7/21 group discussion - what keeps you inspired?

lisamfick Posts: 257 Member
This morning while I was running I felt a big urge to stop and then I did my positive self talk to keep going and realized that if I stop, it would be so easy for everyone else to stop with me. The last thing I want is to be an excuse for others. So my inspiration is to help my friends and family get moving and get healthy. Its not just about me anymore and that's a pretty cool feeling


  • krc99080
    krc99080 Posts: 147 Member
    For me the original motivation was to fit back into some really cute clothes that I had gotten to big for but never could make myself get rid of. Now that I'm practically to that goal (sitting here in a pair of size 10 jeans as I type this for the first time in a couple of years) I'm changing my thoughts a bit. I do still want to make it to a size 8 - for some reason that was always my ideal size. My original inspiration was to just be healithier which is always there. I know that by losing the weight and becoming more active I've helped myself be healthier. I want to put off as many of the family health problems for as long as possible.

    I'm also inspired by those I haven't seen in a month or two who come up and tell me I look great and want to know what I'm doing, what diet I'm on. They never cease to be amazed when I tell them I'm not on a "diet," that I just use portion control and make smarter choices eating out. I want this to be something I can stick with, it's changing my life, not just my weight. I realize once I get to maintenance these comments will stop - but I will still know they think I look great.

    All of the inspiring people on myfitnesspal also help so much. It's great to be a part of something where people are supportive of your goals. It can be difficult being the only person making these changes. Mostly family and friends warn me not to get "too small." I'm not sure what they're going for with that, I realize I'll never be a size 0 or 2, probably not even a 4. I have hips, a butt and broad shoulders that aren't going anywhere and I have no desire to look skeletal. I still want curves, I'm a woman after all I should have them.

    Really, it's the little things that inspire me. I've learned you should never put off celebrating an achievement no matter how small.

  • lisamfick
    lisamfick Posts: 257 Member
    I love that! Thanks for sharing. You've been doing awesome and staying consistent so your goals are so attainable!