Just Started today! Looking for support

Hey Im Erica 20 years old. Just got insanity!!! did the first fit test today and that kicked my booty! Need tips for staying motivated and actually doing it everyday! I have 40 Pounds to loose and right now feeling kind of down on myself. I want to actually commit this time and do it right! HeLP!!!


  • unoriginalusername007
    unoriginalusername007 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm just finishing month 1 of Insanity! I struggled doing Insanity daily at first until I joined MFP. Then I friended a bunch of people that had just started Insanity, too, and that helped me *so* much! They'd post about their Insanity workouts that day and I'd begin to feel guilty for not yet doing my Insanity workout like they had. So I'd get off the computer and go do the workout haha! It really helped me, so definitely find some Insanity friends. (feel free to add me! I'm going into month 2, but can still relate to the craziness of Insanity haha)

    To keep myself motivated during the actual workout when I feel exhausted and just want to stop halfway into the workout is to look at myself. I know that sounds awfully vain, but see, there's a full-length mirror in the room I workout in, and if I see myself in it, it boosts my desire to keep working out to lose the weight I want to. I get to the point in the workout when I feel like I want to give up, and then I see myself in the mirror vs. the fit people in the video and I'm like, "no, I'm not giving up!" It might sound ridiculous, but it works for me, and I'm sure it could help others.
    Also, looking at result pictures fairly often of anyone who has completed Insanity makes me remember that it *is* possible and that it's not just another weight loss/fitness fad.
    (I know I said I'm finishing month 1, and I'd love to tell you I've lost a lot of weight, but I haven't. It's not the workout's fault though; I hadn't been eating the greatest. By the end of month 2, if I eat better I'm sure I'll be seeing awesome results though. Oh, and in these 3 and a half weeks of Insanity so far, I have noticed significant muscles growing in my abs and arms though so at least I know I'm benefitting!)

    *Edit* I completely forgot to add that even though you might feel like you're dying during the workouts in the first week, they really do get easier!! They're still going to be strenuous and difficult, but you'll definitely feel a difference in your endurance as the workouts progress. Pure Cardio, or as one of my MFP friends calls it- "Pure H*ll," was so hard for me to complete in week one- I had to stop numerous times and it seemed hopeless- but by week 2 it felt a little better, and by now, I'm able to complete every exercise in the video stopping for very few breaths.
  • thetemplateblog
    thetemplateblog Posts: 53 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am getting ready to kick off another round of Insanity.
  • KatiWelch
    KatiWelch Posts: 4 Member
    I will be on day 4 tomorrow. You can add me if you would like.
  • Adolan08
    Adolan08 Posts: 4
    I did the first month of Insanity a while back. I am about to restart this program, crazy as that may seem. LOL :) It truly is a great program, even if your not seeing results on the scale you are seeing the results in your clothes and photos!!! Its a great program to try out!!!
  • Taby69
    Taby69 Posts: 4
    I am on day 2 I could use support as well...you can add me. Burned 602 calories today great motivation for me but it wasn't easy. I really hope I see significant results by day 60.