Runner's Knee?

ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
I believe I may be developing Runner's Knee. According to Dr. Google the symptoms that I have match. Anyone have personal experience with this?


  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    A lot of knee problems are actually from something else and the knee is the symptom. Tight IT bands and weakness in the glutes can cause knee pain. And are easier to fix :)
  • amandamurdaugh
    amandamurdaugh Posts: 138 Member
    My right knee had been bothering me for the past year. It was more under my knee cap, which I think is "runner's knee", over use & what not. But I did have IT Band issues too, more to the outside of the knee. For the past 3 months, I've been doing more strength training exercises, such as squats & lunges. But I also started taking glucosamine at the same time. My issues have pretty much been resolved, so I don't know if it's the exercises or glucosamine.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    Yes, I have. I also had IT band issues, with my knee pain. I use "The Stick" massage bar whenever things act up, and it really helps....if you don't have one, I highly recommend it for all runners! I also used a knee brace temporarily, just to be able to continue to run. I use it whenever my knee becomes really painful, but don't wear it otherwise. Here's a link to some exercises to strengthen your pelvis --often times, knee & IT problems are due to weakness in the hips: (Warning: the person narrating the videos drives me crazy, but the exercises themselves are valuable.) I hope your knee feels better soon.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Runner's knee, strengthen the quads.
    IT Band, hips and glutes.

    May as well do both to be sure. :)
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    The pain is in my knee cap, towards the inside of my leg, which is why I think it's runner's knee and not an IT band problem. I also have the popping and clicking sound when I bend my knees. I've been doing squats and lunges like a maniac lately so hopefully that will help. Dr. Google also said it can come on when you start increasing your mileage, and I have done a pretty big increase lately, doing from 4 miles average a day to anywhere from 6 to 10 instead. Thanks for the tips and links, I will check into them all.
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    What you have sounds exactly the same as me. Does it hurt a lot if you sit in a confined space where you can't stretch your legs for a while? And is the main pain just above the kneecap, inside leg ... below the thighs?

    I'm working on fixing. My physio says continuing to run is ok (although I have cut down a lot). i'm on a program of squats, lunges, single legged lunges, a stretch where you sit on an ordinary chair, and then stretch out one leg horizontally for 15 secs.

    I'd also second the recommendation above on "The Stick"; I have one - its great

    Good luck, and hope your knees get better soon
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    I have chronic patella femoral syndrome, which is often referred to as runner's knee. Granted, I was born with my knee caps slightly tilted laterally, which doesnt help, and according to multiple orthopedic doctors and physical therapists I've been to, I have extremely weak quad muscles. My most recent battle with it (in 2011) left me unable to run for 9 months, though mostly due to an incompetent doctor who seemed mystified by my symptoms and couldnt figure out how to treat me.

    Dont be silly like me - definitely do lots of stretching and strengthening of the quad muscles. I am hypervigilant now whenever I even start feeling a little tweak. Patella straps can help ease the pain so you can continue to run, but in order to eliminate the problem, definitely work on strengthening the quad muscles (and foam rolling the IT Band helps because an inflamed IT band can really cause more aggravation to the problem!).