Weight Update ! Gain? Loss?



  • jonniemomof9ak
    jonniemomof9ak Posts: 62 Member
    Well goodness, I guess I am the biggest gainer. I am due 1/02/13 & I have gained 17ish lbs. so far. I started at 155 lbs. so I am already up around 172 lbs. I was super tired during the first trimester, sleeping all the time, & eating a ton in hopes that it would cure mornings sickness, guess what? it doesn't. But I have been much more energetic the last few weeks, and no more napping. yay! I even did some weight training the last few days, in the morning before the kids woke up-- which is amazing because I haven't even woke up earlier than them in months.
  • HollyAnn_
    HollyAnn_ Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 15w 5d, have gained 10 pounds. I've been pretty even the last few weeks. My last OB appointment was 2 weeks and I haven't gained any since.
    I was working out really good right before, P90x and running, then morning sickness hit and I think most of my gain is from that, well some of it is obviously baby lol. Just started a regular work out routine two weeks ago. I'm still doing P90x, only half the time and WAY less weights (translation= Barbie weights UGH)
    This is my 4th baby, gains were 40, 30, and 30. I'm hoping to keep it as close to 20 as possible. My MAIN goal is to keep toned as much as possible. My cousin is getting married in October, I'll be 6 months, So I'm hoping to be the "cute" pregnant lady in the bridal party lol.
    Good Luck to everyone!!
  • Alexz210
    Alexz210 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm 11 weeks today. I didn't find out that I was pregnant until 6 weeks, and had been doing P90X pretty regularly, so I lost a few pounds. Unfortunately, the morning sickness has put a damper on my exercise. I am 5'4", and my "start" weight was 140. Thanks to P90X, I got down to 137, and I'm holding steady here. So I guess at 11 weeks, I'm technically down 3 lbs. It's crazy though, because my pants feel SO tight. Anyone else feeling this?

    @HollyAnn - I'm inspired that you are continuing your workouts. I hope that I can start to feel better and jump back on the wagon with you!
  • HollyAnn_
    HollyAnn_ Posts: 47 Member
    With my first three I had about 3 weeks of "morning sickness" which was just feeling tired and I had to eat regularly or I would get really tired. With this one, It was more like 6 weeks. "most" likely you will start to feel better soon, at least by the start of 2nd trimester. Just take it easy when starting back up. Don't push it too hard, but you can still push it, especially if you were working out before. Goodluck
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm 11 weeks today. I didn't find out that I was pregnant until 6 weeks, and had been doing P90X pretty regularly, so I lost a few pounds. Unfortunately, the morning sickness has put a damper on my exercise. I am 5'4", and my "start" weight was 140. Thanks to P90X, I got down to 137, and I'm holding steady here. So I guess at 11 weeks, I'm technically down 3 lbs. It's crazy though, because my pants feel SO tight. Anyone else feeling this?

    I actually have lost weight over the past two weeks but my pants are tighter. (And I've lost weight because I'm still finding the calorie sweet spot for maintenance while being pregnant and breastfeeding and working out!) But yeah, even at 9 weeks I have this ridiculous muffin top - I guess my uterus is pushing everything up and out?? I wore a maxi dress to work last week and everyone was eyeballing my midsection (or I am paranoid, also very possible), but my husband was commenting that I look pregnant and keeps touching my belly.
  • laceylucas86
    laceylucas86 Posts: 120
    jealous of you ladies that lost weight! lol I am 9w4d and gained about 4 lbs, goal is 25 lbs for the pregnancy, I managed that with my son and that was when I was eating like a pig not giving a rats behind about calories so now that I am mindful I should do just as well, that's my theory :D
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    jealous of you ladies that lost weight! lol I am 9w4d and gained about 4 lbs, goal is 25 lbs for the pregnancy, I managed that with my son and that was when I was eating like a pig not giving a rats behind about calories so now that I am mindful I should do just as well, that's my theory :D

    My last two pregnancies, I gained 50+ pounds, so I am EXTREMELY surprised to be having a different experience. I just hope the momentum carries me through the doldrum parts of pregnancy :)
  • irishastoria
    irishastoria Posts: 4 Member
    I started at 133 lbs (at 5' 6'') and I am up to 138 lbs. However, I monitor my body fat percentage each week and I am down from 25% pre-pregnancy to 22%, which accounts for the added weight. I have been hitting the weights pretty hard to try and add strength early, especially core. I would guess that without the added muscle mass I am pretty flat.

