!


  • Haven't done it yet. I will when I get home, but I'm the same as you. Did it once before and I finished the 1st day that time, I sent some friends an email telling them about it. But the jist of my email was:

    Finished J. Michaels 30 Day Shred - Day 1. Laying on the floor gasping and sweating and wishing there was someone around that could bring me my water before I die of dehydration.
  • fleurblur
    fleurblur Posts: 6 Member
    I did the first level today and it was hard work!She pushes you through it and it felt good when I completed the first workout.

    I'm looking for friends so please add me to support each other!
  • RilyRily65
    RilyRily65 Posts: 17 Member
    Okay I did the first day. I was gasping and reaching for my water but I did manage to finish. The jumping jacks were killing me. I did modify the a little the 2nd and 3rd time she brought those into the workout. I have a shoulder injury that will require surgery eventually so I was careful with that, but otherwise I did almost everything. I was proud of myself. I'm going to do this! Glad I'm not going to do it alone. :smooched:
  • JustDeena
    JustDeena Posts: 40 Member
    I dont think modifying the jumping jacks and such is too big of a deal. I may be completely off base, but it is the cardio portion, so I think even more importantly it is important to keep moving and keep that heart rate up. :smile:
  • It seems to be harder this time. Or maybe it's just I'm a year older. Yeah, that must be it....I'm older. My story and I'm sticking to it. :tongue:
  • GamerGirly
    GamerGirly Posts: 158 Member
    I have attempted the 30DS twice now.. i always manage to get through the first couple days but then I can't motivate myself to go further..

    3rd time is a charm this round!!

    I am going to complete the WHOLE thing..
    Im going to do it! Im going to do it! YES!!!

    (Until next week when I am crying.. might need someone to slap me LOL)

    On my way home in a bit to do my first day WOOT WOOT!!
  • kokorae
    kokorae Posts: 64 Member
    Day 1 was harder than I remember it being, however, I had already jump roped for about 20 mins before doing Day1. I had a hard time with the butt kicks and the jump roping (shin splits) but after I was done, I had enough energy to walk both of my dogs separately too. Thanks for starting this group!
  • katydid29
    katydid29 Posts: 18 Member
    Day 1 done! major sweating with the heat advisory for the whole week this is going to be fun!!!
  • rachso
    rachso Posts: 174 Member
    Day 1 done! I had started last week then had to quit due to an injury so I thought it would be easier today....its amazing how hard I forgot it was after just a week. LOL Had to take a good break that was prob more than the 5 seconds she said. And I have never downed a bottle of water faster than I did after this workout. Ready for day 2!
  • doronajay
    doronajay Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks for the motivation, everyone! Great work!

    I just completed Day 1 after taking the dog to the park. Wow, I am more out of shape than I thought... I was about two steps behind Anita the entire time. I liked the cardio, but the push-ups were a monster for me. My arms are shaking.

    I'm feeling ready for Day 2. Tracking my food and water intake has definitely helped my energy level.

    Good luck, and hope to see you tomorrow!
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    It was awesome, I used 3 lb weights and did modified pushups. :-) I am going to be sore in the morning.
  • cheechee13
    cheechee13 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Guys, Day 1 done - it can only get easier right? I am doing the 5:2 diet so yesterday was a fast day but I seemed to have energy which was a bonus.

    My measurements are below, i have not been weighing myself recently but going by the feel of my clothes.

    Waist 31 inch
    Hips 43 inch
    Right thigh 28 inch
    Left Thigh 28 inch
    Right Arm 13.5 inch
    Left Arm 14 inch

    I am using 3lb weights.

    Everyone has done an amazing job yesterday :)
  • KRoth416
    KRoth416 Posts: 37 Member
    Starting my Day 1 today :/

    If I recall, I HATED Level 1 when I did this previously, I miiiiight skip Level 1 and just do Level 2......those push-ups KILL my wrists, but the bending/walk out pushups are easy?! We shall see how day one goes tonight!
  • kittiesandbooks
    kittiesandbooks Posts: 11 Member
    My dvd just arrived so I'm a few days behind. I just finished D1L1 and I feel like I'm going to throw up! I made it through to the end, but I had to take a few breaks.
  • JustDeena
    JustDeena Posts: 40 Member
    It definitely gets easier as you go! The first time I ever attempted this I could not even get through day 1 the first time, so I started counting days when I finally muscled through the entire video (which took three attempts). This time with the exception of the push-ups (which are getting easier) I can go the whole time.
  • kittiesandbooks
    kittiesandbooks Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks, Deena! Today was definitely better.