    The last two weeks of heat wave have completely killed my cardio work; without being able to run outside, everyone else at the gym had the "bright" idea to run indoors, leading to hour plus wait times for all of the cardio machines. I ended up adding extra strength training instead (hence the hitting the weights above.) Hopefully with the heat finally breaking I can get back to running outside again.
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    8 weeks, and my weight is holding steady! Having BAD nausea though, and food aversions, so my choices have been crap the past week (biscuits, fries). Had an u/s this morning and talked to my doc and he told me to just eat what I can and not worry about it being junky, that I should ease out of this stage soon.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,763 Member
    I'm 12w5d and hopped on the scale to find I'm only up 300 grams - completely surprised as I've been eating a lot over the last few weeks. Took my measurements too - my waist is up 2cm, my hips 1cm, bum is the same and my thighs are down 1cm. I was wondering if I had lost a bit of weight as my engagement ring slipped off when I was bathing my daughter a few nights ago - it's obviously just shifting around!
  • mommyblessed7
    mommyblessed7 Posts: 72 Member
    Im scared to step on the scale! I have been SO hungry and I feel like a twinkie :P I know I have to be up a good amount, I have been able to go to the gym pretty steadily, so that Im happy with, but it also causes me to be more hungry. One night after burning over 500 calories in Zumba I woke up starving at 4 am!!!! I ate chicken and a 1/2 cup of red beans lol. I think Ill give it one more week before I get on the scale! yikes! I dont look terrible apparently my husband says I still have a nice shape.. and he IS all over me ;) so I guess its not too much of a lie ( I hope ) lol oh well!!!
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    7weeks 4days, and up about 2 lbs, from 115 to 117. It feels like it's all in my boobs and belly, mostly fluid gain, I'm sure.
  • SBerndt
    SBerndt Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 8 weeks today and am up about 2 pounds. My weight has been fluctuating alot, which is abnormal for me, but I keep staying in this 3-4 pound range. I gained 7 pounds after going off of birth control, and I got pregnant before I lost that (oh well!), so I started at 143 and am hovering between 143 and 146, depending on the day. The bloating and water weight gain is so annoying! I have been exercising regularly (running, lifting, spinning) and eating well, so I know it's just water weight, but I'm scared to gain so early. I'm barely 5'2", so I would love to keep my gain to under 25 pounds total if possible. I've come to the conclusion, though, that I can only control what goes into my body and my level of exercise. What my body decides to do with that is out of my hands. I wish it was easier, though!
  • X10Kit
    X10Kit Posts: 2
    Hi everyone! I am 13w1d today. I actually dropped about 7lbs from the time i found out i was pregnant until now. I attribute it mostly to the change in diet and lack of alcohol. I have definitely grown in inches though. Despite being a a lower weight than i have been in years, my pants have a lovely little belly protruding over the top. Husband says when i was heavier i didn't have a waist like i do now and I am gonna run with that! Exercise is next to impossible for me right now. The fatigue is KILLING me. So much worse than any other symptom at this point. But I have sworn to myself to do the best I can and keep up with MFP throughout the pregnancy to stay in the habit of tracking. So glad i found this group too because reading that other ladies are going through similar stuff is unbelievably helpful!
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    20 weeks 3 days weighed in last week with a 5 1/2 pound weight gain
  • MSpradling18
    MSpradling18 Posts: 49 Member
    10 weeks yesterday and have lost 3.5 pounds so far. Started at 140.8 which was higher than I wanted to be so hoping for 25-30 pound gain. Last pregnancy I started at 146 and gained 36 pounds and just felt fat the entire time. I was in the middle of dieting and losing weight when I got pregnant again. Nothing else on my body has changed yet, just the weight. I try to eat at maintenance but if I go over or under I don't stress out. I'm close to finishing a 30 day squat challenge and my bum is getting a great lift, starting a 30 day plank challenge next so hopefully that helps my belly not balloon out.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    I am 13w3d and I have still only gained about 1/2 to 1lb. I am soooo not complaining! I am a bit surprised considering this baby loves McD's cheeseburgers...and that's been my lunch for about 2 weeks straight. Today was the first time I have had something besides fast food for lunch. AND I haven't indulged in my one-a-day coke for two days now. Maybe I am on the upswing so I can eat healthy again without nausea and throwing up :happy:
  • meghanvest
    meghanvest Posts: 92
    7 weeks 3 days and 0 pounds gained. I'm sitting at 115 right now but I fluctuate between 114-115 daily. I eat every 2 hours and drink at least 60 ounces of water everyday which helps get rid of any extra water weight and bloating. This is my second so I'm hoping to stay at a semi normal weight gain. I gained nearly 38 pounds with my first.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I seem to be fluctuating a lot. I thought I was up two pounds a week ago, but the number keeps going up and down, even when I'm weighing the same way/time everyday. This week (8 weeks) it looks like I'm maybe up a pound?
  • HollyAnn_
    HollyAnn_ Posts: 47 Member
    welp. Got back from Vacay in Dallas yesterday and had an OB appointment today. Not the best planning lol. Weighed in at the doctor's office and I was up 5 pounds from a month ago :/ I'm at 15ish total gain and hoping to only gain 20. Not sure if that's realistic at 18weeks now. Oh well, I'm just planning to keep with my workouts. P90x is getting to be too much so I'm switching to light weight routine and TONS of walking

    But my blood pressure was pretty low 99/68 down from last month. So focusing on hydrating and being extra careful on stairs, getting out of the pick up etc. Also my blood work showed I am no longer immune to measles! My hubby kinda freaked out since school will be starting and I'll be around a whole lot of kids now. Just praying everything works out